
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter 37: Grand Occasion, Petty Tricks

Chapter 37: Grand Occasion, Petty Tricks

"Senior Changshou, today you and I bear the responsibility of leading the team. Let's work together to uphold the reputation of our Immortal Cultivator Sect."

"Yeah, what Qinsister said makes sense."

"Senior Changshou, before the elders left, they mentioned that several senior immortals from within the sect will go to the main stage while we are to go to the viewing platform. There might be trouble during this time, so we need to be careful and keep an eye out."

"Yeah, what Qinsister said is right."

"Senior Changshou, have your cultivation years been smooth these past few years?"

"Yeah, what Qinsister said is quite... My cultivation has been alright, pretty smooth, I'd say."

Li Changshou smiled and thought to himself, It's all thanks to you, Sister Du, for being confined for reflection all this time.

Qin Xuanyan pursed her lips, unable to find a new topic for conversation at the moment, but she tried hard to keep the conversation going...

Unfortunately, most of her life experiences were about cultivation, so she couldn't exactly recite a scripture on the spot.

Perhaps seeing her struggle a bit too hard, Li Changshou took the initiative to speak up, "Let's rest our minds for a while. You'll have a heavy responsibility later, Qinsister."

"Yeah," Qin Xuan nodded in agreement, closing her eyes to relax, her lips relaxing as well, returning to her usual calm demeanor.

Consequently, because of Li Changshou's words, the young disciples who had been secretly observing the two of them felt quite comfortable with Li Changshou's 'self-awareness'...

After flying for two hours, there was still a considerable distance from the shores of the East Sea, and the Immortal Cultivator Sect encountered seven or eight 'Immortal Sect Delegations'.

To respond to the invitation for this grand event from the Dragon Palace, various Immortal Sects had secretly discussed many matters.

For example, the size of the teams sent by each sect, consisting of over ten disciples and over ten true immortals, totaling about thirty people;

This made it seem like the Human Clan cultivators didn't place much importance on this Demon Suppression Assembly; they were just coming to save face for the Dragon Palace by reluctantly participating.

Another example was that the sparring matches during the assembly should stop once it got to a certain point, avoiding bloodshed as much as possible. Any grudges between sects should be temporarily suppressed, so as not to embarrass themselves in front of the Dragon Clan.

There were many similar agreements.

The main purpose of these Immortal Sects making these agreements was to ensure that the Human Clan cultivators didn't lose face in front of the Dragon Clan and to demonstrate the dignity of the current protagonists of heaven and earth.

Among these agreements, there was one slightly strange rule — all the young disciples sent by each sect must be under the age of 150.

Why is that?

Most of the young disciples traveling together were puzzled by this, but Li Changshou had a vague idea.

Dragon eggs of the Dragon Clan take at least 150 years to hatch, and the young dragons are like cultivators practicing within the eggs;

Just hatched young dragons from the Dragon Palace already possess extraordinary strength, becoming immortals after a hundred years of cultivation. If they have royal dragon bloodlines, they may even have powerful innate abilities.

Based on the experiences of similar events in the past, the Dragon Palace always showcases its young dragons to mock the Human Clan cultivators.

As long as the young disciples from various sects are under 150 years old, when they confront these young dragons, winning would naturally showcase their superior skills and please their sects. Even if they lose, it wouldn't be too embarrassing...

The fortune of the Human Clan gathers in the Southern Ganbu Continent, and the masters of the Human Clan cultivators gather in the Central Divine Continent;

If the Immortal Sects of the Eastern Supreme Divine Continent cannot hold their heads up in front of the Dragon Palace, they will also be criticized by the major sects of the Central Divine Continent. That's why the Eastern Continent's various Immortal Sects care so much about their reputation.

As they approached the shores of the East Sea, the sky was filled with clouds surrounded by immortal light.

Although there were countless Immortal Sects on the Eastern Supreme Divine Continent, only a few were qualified to receive invitations from the Dragon Palace.

However, this time, in order to delineate the boundaries of the East Sea, the Dragon Palace not only invited powerful sects like the Immortal Cultivator Sect, but also invited numerous smaller sects along the lengthy and narrow region on the edge of the East Sea.

As a result, even if only one sect sent thirty people, the number of attendees was still large. The sky near the venue of the assembly seemed a bit... congested.

