
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 15: The Soaked Gun

Ning Chuan carried Ning Ruyan horizontally and walked into her room.

"Ning Chuan... put me down quickly."

Ning Ruyan was a bit nervous.


Ning Chuan bent down, placed Ning Ruyan on the bed, and he then leaned down, kissing her forehead.

"Chuan! You're already an adult! Stop fooling around like we used to!"

Ning Ruyan blocked Ning Chuan with one hand, while the other reached out and twisted Ning Chuan's ear.

"I'm not fooling around. I just want Ruyan sis to go to sleep early, or you'll have dark circles, crow's feet, and gray hair." Ning Chuan smiled.

"Ah, my little brother Chuan, you're really making fun of me getting older." Ning Ruyan sighed deliberately.

"How could that be? Haven't I said it? Ruyan sis is forever eighteen."

After joking around for a while, Ning Ruyan fell into a deep sleep, and Ning Chuan closed the door and returned to the courtyard, lying on the recliner, bathing in the moonlight.


From the corner of the courtyard, sounds of rushing water came from the bathroom.

Ning Chuan instinctively thought of Sophia.

An interesting woman.

Since it was already past midnight, Ning Chuan had three more opportunities to use his X-ray vision.

He reached into his pocket, held the portable stun baton, and zapped himself.

Ning Chuan's eyes immediately penetrated the bathroom door.

A well-proportioned figure appeared in Ning Chuan's vision.

"So it's not Sophia, it's that violent policewoman."

Ning Chuan immediately wanted to look away but frowned suddenly.

He got up and walked to the bathroom door.

Knock, knock, knock!

Ning Chuan knocked on the bathroom door.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped instantly, followed by Mu Wanqing's cautious voice,

"Who's there?"

"Next time, don't bring your gun while taking a shower. Your gun is soaked in water." Ning Chuan said.

It turned out that Mu Wanqing, having learned from her previous mistake, kept her gun with her even while bathing.

However, she accidentally dropped it into the bathtub, which Ning Chuan saw through his X-ray vision.


Mu Wanqing became anxious and quickly looked down, finding her holstered gun submerged in hot water for quite a while.

The issue with a gun couldn't be taken lightly. If a gun gets soaked in water, it could malfunction at a crucial moment or even pose a risk of barrel burst.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My gun didn't get soaked!" Mu Wanqing retorted, fishing out the gun from the bathtub and placing it aside while still arguing.

"Suit yourself."

Ning Chuan didn't care, turned around, and went back to his room.


Early the next morning, Ning Chuan was awakened by commotion in the courtyard.

When he came out of his room, he saw Mu Wanqing, the policewoman.

Mu Wanqing, the violent policewoman, was full of energy. She wore a wet tank top on her upper body and sports shorts on her lower body, fiercely attacking the punching bag in the corner of the courtyard.

For convenience, she didn't wear much underneath the tank top and shorts.

At this moment, her whole body was drenched in sweat, soaking through her outfit.

Ning Chuan didn't even need to use his X-ray vision to see through.

"Your training method won't be effective. Your upper body is too heavy, and your center of gravity is too high. Ordinary martial arts won't suit you unless..."

Ning Chuan walked up to Mu Wanqing and gave her serious guidance.

Although Ning Chuan didn't like Mu Wanqing's fiery temper, her figure was indeed attractive and pleasing to the eye.

"So, you also know martial arts?"

Mu Wanqing glanced at Ning Chuan, raised her fist provocatively, and challenged, "Do you want to spar?"

She had been holding a grudge since Ning Chuan "defeated" her yesterday and wanted to reclaim her dignity.

"Chuan, Wanqing, it's early in the morning. No fighting allowed!"

"Hurry up and wash up, let's have breakfast!"

At this moment, Ning Ruyan walked out and stopped the two of them.

While eating breakfast, Mu Wanqing received an urgent phone call and hurriedly left with half a steamed bun in hand.

As for Sophia, she had already left with her luggage before Ning Chuan woke up.

Being a flight attendant, she didn't have a fixed schedule.

Ning Chuan finished breakfast and was about to go to the beauty company when he passed by the corner of the courtyard and noticed a large sandbag.

Next to the sandbag, there was a handgun hanging by a rope, with the barrel facing down. It was obviously Mu Wanqing's gun, left there to dry after being soaked.

Although Ning Chuan didn't have much goodwill towards the violent policewoman, he couldn't be careless when it came to firearms.

Especially since Ning Ruyan also lived in the courtyard.

Ning Chuan approached, removed all the bullets from the gun with a few clicks, he placed them in his pocket, and then left the gun hanging in its original position before leaving.

Without bullets, there was no need to worry.

On the other side, Mu Wanqing had just arrived at the police station and immediately realized something was wrong.

"Damn it! I forgot my gun!"

Mu Wanqing didn't dare to make a fuss and quickly found an excuse.

She hurried back to the courtyard and saw her gun still hanging in its original place.

She breathed a sigh of relief, picked it up, and left.


Beauty company.

Although Ning Chuan's mission was only to protect Qin Shiyun, she spent most of her time at the beauty company.

If he wanted an easy time fulfilling his duty so he can slack off, he had to first eliminate the internal dangers at the beauty company.

In Ning Chuan's eyes, there were problems within the beauty company.

And it wasn't just the former security director, Li Chuang.

Apart from Li Chuang, there was someone named Li Qiushui, the vice president, who seemed to be no ordinary person.

After bringing Qin Shiyun from the hotel to the beauty company in the morning, Ning Chuan wandered around the company, seemingly bored.

Tap, tap, tap...

Coming towards him was none other than Li Qiushui, whom Ning Chuan had been pondering over earlier.

She was wearing a slightly tight suit that made her ample bosom appear even larger than it actually was.

She wore a black pencil skirt on her lower body, along with black stockings and ten-centimeter high heels.

If it wasn't seductive, it was definitely deceptive.

However, Ning Chuan frowned as he looked at Li Qiushui. He felt that her walking posture was somewhat strange, as if she was holding onto something.

Under normal circumstances, a person's walking posture shouldn't be like this...

"What are you looking at? If you keep staring, I'll gouge your eyes out!" Li Qiushui, who was approaching, showed a contemptuous expression as Ning Chuan stared at her.

"I just want to see what's really going on with you."

Ning Chuan's hand, inserted in his pocket, pressed the switch of the portable stun baton.

After a silent electric current, Ning Chuan regained his X-ray vision.

His gaze swept over Li Qiushui.

The next moment, Ning Chuan raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of astonishment.

He truly didn't expect that the reason for Li Qiushui's strange walking posture was because she was holding... and she hadn't put on...

"Still looking? Let me tell you, just because you can get close to President Qin with your charm doesn't mean you can approach me the same way! I'm not interested in someone like you with a fair face! Now get lost!"

Li Qiushui, was cold as ice, she walked up to Ning Chuan with disdain and stood firm, proudly speaking.

"Is that so? You're not interested in me because there's something else you're interested in, right?"

Ning Chuan smiled faintly and patted Li Qiushui on the lower back.

A hidden force instantly entered Li Qiushui's body.


Li Qiushui suddenly couldn't control herself and let out a muffled groan.



With a light sound, something fell out of Li Qiushui's skirt.

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