
My Seven Beautiful Sins!

Once upon a time, there was an adventurer whose dreams were coveted by innumerable men, yet only a select few could turn them into reality. With a smile, he inquired, ''If I am compelled to make a selection, wouldn't it be wise to opt for the finest ones?'' Indeed, a man of culture. Embark on a thrilling journey alongside Adonis as he traverses the realms, accumulating riches and captivating the hearts of extraordinary women. The women he would later call his sins. °°° Tags: Harem, Action/Adventure, Smut Scenes a lot,Romance,No Ntr,No Rape,No Yuri! Alternative Title: A Man's Fantasy °°° More votes more daily chapters will be released and even bonus chapters.

Nickaido · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Adventurer's Rank

Adonis chuckled at Rosy's predictable reaction.

"The usual, then?" he teased, a playful lilt in his voice.

"Devastated," Rosy replied with a mock sigh, her smile belying the playful sarcasm.

"Couldn't function a single day without your charming presence."

Shifting his weight, Adonis tossed a pouch onto the counter. It clinked with a satisfying metallic sound as it landed.

"Not too hard," he admitted a hint of pride in his voice. "Twenty ratmen dealt with, sewer's a little less… lively now."

Rosy untied the pouch and peered inside, her honey-colored eyes widening slightly at the sight of twenty dull grey stones. These were the magic stones, their color a dead giveaway – the faint magical hum that resonated in most creatures was absent in these ratmen.

"E-rank again, huh?" she asked, a hint of sympathy in her voice.

"Low-hanging fruit, but someone's gotta do it," Adonis shrugged, leaning back against the counter. He knew these sewer clean-up jobs weren't glamorous, but they paid the bills, and frankly, he didn't mind the occasional easy mission to balance out the more challenging ones, also considering his current rank he didn't have a choice.

"Thank you for your hard work," Rosy said, straightening and grabbing a ledger. As she began recording the stones and calculating the reward, she explained,

"That makes it 3000 Coris for the job. The guild takes 5% for tax, leaving you with 2850."

Adonis nodded in understanding. This tax system was a thorn in his side sometimes, especially on these lower-tier missions. But he knew the benefits outweighed the cost. The guild offered access to facilities, discounts at affiliated merchants, and even compensation for serious injuries – things a freelancer on the black market wouldn't get.

"Sounds good," he said, a hint of resignation in his voice. He might complain about the tax, but he knew it was the price of admission to a safe and relatively secure adventuring life. Besides, who knew what interesting quests might be waiting for him around the corner?

A nostalgic pang flickered through Adonis' eyes as Rosy finished tallying his reward.

Three months. It had been three months since he'd left his quaint hometown, a small county nestled under the vast umbrella of the Regalian Empire. He'd arrived in Heartfilia with a heart full of wide-eyed aspirations, and this, taking down ratmen in the sewers, was where it all began – the first rung on the ladder to fulfilling those dreams.

It wasn't glamorous, this life of an adventurer. His muscles still ached from navigating the cramped, dank tunnels, and the stench of the sewers lingered faintly in his nose. But there was a satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment that washed away the grime. He'd made a difference, a small one perhaps, but a difference nonetheless.

A shadow of concern crossed his face for a fleeting moment.

"I wonder if Father and the others are doing fine," he murmured more to himself than to Rosy. The weight of leaving his comfortable, familiar life behind him sometimes pressed down on him, especially in these quieter moments. He missed his father, the stern but fair head of their county, his stepmother's gentle touch, Aria's lively spirit, and Raymond's infectious laughter.

But then he straightened his shoulders, a determined glint returning to his purple eyes. He shook his head, pushing the thoughts away. He was sure they were all doing well.

This was his path, his adventure, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

A wry smile touched Adonis' lips as Rosy finished counting his coins. To lighten the mood, he leaned in conspiratorially, a playful glint in his purple eyes.

"So, Rosy," he began, voice dropping to a teasing whisper, "when are we finally going to grab a bite to eat together?"

Rosy, accustomed to his flirting, rolled her eyes with practiced ease, though a hint of a blush crept up her cheeks.

"The day you become a D-rank adventurer, Adonis," she replied, a playful challenge in her voice.

"Only D-rank?" Adonis feigned mock surprise, a grin spreading across his face.

"Well, with all the missions I've been racking up these past three months – two more to go, tops – that day might be closer than you think. Consider it a date then."

The playful confidence in his voice coupled with the genuine warmth in his smile sent a familiar flutter to Rosy's heart. She quickly averted her gaze, a touch flustered.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," she mumbled, the playful admonishment betraying the amusement dancing in her eyes.

"D-rank, huh?" Adonis mused, pretending to ponder her words.

''Don't worry I'll be there soon.''

Adventurers are ranked by an international S-E system, with S being the strongest and E the weakest.

His current rank is the lowest E-rank. His class is a Mage, a two-circle Mage who specializes in Ice Magic.

With a pouch full of coins clinking at his hip, Adonis pocketed his reward and flashed Rosy a playful wink.

"See you around, beautiful," he chirped, a teasing lilt in his voice.

"Don't miss me too much, alright?"

Rosy met his gaze head-on. A playful smile tugged at her lips as she countered,

"Just promise me one thing, Adonis. No more gambling, alright?"

Adonis' grin faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of sheepishness crossing his features.

Everyone had their vices, and gambling was his. He'd initially seen it as a quick path to riches, a way to quickly reach one of his lifelong goals. But somewhere along the line, the thrill of the gamble had morphed into a dangerous habit, one he was actively fighting.

"Alright, alright," he conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"No gambling today, at least." His promise brought a genuine smile to Rosy's face. She knew him well enough to understand the struggle, and his dedication to curbing the habit warmed her heart.

"Good," she said, her voice softening. "Have a good evening, Adonis. And try not to get yourself into too much trouble."

With a final nod and a secret hope for their upcoming date, Adonis turned and strode out of the bustling reception area.

Indeed, everyone has a vice, I wonder what is yours?

200 Coris=$1

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