
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter 98 Treat Your Disciples Well

Chapter 98 Treat Your Disciples Well

Has my hidden cultivation been exposed for real?

As Li Changshou flew towards the Crossing Immortal Hall, he kept pondering this question. Now, due to the incident with the South China Sea Divine Sect, and his possible inadvertent confrontation with the legendary Mosquito Taoist...

His concealed cultivation was no longer just a trump card; it directly concerned his life and death!

The Turtle-Breathing and Calm-Breath Technique actually cost Li Changshou a lot of effort. At the beginning, he spent a lot of time analyzing various methods of probing cultivation, summarizing them in reverse, and integrating various methods of concealing breath from the Crossing Immortal Sect, exploring the path of concealing breath...

Before his tribulation, this technique had been improved dozens of times.

After Li Changshou became an immortal, he even elevated this technique to the strategic level equivalent to escape techniques!

But facing a Gold Immortal who had no idea how long he had lived, Li Changshou also felt a bit unsure...

"I can only be prepared on both sides. If the sect leader intentionally tests me, I'll directly activate Backup Plan Three."

The so-called backup plan was nothing more than immediately proving his innocence.

Landing in front of the hall, he looked at this magnificent building ahead.

Li Changshou calmed his mind, restrained his immortal awareness, and stabilized his breath at the Eighth Stage of Return to Void, stepping into it.

As soon as he entered the hall, he heard a weak transmission: "Cough, cough... Disciple of Little Qiong Peak, Li Changshou? Don't speak, just nod."

Li Changshou nodded calmly.

The transmission continued, "Come to the left side, there's a small door in the corner of the hall.

Come in.

Don't be nervous, I'm the sect leader of the Crossing Immortal Sect, summoning you here to discuss a small matter. Cough, cough..."

Li Changshou: ... Leaving aside other matters, listening to this transmission, why did the sect leader sound so seriously ill? Li Changshou walked quickly through the somewhat empty main hall of the sect, heading towards the corner of the main hall.

Soon, he arrived in front of the two wooden doors. He stood there for a while, hearing the sect leader transmit again before gently pushing open the wooden doors...

Inside was a simple and elegant tea room, with several tables and chairs and a folding screen.

Through the two open windows outside, one could see the beautiful scenery of "Cloud Sea Peak Island."

Li Changshou didn't pay attention to these things.

He looked up at the young Daoist sitting in front of the window.

This was his sect leader, the disciple of Taiqing Laozi's named disciple... Ji Wuyou.

With a face like carved jade, sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome and elegant, there was no need to mention these qualities;

Generally speaking, male cultivators who maintained a middle-aged or young appearance wouldn't be too ugly unless they or their Dao companions had some special preferences.

The sect leader's smile was gentle, his temperament refined, giving people a sense of elegance...

But that wasn't the point.

The point was...

This Gold Immortal realm sect leader had a pale complexion, a weak aura, and lifeless eyes.

Although he stood tall, he exuded a full sense of exhaustion and weakness.

If Li Changshou didn't know that his sect leader's Daoist name was "Wuyou," and his name was Ji Wuyou, known as the "Wuyou Sect Leader" in the East Divine Continent...

Li Changshou couldn't help but give the sect leader the nickname

"Son of the Primordial Void" in his heart.

eeing Li Changshou, the sect leader smiled slightly, and a trace of immortal blood slipped from the corner of his mouth...

Li Changshou was also startled, and hurriedly said, "Sect Leader!"

"It's nothing, nothing to worry about. Just some spiritual injuries, I've already taken some healing elixirs."

Sect Leader Ji Wuyou wiped the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and stabilized his injuries.

"With these injuries, I can recover after going into seclusion for a few days. You're Li Changshou, right? Take this..."

"I've been waiting for you for a few days, just to give you this."

At this moment, Li Changshou also felt quite emotional;

His sect leader, in order to support the sect, ended up in such a state of injury! Before, he even criticized the sect leader for having too weak divine abilities and too loose skills.

It turns out...


Li Changshou felt ashamed and truly grateful to the sect leader who worked so hard to support the sect.

"Master, you're injured. Please take some time to recuperate in seclusion. You've been working tirelessly to protect the sect from external threats, and it's truly admirable."

