
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter 142: A Surprise from Above...

Chapter 142: A Surprise from Above...

This guy... Li Changshou, who was focusing on refining the array base, diverted a bit of his attention to watch the trembling figure of the patrol disciple.

This guy was really unlucky, witnessing the 'ink' makeup of two generations and three young female immortals within the sect.

Fortunately, everyone exercised restraint and didn't cause any bloodshed, just gave this disciple a little scare.

The fierce-looking Jiu Jiu, carrying a wolf-tooth club and standing on one foot on a wooden stool, made this patrol disciple tremble with just a glance;

Qin Xuanya, with her clean face, looked cold and indifferent, making the patrol disciple even more uneasy...

Fortunately, the smiling Ling E appeared in time.

She mediated the situation and made this male disciple swear a thousand-word oath before letting him leave...

This person came to Xiao Qiongfeng just to deliver a communication jade token;

But when he left, he took away a big piece of psychological shadow, dispelling many previous fantasies.

"Another letter for Master..."

Li Changshou slightly frowned. His intuition told him that once Master received the letter, there would surely be some unexpected event.

Without needing Li Changshou to send Master Paper Daoist over, the three outstanding female Qi cultivators in the attic had already started examining the communication jade token.

Ling E lightly frowned and asked, "Another letter for Master?"

Jiu Jiu wondered, "Does Senior Brother Qi Yuan have friends outside the sect?

He shouldn't have left the mountain, right?"

Qin Xuanya's frosty face had melted, and she said softly, "Senior Uncle Jiu, if Senior Brother Qi Yuan hasn't left the mountain, how could he have received Changshou Senior Brother and Ling E Junior Sister?"

"Right, Changshou and Ling E didn't enter the sect during the mountain-opening ceremony."

Jiu Jiu rubbed his clean and delicate chin and bluntly expressed his opinion, "I want to open it and take a look..."

Qin Xuanya hurriedly said, "How could you?"

However, while the two were talking, Ling E had already brought pen and paper to prevent the content from disappearing after opening the communication jade token.

A real action-taker!

In Li Changshou's heart, Ling E's small detail of bringing pen and paper scored ten points.

Next, Ling E began a meticulous inspection of the restrictions on the jade token to prevent any curses or evil techniques... and gained another ten points.

However, after Ling E checked it once, she directly infused mana into the jade token without fully utilizing the true immortals around her to further confirm the safety of the jade token... deducted sixty points.

When strands of light appeared on the jade token and condensed into a letter, Li Changshou's voice transmission also entered Ling E's ears: "Stabilizing Word Scripture, forty times."

Ling E couldn't help but hold her forehead with one hand, hum a little, and quickly wrote down the words on it.

In the underground secret room, Li Changshou scanned these 'light words' with his divine sense, furrowing his brows lightly, stopping the refining of the array base, and standing up from behind the desk.

Sure enough, something happened again.

But this time, it was hard to say whether it was good or bad, and it wouldn't have much effect on himself...

By the side of the beast pen, Jiu Jiu had already started reading emotionlessly:

[Disciples Jiang Yu and Qi Yuan: Master sought the opportunity to break through to the realm of heavenly immortality, left the world of the primordial universe, and traveled to the world of the great myriad, and now finally gained enlightenment.

A few days ago, he barely broke through and entered the realm of heavenly immortality.

Once Master stabilizes his realm, he will return to visit you two in the sect soon.

Counting the days, it has been nearly a thousand years since you and I, master and disciple, last met. I don't know if you two are safe in the sect.

Master was only concerned about his own breakthrough back then, feeling very guilty towards you two in his heart, but Master also had no choice but to deal with some unavoidable matters and couldn't always accompany you, my junior siblings, in the sect, feeling helpless at times.

Idle talk will be discussed when Master returns to the sect.

After the breakthrough, Master was overjoyed and entrusted a letter to a friend, a true immortal, to deliver it to you two. Master, stay.]

Ling E said, "Is this, Master's Master? Our Master's Master?" Jiu Jiu also muttered in confusion, "What's this senior uncle's name again?

I remember when I first joined the sect, I met him a few times..."

Qin Xuanya whispered, "Senior Uncle Qi Yuan's Master is called Lin Jiang, known as the Scatterer of the River, who was trapped in the realm of true immortality for more than three thousand years and decided to go out for training a thousand years ago, losing contact with the sect later on."

