
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Seven: He Who Knows Me, Lives Long!

Chapter Sixty-Seven: He Who Knows Me, Lives Long!

In the Celestial Court, before the Dreaming Instrument in the Shrine of Divine Authority...

After the second attempt to send a dream to the disciple of the Duexian Sect, Blue Ling E, the armored celestial official's consciousness returned from the Dreaming Instrument with fury. He grabbed a spear and gritted his teeth, saying, "He didn't come! And he says he's busy refining pills! Moon Elder, I'm going down to bring him up!"

The nearby Moon Elder was taken aback and quickly stepped forward to intervene. Though he knew the celestial official was mostly just putting on a show, being a disciple of the Heavenly Court, even if they were small fry like them, the Duexian Sect might not take kindly to them being apprehended directly by heavenly officials.

But since he had asked for a favor...

"Sir, please, we should discuss this matter calmly and rationally."

After some persuasion from the Moon Elder, the armored celestial official finally calmed down.

The Moon Elder asked, "What did they say?"

The official replied, "His junior sister was quite courteous and asked about our purpose. If it's urgent, she requested us to explain it to her."

The Moon Elder was suddenly in a dilemma. This matter couldn't be casually disclosed; it concerned his reputation, and if it reached the ears of the Emperor, he would surely be blamed. After some contemplation, he said, "Could I ask the celestial official to help find his junior sister once more? I would be very grateful."

"It's no big deal," the official said. "Just a small matter!"

Turning back to the Dreaming Instrument, the official couldn't help but grimace; each attempt at sending a dream consumed a considerable amount of his divine power. If they tried too many times, he might faint...

At the Duexian Sect, in the alchemy room...

Li Changshou listened to his junior sister's account of the encounter and gave her some instructions.

Soon, Ling E was startled, then seemed to enter a dreamlike state again.

"Go ahead," Li Changshou nodded with a smile.

As Ling E drifted into the dream, Li Changshou carefully observed her state. She seemed to be asleep, with no signs of spiritual activity.

He lightly tapped Ling E's arm, and she made a soft sound, half-awake.

'The Heavenly Court truly governs the heavens and earth in mysterious ways. Dreaming should be some kind of treasure of the Heavenly Dao.'

As his consciousness scanned various places around Little Qiong Peak, Li Changshou fell into thought.

The one behind the scenes might not just be the Moon Elder.

The Moon Elder was likely just a tool, similar to the armored celestial official...

The Heavenly Court had just been established, and the Jade Emperor had to be cautious. The Moon Elder appointed by the Jade Emperor should also be timid.

Moreover, Li Changshou couldn't see any motivation for the Jade Emperor to scheme against the disciples of the Human Sect...

There were not many disciples in the Human Sect, and they were not at odds with the Human and Earth Sects to the point of confrontation...

By process of elimination...

Could it be a senior figure within the Human Sect who felt that the sect had too few disciples and wanted to use the red string of fate to encourage the growth of disciples?

But who could that senior figure be?

The founding ancestor recognized by the Duexian Sect, Daoist Duye, who cultivated on Kunlun Mountain?


As a saintly disciple, the sect's founder was cautious in his cultivation and rarely made his presence known. He wouldn't dare to bear the backlash of such karma.

Anyone who listened to the Daoist's teachings could call themselves a named disciple.

In that case, the most likely candidate would be the Human Sect's only senior disciple with the leisure, strength, and influence to allow the Moon Elder to intervene in the affairs of the Human Sect's disciples...

Xuandu, the Grandmaster!

It was highly probable.

But why would the Moon Elder want to contact him through dreams this time? Considering his previous abnormalities...

Could it be that he had caught the Grandmaster's attention?

He would need to tread carefully and gather more information later.

There was likely another senior disciple around to act as a shield in case of trouble in the matters of fate. This was one of the few benefits Li Changshou had considered when his master took on a junior sister.

"The Heavenly Dao is truly unfathomable. In the vast world, we are all just fleeting beings."

Li Changshou sighed lightly and continued to ponder how to turn this situation to his advantage.

A moment later, Ling E woke up.

