
My Service System

Just read if you want~ And before anything, if you read some fanfic from the past with a title of Service System, I am the author of that one. I just used this alt account to rewrite it.

Siriusly_Fun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Waking Up After 3 Years

Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar room. But based on the things around, he guessed he was in some kind of hospital room.

"Huh? Is this a hospital room? But why am I here?" He muttered, but then noticed a black-haired woman sleeping with her head on his bed.

"Kuh...!" Suddenly, he was hit by a headache. He clutched his head due to pain. Memories, not 'his' own gushed through his mind like a tidal wave.

The process lasted for quite some time. By the end of the process, he was full of sweat and panting.


"I see..." He muttered then turned to the sleeping woman. He smiled slightly and tapped her shoulder.

"Mom..." He said softly

"Um?" The woman groggily woke up and sat straight, she was a beautiful woman. Her gaze was still cloudy when she saw him. But slowly, her sight became clearer, and saw his appearance.

Sitting on the bed, a skinny youth with short messy black hair and dark blue eyes. A pale complexion, possibly due to being inside the hospital room for long.

But his appearance was not bothering her, slowly tears fell from her eyes. She then hugged the youth while crying.

"Shiro...! Yo-you finally woke up." The woman cried, "After 3 years, you finally woke up."

Shiro hugged the woman and patted her back. "Don't cry, mom. I'm here now, awake and well, isn't it?"

Shiro thought about some things, one thing was this woman was Amano Mizuki, 'his' mother as he inherited the memories and feelings of the former 'Shiro'.

He was someone who transmigrated here in the body of Amano Shiro, who got into an accident 3 years ago when he was 15 years old. He then got into a comatose, which brings us back to the current situation.

"Wait here, Shiro! I'll call the doctor so they can check you." Mizuki wiped her tears and smiled at Shiro. After which she hurriedly got out of the room.

'Now then, let's see about this system.'

Right, after he got all the memories and feelings of the previous 'Shiro', it came with a system of some kind.

Actually, this system is very simple. It just consists of Quest and Gacha. According to the information he got about the system, quests will randomly appear when someone hired him through an app that was created by the system, or some other special means.

The one who hires him will be his customer by the given duration. He will also gain some skills according to the preferences or things wanted by his customer.

Let's say, someone hired him through the app to become a fake boyfriend. And the customer inputted that she wants her fake boyfriend to be someone good at fighting, drinking, and humorous person.

The system will then temporarily give Shiro some skills to satisfy those conditions given by the customer. But after his job was done, he could get one of those skills permanently depending on the rating he got.

The rating goes from 1 star to 5 stars. And he will get different levels of mastery-based on those ratings. As for gacha, he will get a chance to roll after completing 3 quests. He could get random items, skills, abilities, etc, from other worlds on the gacha.

But most importantly, he is getting paid as he does quests.


"His condition seems to be stable now, but he needs to stay here for at least a few weeks more, just to be sure. He also needs some physical rehabilitation as he has been in bed for 3 years without moving." The doctor said towards Mizuki.

"I understand, Doc." Mizuki nodded

Shiro, on the other hand, stayed silent but he knew he doesn't have to stay in the hospital for long. The system already healed him and his body was normal. The only problem was, he was still skinny but that could be fixed later.

In the end, Shiro didn't say anything as he wanted to give his mother, less worry. After all, while the past 'Shiro' was now gone, he had inherited his will, memories, and feelings. So one can say, not much has changed in him other than his soul.

So as the doctor said, he stayed for a few more weeks inside the hospital while he had undergone physical rehabilitation. But he progressed that part swiftly, as mentioned he is normal overall.

While Shiro was staying in the hospital, he was visited by his family. His father, Amano Tatsuo, and his younger brother, Amano Keita.

Also during those weeks, his body started getting in shape and not looked too skinny.


"Hah! I finally got out of that place." Shiro stretches out his arms as the sunlight hits his skin.

"I know you're excited but let's go home first." His mother chuckled upon seeing his excited expression.

"Yes, mom." Shiro grinned happily and followed Mizuki to their car. Entering the car, Shiro saw his father in the driver's seat.

"How's seeing the outside after three years?" Tatsuo smiled at Shiro.

"Honestly, I'm getting excited." Shiro replied, 'Excited to explore this new world. I'm very positive that this is an anime world from my past life, just based on Keita. In my previous life, he should be from the series Gamers! Nonetheless, I have to accept this is reality right now and not some fictional world.' he pondered as he sat on the backseat of the car.

Their journey home, soon started as his father started the car. Shiro looked out the window and saw the buildings foreign to him. And after an hour-long drive, they arrived home.

They got out of the car then his father and mother stood in front of the door. And with a smile, they welcomed him back home.

"Welcome back, Shiro!"

"I'm home, mom, dad!" Shiro smiled and hugged the two. They then entered and Shiro walked around and saw that nothing much has changed.

He then headed towards his room from his memories and saw that it was clean inside. Involuntarily, a smile sprouted on his face.

"Thanks, mom, for keeping my room clean all these years." He muttered with a tiny smile.

That night, they had a small celebration for Shiro's awakening. Their dinner was full of happiness and laughter.