Jiu Jiu blinked mischievously and smiled, "Little Xuanya, you've investigated this quite thoroughly."

"This, this is not..."

Qin Xuanya's mind panicked for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure and said calmly, "Senior Uncle, don't think too much.

I just wanted to understand Senior Brother Changshou more, so I asked about this."

Qin Xuanya spoke confidently, leaving Jiu Jiu feeling somewhat inexplicably guilty...

Ling E had finished copying the letter and sighed softly, "This is a bit troublesome now."

"What's the trouble?"

Jiu Jiu asked, "Isn't this a good thing?

Should we help by building a grass hut by the lake?"

Ling E smiled bitterly. She couldn't say that her senior brother had finally managed to handle their Master, and he could act arbitrarily on Xiao Qiongfeng.

If a Heavenly Immortal realm Master returned, some of her senior brother's arrangements and tricks might be exposed...

Suddenly, they heard: "Master's return to the mountain is a great joy, Junior Sister shouldn't be frowning."

The three female Qi cultivators turned their heads to look at the forest path outside the door, but they didn't see anyone approaching.

Li Changshou walked slowly, dressed in a plain dark blue robe, wearing a pair of gray boots, and his long hair tied up in the most common Daoist style among the sect disciples.

The corner of his mouth smiled, giving people a very ordinary feeling of closeness.

Qin Xuanya stepped forward two steps to greet him, shouting, "Senior Brother Changshou!"

"En," Li Changshou nodded with a smile and gave Ling E a reassuring look.

Li Changshou went straight to the point and said: "Looking at the content of the letter, Master doesn't know about the misfortune that Master and Senior Brother Wan Jiang Yu encountered.

I also don't know what Master's temperament is like.

This matter needs to be reported to Master and to the Hundred Realms Hall."

After Li Changshou said this, Jiu Jiu, Qin Xuanya, and Ling E finally reacted.

In the letter, this newly promoted Heavenly Immortal was full of guilt towards the two disciples;

After the return of 'Lin Jiang the Scatterer', if he found out that his two disciples were missing and one was crippled...

Jiu Jiu hugged his arms and whispered, "I remember Senior Brother Five mentioned before that my Master and Senior Brother Qi Yuan's Master had some friendship.

Should I invite my Master to intervene then and stop them from fighting?"

Li Changshou shook his head and said, "If we can't take sides, such an arrangement is meaningless."


What do you mean?"

Jiu Jiu was a little confused. Ling E said, "Senior Brother, is it really nothing when a Heavenly Immortal realm Master returns?"

"Don't worry about it."

Li Changshou smiled faintly and continued: "Although Master has not been as depressed lately, he still hasn't completely recovered;

When our Master returns, Master's spirit will naturally be better."

Jiu Jiu suddenly remembered something and hesitated to speak.

But Li Changshou had already begun to make arrangements, and seeing this, Jiu Jiu decided to swallow the words on the tip of her tongue.

"Later, let's go find Master and tell him, if he's not in seclusion," she thought to herself. Jiu Jiu muttered a few words under her breath.

In her impression, this senior apprentice brother seemed quite fierce, like one of those who speaks little but acts tough

... ...

After reading the letter, Daoist Qi Yuan went from joyful excitement to sighing deeply and shedding tears. His two wrinkled old hands trembled incessantly as he repeated to himself:

"As long as Master is still alive."

Li Changshou didn't have much goodwill toward this sudden appearance of a master ancestor.

Leaving his two disciples who had not yet become immortals in the mountains and running off by himself was somewhat irresponsible.

But Li Changshou couldn't say anything about it. He was just a junior, and his own likes and dislikes wouldn't influence his judgment on this matter.

As long as Master didn't blame the master ancestor, he would also respect this master ancestor to some extent.

Although the master ancestor's return would make the previously simple and peaceful Little Qiong Peak slightly more complicated.

But in the end, she was just a newly ascended celestial...

Li Changshou was confident that the other party wouldn't see through his flaws and that he could better conceal some of the abnormalities of Little Qiong Peak in the future.

Naturally, Li Changshou also reminded Master Qi Yuan not to tell the master ancestor about his affairs.

After pondering, Qi Yuan solemnly agreed.

In the following days, Li Changshou and Ling E also became busy, with Qin Xuanya and Jiu Jiu also helping out on Little Qiong Peak.