After some contemplation, she recounted what the Moon Elder and the armored celestial official had conveyed, passing on their messages to Li Changshou:

"Moon Elder said that while he was making mud figures representing fates, he carelessly damaged yours. He feels uneasy and wishes to discuss this matter with you, as well as check if anything is amiss with you."

Li Changshou suddenly realized. Moon Elder must be trying to resolve some karmic debts. Well, then...

It would be easy to handle.

Ling E seemed a bit nervous and asked softly, "Senior Brother, are you alright? If the fate mud figure is damaged, does that mean you'll have no fate in the future?"

"I'm not sure," Li Changshou shook his head. "Well, let's meet him anyway."

Regardless, since the other party had come to him with such sincerity, he should at least meet them.

He only needed to maintain his identity as a young disciple of the Duexian Sect and act accordingly.

"Sister, watch over me."

"Of course!"

With a crisp reply, Ling E lightly jumped up from the chair, holding several treasure bags in her hands.

Li Changshou lay back on the chair, holding two paper figures in his palm, trying to relax his mind and gradually extend his spiritual senses...

Sure enough, he slowly entered a misty dream.

Ahead stood a pavilion on a mountain peak, and within it was a slim old man in a festive robe, respectfully inviting him in.

Li Changshou felt like he was standing on a cloud, and with a thought, he floated over to the old man and bowed respectfully.

"Disciple of the Duexian Sect, Li Changshou, pays respects to the senior."

The Moon Elder smiled with relief, "Finally, you're here. No need for formalities in this dream realm. Please, sit and let's talk."

Li Changshou nodded with a smile, and the two exchanged a glance, each with their own calculations.

The Moon Elder thought, 'This person should be easy to deal with.'

Li Changshou, on the other hand, couldn't help but think, 'This Moon Elder seems... not as frail as he looks.'

"Elder, please speak plainly. What is the matter? I understand that you are busy and don't wish to delay you unnecessarily."

"Ah, yes," the Moon Elder pondered his words for a moment. "Ahem... In recent years, have you been experiencing any health issues?"

Li Changshou chuckled, "Just a bit itchy, nothing serious."

The matchmaker furrowed his brows instantly and hastily asked, "Um, um... is there still a gathering of Yang energy, a surge of excitement, a restless feeling?"

"I'm not sure about that," Li Changshou replied.

"Wait a moment," the matchmaker summoned a potted Acacia tree, "This is the Acacia Tree of Spiritual Treasures. I'll prick you with a branch to see if you feel anything."

Li Changshou nodded cooperatively but was pondering internally. This dream was indeed remarkable. Upon careful consideration, there seemed to be some records of "dream transmission of objects" in some books...

As a branch of the Acacia Tree extended towards Li Changshou, he allowed it to prick him. Instantly, layers of complex emotions surged within him, and his breathing became slightly erratic.

The matchmaker's expression turned concerned as he asked, "Do you feel anything?"

"There is... some sensation," Li Changshou smiled inwardly, feeling the primordial Yang energy surging within him, but he pretended to furrow his brows, "but not much."

"Well, um," the matchmaker frowned, revealing a wry smile, "let's try a few more times."

However, Li Changshou coughed and quickly declined; another prick might lead to trouble!

"It's okay, senior. I'll go back and adjust. My junior sister is still by my side, so it's not very convenient," Li Changshou said.

The matchmaker immediately looked distressed.

After carefully considering his words, Li Changshou continued with a smile...

Half an hour later.

In the Celestial Court, before the Dreaming Celestial Instrument.

The matchmaker woke up with a smile, feeling relieved. He patted his sleeve, where the storage magic ring had disappeared without a trace, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything was resolved perfectly.

"He's really a good junior, with the demeanor of a senior disciple!"

"Cough, cough," the armored god next to him slipped and almost fell, but he quickly stabilized himself and smiled at the matchmaker.

Although he hadn't participated in the dream just now, it was his divine power foundation that had facilitated it. Especially the dream object transmission, which almost depleted his divine power, especially after several consecutive dream transmissions...

"Matchmaker, everything okay?"