The disciples of the Immortal Cultivator Sect had already stood up at this point, and Qin Xuan had returned to her original position, ready to listen to the instructions of the senior martial uncles and martial aunties in front.

Li Changshou didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, just standing quietly in the corner, observing with his eyes, ears, and heart.

A disciple ahead exclaimed, "Truly worthy of the Demon Suppression Assembly held by the Dragon Palace, with countless immortals attending. Quite grand."

"Indeed, each sect wants to give face to the Dragon Palace. After all, it's one of the ancient Three Great Clans."

A male disciple turned around to scold, "Be careful with your words! Pay more attention! Don't easily offend others on their turf; it's easy to commit taboos!"

"Yes, I misspoke. Please forgive me, martial uncle."

Another female disciple suddenly asked, "Is that the location of the assembly over there?"

Everyone followed her direction and looked over, immediately marveling at the sight.

Li Changshou also glanced at the sky and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Quite imposing.

Such a formation!

In the southeast direction, far from their location, stood an immensely gigantic water tornado on the sea surface;

This water tornado resembled the long stem of a lotus flower, lifting a huge amount of seawater into the air, forming a massive water lotus platform.

The water tornado was fixed in place by immortal power, standing tall and motionless. The water lotus platform above was stable and broad, surrounded by clouds and mist, resembling a celestial realm above the sea.

That was the main venue of the Demon Suppression Assembly.

A true immortal from the sect joked, "The Dragon Palace never disappoints when it comes to grandeur."

Li Changshou chuckled at the remark and glanced at Jiu, who was standing next to several female immortals...

Along the way, Jiu seemed to have transformed into a different person, extremely quiet, not even daring to touch the small gourd at his waist, let alone say anything.

After all, his Master was right above him.

One had to admit, this obedient and pleasant-looking appearance of the junior apprentice brother was quite likable;

The longer he collaborated with Senior Apprentice Brother Jiu over the years in refining pills and setting up formations, the more he felt that this senior apprentice brother could only be described in five words —

Too bad he talks.

Ah, just kidding.

As they approached closer to the water tornado and lotus platform, they could feel the spectacle more vividly. The companions couldn't help but sigh at the Dragon Palace's grandeur.

On the sea surface stood countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals, far more formidable than the little demons previously slain by Lanling E.

Even the weakest shrimp soldier had a formidable aura comparable to that of a Foundation Establishment cultivator, indicating that the elite of the Dragon Palace's water army was arrayed here.

At this moment, the Heavenly Court was impoverished, and the Heavenly River had neither troops nor generals. It only created the title of Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court's Water Army. The strongest water army in the world was undoubtedly the Dragon Palace's Four Seas Water Army.

As several clouds approached the water lotus platform, the water tornado with a diameter of ten miles emitted a series of dragon roars.

Dozens of colorful azure dragons emerged from the water tornado, flying around the water tornado!

Above the water lotus platform, layers of water curtains fell down. Under the sunlight, rainbow after rainbow hung in the air...

Looking at the water lotus platform, figures soared into the air, numbering three thousand;

These were Dragon Clan soldiers wearing silver-white armor, most of them humanoid with dark skin and dragon horns on their heads.

Their original forms were dragon turtles closely related to the Dragon Clan, also a well-known force in the ancient times;

These three thousand dragon soldiers were evenly distributed around the water lotus platform, responsible for maintaining order at the Demon Suppression Assembly;

After the dragon soldiers took their positions in mid-air, their imposing auras dispersed. They were all at the level of true immortals, making the scene even more spectacular and having a significant impact on the Human Clan cultivators.

These Dragon Clan members were indeed like a camel that starved to death is still larger than a horse...

You can't make enemies, but you don't have to be friends either. It's best not to incur karma with them...

Li Changshou pondered as such.

A senior apprentice sister in front asked, "Does the Dragon Palace attach great importance to this assembly?"

A female disciple from another sect beside her smiled and whispered, "The Dragon Palace just likes to show off its power in these grand ceremonies. Who doesn't know about the current plight of the Dragon Clan?"

Hearing the word "plight," Li Changshou thought a bit more.

From the Dragon Clan's current behavior, it seemed that the Dragon Clan, the former hegemon of the world, was still unwilling to be lonely;

Looking at them now, still so strong, they were still considered powerful despite their current plight...