"No worries, no worries," Master Ji Wuyou chuckled, his expression somewhat embarrassed. "Actually, a few days ago, I obtained a special technique passed down by our founder, which focuses on nurturing innate qi. I've been practicing it recently and got a bit too eager, accidentally injuring my own primordial spirit. Ha ha... cough cough."

Li Changshou remained silent.

"Changshou," Ji Wuyou calmly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the bottle in Li Changshou's hand, his gaze somewhat hesitant. He spoke in a gentle tone, "You must take good care of what you hold. Do you know our sect's lineage, which traces back to our founder, who is also my master, the True Immortal of the Kunlun Mountain, Master Du'e? This bottle is a gift from a senior of our sect, entrusted by Master Du'e himself. cough... It's meant to settle some karmic debts with you. I won't delve into the details, but this is your fate. The pills inside must be used wisely. Do you understand?"

Li Changshou had a sudden realization in his heart and nodded respectfully, "Disciple understands."

"Very well, that's all you need to know. Your cultivation aptitude is good, so focus on transcending the heavenly tribulation and becoming an immortal in the future. Stay within the sect and cultivate peacefully."

Ji Wuyou waved his hand dismissively, and Li Changshou bowed and left the room.

As he was about to close the door completely, Li Changshou heard a violent cough and a sound of spitting blood. His lips twitched, but he closed the door and pretended not to hear anything, heading back towards the main hall.

The last words of the master were actually a reassurance to him. Before the sect admitted a new batch of disciples every two hundred years, they would give them a choice: to stay within the sect or to go out and explore. The master's words implied that if Li Changshou focused on cultivation and transcended the tribulation to become an immortal, his status within the sect wouldn't be too low.

As Li Changshou walked away from the main hall, his mind calmed down once again. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm; his cultivation hadn't been exposed. Ji Wuyou, as the leader of the sect, specifically instructed him, a disciple of Xiao Qiong Peak, only because of the bottle he held. If his speculation was correct, this was a gift from Grandmaster Xuandu; perhaps it was related to the incident with the Matchmaker.

Hmm... What exactly did Grandmaster Xuandu and the Matchmaker do to his marriage fate?

Li Changshou looked at the pills in the bottle. Setting aside the effects of the pills for now, the bottle itself was no ordinary artifact. Besides preserving the efficacy of the pills, it also had the effect of stabilizing and protecting them from damage.

After analyzing the effects of the sixth-grade Ling Pill, Li Changshou's lips twitched. Strengthening the foundation, stabilizing the primordial spirit, and enhancing innate yang energy... It was evident that the alchemy level of the sect's first disciple was quite remarkable. After all, a sixth-grade Ling Pill wasn't something anyone could casually produce.

This pill... should be given to his master. After all, it was a sixth-grade Ling Pill. Ignoring its function of enhancing innate yang energy, it could stabilize the primordial spirit, which was very beneficial for his master as a muddled immortal.

However, this pill would inevitably have some uncontrollable effects on a male cultivator's body.

Should he advise his master to find a Dao companion?

If it was just because of a pill, it wasn't necessary.

"Instead, let's use this pill as a gift when master finds a Dao companion," Li Changshou smiled slightly and put away the bottle.

A bit further away from the Du'e Temple, Li Changshou gradually released his divine sense. His junior sister was still sleeping soundly next to Senior Shi, but the pouch tied around her waist kept wriggling...

Did his master wake up?

Li Changshou hurriedly flew over.

He had already prepared an explanation for his master on the way.

As he passed by the Hundred Arts Hall, Li Changshou glanced at the front of the hall. Under the shade of a tree, two stone tablets were erected, one recording the scene of the sect's sudden calamity and the disciples' defense of the mountain gate, while the other listed the immortal who fell in this battle...

The stability of a sect relied on every cultivator within it to maintain and uphold it. Naturally, one had to protect one's own nest.

However, Li Changshou soon saw, in another corner of the square opposite the stone tablets...

There were three newly placed stone statues.

On the left was a delicate female immortal, in the center was a handsome male immortal carrying a sword, and on the right was a burly man laughing with a large axe in his hand.

These three stone statues were quite vivid, and the sculptor accurately captured the essence of each paper figure.