Li Changshou personally built another cottage next to Master's grass hut in the "auspicious site" for Feng Shui.

After hearing about this, Jiu Wu also came with Jiu Shi... joining in the discussion.

Daoist Qi Yuan had already gone to guard the mountain gate early on, eagerly waiting day and night.

Li Changshou secretly adjusted some arrangements, checked the "tricks" he had done inside the body of Little Qiong Peak, and temporarily stopped the refinement of the formation base.

On the sixth day after the new cottage was completed, Jiu Jiu flew swiftly from the Broken Sky Peak while riding a gourd...

"They're here!

The two senior elders have already received your master ancestor.

Qi Yuan junior brother asked you to hurry to the mountain gate!"

Blue Ling E, who was decorating the cottage, and Li Changshou, who was painting by the lake, each responded.

Before long, Li Changshou took to the clouds, taking Blue Ling E to the mountain gate.

When Lin Jiang returned from the Three Thousand Worlds, if he came from the east, he would pass by the east of the East Sea, a place called "The End of the World."

A few days ago, the Degree Immortal Sect had sent two senior elders to the "End of the World" to wait, and they had now returned.

These two senior elders were not only there to welcome Lin Jiang back, but they were mainly responsible for verifying his identity, asking about Lin Jiang's activities outside, and determining whether Lin Jiang had any tendencies toward demonic or evil practices.

These matters were generally inappropriate to be done within the sect, and it wasn't the first time they had happened...

Therefore, Qi Yuan, Li Changshou, Blue Ling E, and their disciples Jiu Jiu and Jiu Wu waited at the mountain gate for another half day before they saw a white cloud slowly drifting from the southeast.

On the cloud, two white-haired senior elders stood in front, with a figure standing behind them.

Li Changshou slightly furrowed his brow, his expression somewhat odd, but he didn't speak...

Ling E curiously tiptoed to take a look, but her cultivation level was too low, and her spiritual sense couldn't detect anything at the moment.

After a while, when Qi Yuan's divine sense captured the figure behind the two senior elders;

Qi Yuan's spirit shook, and he flew up quickly to meet them.

The two senior elders exchanged a glance, each stepping aside slightly, revealing the figure behind them... That figure...

"Is this the master ancestor?"

Ling E tilted her head, her eyes full of surprise.

Behind the two senior elders were not some white-haired and wrinkled old Taoists;

Instead, there was a young woman dressed in armor and battle skirt, carrying a blood-patterned long knife shaped like a door plank on her back, with a rather charming face...

A girl?

Li Changshou glanced at Jiu Wu;

Jiu Wu blinked and said with a certain tone, "This is your two's master ancestor, Lin Jiang, Jiang Linger."

Li Changshou:...

Actually, outward appearance doesn't matter;

What's important is that Li Changshou felt a strong sense of danger from this young girl of unknown age.

This person was quite ruthless, probably crawling between life and death, breaking free from her own shackles, and had already deviated from the Dao of Inaction of the Degree Immortal Sect.

Li Changshou could see at a glance that the long knife behind the girl had been stained with quite a bit of blood and souls;

There was a shallow scar on her fair neck, extending all the way to her collarbone and shoulder...

At this moment, this young female master ancestor didn't show any signs of hostility, just gazing at Qi Yuan with eyes full of guilt.

After seeing the appearance of Qi Yuan, she couldn't help but laugh, intending to tease her two disciples a bit...

But her smile quickly disappeared, and her brow furrowed gradually.

Qi Yuan knelt straight on the cloud, shouting: "Disciple Qi Yuan! Paying respects to Master!"

This young female master ancestor spoke with a clear voice: "Second disciple, how did you... make a mistake in crossing the tribulation?

How did you become a turbid immortal?

Where's the eldest?

Why isn't she coming out to see me?"

Qi Yuan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say;

The hardships of eight or nine hundred years, the misery of becoming a turbid immortal, erupted in Qi Yuan's heart at this moment...

"Master, disciple is incompetent, my foundation was destroyed by someone, and I could only survive by borrowing the method of becoming a turbid immortal!"

In an instant, the air outside the mountain gate seemed to freeze;

A cold killing intent emanated from this young female master ancestor.

The small hand with a slight scar had already grasped the handle of the knife behind her shoulder, but then slowly released it, letting both hands hang at her sides.

"Second disciple, who destroyed your foundation, speak."

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