Thinking about the tragedies experienced by these three ancient giants before and after the War of the Gods...

Li Changshou sighed inwardly and reaffirmed his determination not to go out and explore until he reached the realm of Great Luo!

Although the catastrophe of the War of the Gods was still far away, he had to start preparing early.

Li Changshou stood on the cloud, lost in thought, while the cloud of the Immortal Cultivator Sect, along with dozens of other clouds, drifted to the front of the water lotus platform...

Immediately, a golden tortoise flew up from the water lotus platform.

On the back of the golden tortoise stood two "Turtle Prime Ministers," both wearing large red brocade robes with turtle shells covering their bodies, and their necks ended in small heads, looking quite comical.

The Turtle Prime Minister on the left cleared his throat, swaying the small folding fan in his hand, and with a warm and charming, masculine voice, he said:

"Please, immortals and elders of each sect, go to the Supreme Immortal Platform above."

This was the legendary... good voice of the Dragon Palace?

Then, the Turtle Prime Minister on the right shouted loudly with a sharp and piercing voice:

"Please, disciples of each sect, enter the venue! The seats on the spectator stands have been prepared with tables, chairs, fruits, delicacies, and fine wines. The Immortal Sects of the Eastern Divine Continent with higher rankings have their signs, so pay attention! If you don't know how to read, you can ask those maids! For those Immortal Sects with lower rankings, just find a place to sit in the back!"

It was very much like the staff in a brothel in the mortal world.


Jiu, who had been quiet the whole way, couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh softly. The disciples of the Immortal Cultivator Sect also found the two turtle immortals amusing.

So much for turtle play.

The disciples of the Immortal Cultivator Sect didn't have to worry about not having seats. Not only that, but their seats were also in the front row.

At this moment, Master Wangxin and several other true immortals flew to the high platform in the air;

The sixteen true immortals of the sect protected the disciples around them, disregarding the white clouds and flying towards the seating area of the Immortal Cultivator Sect.

There was no concern for Li Changshou or Qin Xuanyan, the two leaders of the group...

The various Immortal Sects had discussed beforehand and each sent thirty people; the Dragon Palace clearly knew about this and only prepared twenty-five cushions and twenty-five low tables for each sect's seating area.

The fruits and drinks were also prepared in twenty-five portions.

But this was just a minor issue. A few female disciples brought out extra cushions and made do with two tables. It was easy to get by.

It was the smaller Immortal Sects that were treated rather poorly, with only stone cushions arranged in rows, without low tables, let alone fine wine and fresh fruits.

Li Changshou sat in the corner of the Immortal Cultivator Sect's seating area, with one of the clam girls serving the various members of the Immortal Cultivator Sect standing beside him.

He glanced at the fruits and wines in front of him and couldn't help but murmur, picking up a crystal grape and inspecting it before tossing it into his mouth.

The clam girl next to him couldn't help but chuckle softly, but she didn't say much, stealing glances at Li Changshou.

Soon, Li Changshou burped, confirming what it was in his mind.

This Dragon Palace really knew how to play tricks; they directly gave each member of the Immortal Cultivator Sect a portion of the 'Postnatal Small Spiritual Root' known as the Ice Crystal Fairy Grape.

Looking around at the seating areas of the other sects, they were given another variety of fairy grapes.

The Ice Crystal Fairy was indeed a good thing. A small amount of consumption could moisturize the cultivator's primordial spirit, adjust the cultivator's aura, and have a good conditioning effect on injuries. Moreover, it tasted excellent and was of high value.

But there was a downside; eating too much of it was easy to... be humbled... that is, the back door would be unguarded, and the aura would overflow.

And the aftereffect was continuous and difficult to endure, even for immortals.

Thinking about this, Li Changshou advised Qin Xuanyan quietly...

"Sister Qin, before eating these things, go ask the several senior apprentices and elders if there's a problem. I see several fellow sect members already starting to talk. Don't say that I reminded you, just say that you felt something was wrong."

Qin Xuanyan blinked, turned her head to look at Li Changshou, her slender fairy finger pinching a peeled pearl grape and sending it into her mouth, slightly tilting her head.

Li Changshou: ...

All right, let's pretend I didn't mention it.