"Thank you, friend, thank you!" The matchmaker took out a brocade box from his arms, "A small token of appreciation, please accept it."

The armored god's face was full of righteousness as he firmly refused, "Hey, we're not that kind of divine beings!"

"I can't let you help for nothing. I really feel guilty," the matchmaker said skillfully.

One half-pushing and the other half-accepting, the brocade box soon disappeared into the armored god's sleeve.

The matchmaker bowed deeply, bid farewell, and left the Shrine of Divine Might.

The god sat down in front of the shrine's door and let out a long sigh...

This god seemed a bit thinner than six months ago.

On the other hand, the matchmaker felt quite relieved as he flew through the clouds with a smile.

"Changshou is indeed a good junior." This disciple of the Degree Immortal Gate was no wonder he had attained the Three-Star Arch, impeccable in terms of character, respectful to elders, courteous, and always considering others, even considering this little god.

Most people, upon seeing him, couldn't help but talk about "marriage".

After talking with Changshou for so long, he didn't even hear the word "marriage" once!

This made the matchmaker feel very comfortable.

In the end, marriage was just a matter of letting nature take its course, wasn't it?

Changshou's considerations were so thorough, even when they swore their oath together, although it was a bit verbose, upon careful consideration, it was quite perfect, taking into account all conditions and circumstances.

After the Daoist oath was made, both parties would never mention the incident of the damaged clay figurine again, the matchmaker would not intervene in Li Changshou's marriage, and Li Changshou would not talk about this dream to others.

In fact, the matchmaker had carefully inspected it when he came. The clay figurine was enveloped in the power of the Dao and was already undamaged, capable of generating and growing the red string, fully functional.

Originally, the matchmaker was just worried...

But he didn't expect the other party to be concerned about his position as the matchmaker, especially those few words that hit the matchmaker's heart directly!

Was it easy for him?

He didn't have much background to begin with, and his cultivation wasn't high either. He was placed in this position by His Majesty the Jade Emperor and had to deal with external affairs, serve the Celestial Court, and serve the Dao...

He dared not provoke those higher-ranking officials in the Celestial Court;

Those with higher cultivation than him, he also didn't dare provoke;

Those with backgrounds, he, the matchmaker, dared not provoke even more...

Moreover, this was the Marriage Hall, a sensitive place. If he acted out of selfishness, he might be directly struck by the Purple Sky Divine Thunder...

"Senior, you've really had it hard," the matchmaker looked up at the sky, hands behind his back, his old eyes full of emotion.

The matchmaker of ten thousand years, knowing his own hardships!

And now, those who know me have gained a bit of longevity!

This disciple of the Degree Immortal Gate, if possible, I'll truly regard him as a confidant!

Yes, he mentioned the story of his master;

Qi Yuan Daoist friend had gone through many difficulties and still, regardless of the criticisms around him, with great perseverance, he transformed into a celestial being;

Changshou used this story to encourage this difficult matchmaker...

In the future, if Qi Yuan Daoist friend wants to come to the Celestial Court for a leisurely job, I must help him!

The apology gifts given to Changshou, really weren't worth mentioning!

I just regretted not preparing enough!

In the Degree Immortal Gate, on Little Qiong Peak, in the alchemy room.

Li Changshou woke up from his dream and quickly surveyed his surroundings. In an instant, he noticed his junior sister with her back to him, her face red.

Li Changshou glanced down at his robe...


One glance said it all.

After being pricked by the Acacia tree in his dream, there was no way around it. After all, he was also a normal male immortal and had not severed his emotional ties.

Rising slowly, Li Changshou subtly straightened his clothes and stored away the mysterious ring that had appeared out of nowhere. He smiled and said, "I'm awake."

"S-Senior brother," Little Ling'e's shoulders trembled slightly, her head too afraid to turn back, and her voice trembling, "I-I'll go back first... I'll come over later!"

With that, she fled on a cloud, not even looking back, a wisp of white smoke rising from her head...

Li Changshou smiled, closed the surrounding formations for her, but couldn't help but comment internally.

Truly, the timid Ye Ye really loves the dragon.