There were also two vertical plaques on both sides of the three stone statues, with inscriptions:

[Heroes of the Human Race for Eternity] [Respected by the Eternal Cultivation Sect]

There was also a small incense burner in front of them, with three sticks of incense burning.

Li Changshou couldn't help but rub his forehead and decided to ignore them, rushing to his junior sister's side instead.

At present, the Eternal Cultivation Sect was investigating the origin of the Blood Mosquito Puppets and the identities of these "righteous and selfless friends." As for the former, Li Changshou felt that it would be better to keep the information he knew hidden from the sect and let them search aimlessly. As for the latter...

Li Changshou's mind suddenly became active.

Should he create a few paper figures to mourn them, indirectly gaining some treasures and spirit stones within the sect?

Li Changshou smiled and dismissed the idea.

This battle made him realize the role of formations and gave him a broader and greater plan.

The Small Qiong Peak array could be continuously strengthened and deepened. Its individual arrays could be combined into a large overall array, turning Small Qiong Peak into a huge mobile array base.

In the ancient times, high-level cultivators could refine their own caves into treasures, which could be large or small, as they pleased.

When his cultivation reached a higher level, he could also do the same.

If he encountered a threat to the entire sect in the future...

He could deploy Small Qiong Peak to exterminate powerful enemies.

If necessary, he could directly collect Small Qiong Peak into his sleeve and escape underground for ten thousand miles.

However, this required a large amount of treasures and long-term preparation.

"I'm not lacking time now. I should get started when I have to."

Li Changshou made up his mind. He was now not far from the Land of Liquor. He calmed his mind and descended.

First, he would wake up his junior sister, return to Small Qiong Peak together, and then comfort his master before dealing with other matters.


"What can I do for Hanzi niece now?"

By the Pool of Treasures on Golden Tortoise Island.

A handsome young man named Aoyi looked at the quietly grieving Hanzi nearby, his eyes filled with sadness as well.

Elder Yuanze had been manipulated, committed absurdities, and was sent back to Golden Tortoise Island by Senior Brother of the People's Teachings with his body and a strand of remnant soul a few days ago.

With pleas from several high-ranking members of the Teaching, Elder Yuanze's remnant soul was mostly relieved of its punishment, allowing him to reincarnate and sever ties with the Teaching...

Thinking of how Elder Yuanze had always treated him well, Aoyi couldn't help but make up his mind.

My disciple, I will treat you kindly.


Just as Aoyi was about to say something, his divine sense suddenly sensed two old Daoists flying towards Golden Tortoise Island from outside. He immediately became alert and hurriedly said, "The two senior brothers who took Elder Yuanze's soul to the underworld have returned!"

Hanzi raised her head, her eyes turning red again, and quickly flew up to ask how her master was doing on the way to the Yellow Springs...

After a moment, Aoyi and Hanzi intercepted the two old Daoists. Both Daoists frowned and remained silent, unsure how to begin.

Aoyi hurriedly asked, "Senior brothers, is there a problem?"

"Well... Originally, everything should have been fine. As a matter of course!" The Daoist on the left sighed and said softly, "In consideration of the face of our Teaching, the immortals of the underworld naturally won't make things difficult. But according to the rules set by the saint, we can't interfere with reincarnation. So the immortals of the underworld can only guarantee that Yuanze's soul will be arranged for a good human life, uninvolved in this world anymore.

"But unexpectedly..."

The Daoist on the right sighed deeply, "Before drinking the Meng Po soup, his soul suddenly spoke again!"

"W-What..." Hanzi's voice trembled as she asked, "What did my master say?"

"He said, 'Don't worry, such a trivial matter as reincarnation shouldn't be a problem.' After crossing the Naihe Bridge and drinking the Meng Po soup, he walked to several paths, but for some reason, he splashed the Wangchuan River and created a spray, throwing his soul into the side path leading to the animal realm. We couldn't save him, and his soul was sucked away by the cycle of reincarnation.

"We also inquired about it later. It seems that Senior Brother Yuanze has reincarnated into the demon clan this time. In the next life, he will probably be a black-skinned leopard."


Hanzi was overwhelmed with grief, her primordial spirit fluctuating, and her consciousness weakening. She staggered and was supported by Aoyi.