
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter 124: Cultivation Genius 'Ghostly' Blue Ling'e

Chapter 124: Cultivation Genius 'Ghostly' Blue Ling'e

"Huh? Haven't seen you all night, Little Changshou, why does your face look worse? Did you... secretly do something bad and bully our little Ling'e?"

Early in the morning, the second stage of the big competition was about to begin; Jiujiu came back with a wolf's tooth club, seeing that Li Changshou's face was a bit haggard, he 'concernedly' asked.

"Feeling a bit stressed, after all, the celestial competition is about to begin."

Li Changshou smiled and replied, sighing inwardly.

He...had it rough!

or himself, and for his master and junior sister, he went to the Celestial Court to avoid the calamity of being enshrined as gods...

Yesterday, he had to seize the opportunity and use the Paper Daoist to create a 'good relationship with the Jade Emperor';

After that, he went on a frenzy of deduction, wondering if his advice to the People's Religion and the Daoist Sect was harmful, how high the risk of exposure was, and if it would displease the Saints and the masters of the Three Teachings...

t wasn't until half an hour ago that Li Changshou convinced himself;

Don't worry, just wait and see what happens.

This led to him feeling a bit mentally exhausted and looking a bit worse.

Those celestial immortals and golden immortals of the Degree Immortal Sect had no idea that there was a little disciple of theirs who had secretly established a connection with the Celestial Court...

Li Changshou understood that as long as he actively calculated something, it would inevitably trigger various causes and effects;

But some things, if not done actively, would definitely not yield results...

Such as the blossoming results of non-happy fatherhood. Just then, a series of bell sounds rang out, and the Jade Platform once again drifted over from the main hall, with a few more guests today.

Li Changshou maintained his Wind Whispering Spell, waiting for the start of the second phase of the big competition—Celestial Competition.

At this time, both Li Changshou and Ling'e's jade slips had not changed in number, but their winning streaks had been reset.

Li Changshou naturally had little worries about the upcoming match;

But for Ling'e, who was in the 36th round out of 108, she felt a bit of pressure.

Although she had outstanding talent, and her senior brother constantly helped her, and she had obtained several fairy treasures for protection, her 'cultivation age' was still relatively shallow.

Although Li Changshou told her not to worry about winning or losing, her senior brother had set a small goal for her before, and Ling'e had a bit of determination in her heart.

Before the start of the big competition, Ling'e hesitated for a moment.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when [Junior Shifu went to patrol the mountain with the wolf's tooth club], she whispered in her senior brother's ear: "Senior brother, can I...have an epiphany and break through?"

The implication was to use the pretext of enlightenment to reveal a bit more of her true cultivation. Epiphany was something that naturally occurred and could not be forced.

Although there were anomalies that could be habitually encountered, they did not have the universal reference value.

Since she began her cultivation, Ling'e had only experienced three epiphanies, all of which were under the guidance of Li Changshou.

After a brief thought, Li Changshou transmitted back: "You can, but pay attention to the details and do it properly."

Ling'e nodded solemnly, immediately starting to contemplate the details of her upcoming epiphany.

Then, she closed her eyes and concentrated, pretending to enter the state of enlightenment, secretly adjusting the Second Edition of the Turtle's Breath Calming Technique to create an illusion of unstable breath.

Above, the Deputy Sect Leader began to deliver an important speech; Encouraging the eliminated disciples, encouraging those who entered the next round to continue to show themselves, let nature take its course, and the rewards for the disciples had already been on their way.

After the Deputy Sect Leader finished speaking, the Degree Immortal Sect's fixed 'Master of Ceremonies', Elder Ge, stepped forward and announced the start of the second round of matches. Immediately, two disciples below held up their jade slips...

Li Changshou thought for a moment. Could the so-called drawing of lots be that there were elders secretly pointing to the two jade slips?

He observed secretly, and soon discovered something suspicious...

Sure enough, there were two elders, each time the disciples' jade slips lit up, their fingers would move lightly.

Li Changshou's mouth twitched slightly.

He thought these jade slips were a set of magical treasures, but he didn't expect...

Indeed, some things that looked high and mighty on the surface might have very simple principles. Li Changshou appeared relatively early today, and the 16th match was between him and a fellow senior sister;

The process of the match went smoothly, with both sides experiencing it well, and the little Qiongfeng wolf's tooth club that the senior sister had in mind did not appear;

Li Changshou narrowly won with a talisman array in the end, during which he only used earth evasion to dodge a blow from the opponent and quickly emerged from the earth.

Li Changshou would never do something so uncouth as to pass by someone's skirt like that...

When Li Changshou returned to his seat on the mat, he saw Ling'e with her eyes closed, surrounded by a faint aura of Dao...

'My junior sister's acting skills have improved a lot lately.'

Li Changshou felt relieved. If she hadn't told him beforehand, he might have been fooled by his junior sister's convincingly fake performance.

Li Changshou didn't pay much attention and sat on the mat, quietly sliding a bit to the side where no one was.

'My junior sister is really growing up...'

Below, the match continued, with 360 disciples fighting nine rounds each to determine their rankings.

At the third quarter of the hour of the snake, Ling'e's skirt suddenly shook lightly, and the light on it lit up; Ling'e hesitated, surrounded by auras, with her hands in the shape of orchids on her knees, her pretty face becoming more radiant.

Li Changshou saw this and chuckled inwardly...

'My little junior sister's acting is a bit over the top.'

Immediately, Li Changshou frowned, realizing that something was wrong, and was about to set up a layer of enchantment around Ling'e.

But before he could act, he heard a 'clatter' sound coming from the jade slip.


Ling'e slowly opened her eyes, her pupils clear as if they were the clearest starry sky without clouds or moons;

But within the clarity, there was a hint of confusion.

Li Changshou felt relieved when he saw this. Ling'e had truly made a breakthrough, and fortunately, she didn't go astray at a critical moment...

However, seeking a breakthrough in such a noisy environment was really too risky.

Then, a steward's shout came from the field: "Sin Zi One Two One! It's your turn to enter the match!"

"Yes!" Ling'e responded quickly, holding the jade slip and standing up.

But as soon as she got up, her aura surged like tides around her, because she had just broken through her realm, and waves of mysterious Dao auras spread out! For a moment, on the Jade Platform, in various places around, divine senses and spiritual senses probed over.

Ling'e's fair face first turned pale, then she realized what the problem was.

The Turtle's Breath Calming Technique, because she had just broken through her realm, had failed for a moment!

Her real cultivation at the fifth level of the Returned Void Realm was thus exposed!

What to do?

Ling'e's fair and slender neck stiffened slightly, and she weakly turned her head to look at her senior brother, only to see her senior brother looking at her with admiration...

Just like everyone else around!


It's over... ...

At this moment, Ling'e was almost on the verge of tears.

This unfortunate event of breaking through on the spot happened to her!

"Junior Sister! How did you break through so many realms at once!"

Li Changshou exclaimed in shock, and the surrounding senior brothers and sisters also sighed.

"A breakthrough of six realms at once?"

"What kind of immortal talent is this? Is our Degree Immortal Sect going to produce another cultivation genius?"

"Damn, people are dead, and roads are abandoned."

Ling'e couldn't help but support her forehead with one hand.

The two stewards in the field didn't urge them either, but looked at her with the same slight admiration.

At this moment, Li Changshou whispered to her, "Don't look so gloomy. Your expression should be calm on the surface, but secretly happy inside, yet you don't want people to see you're too pleased. Don't worry, I'm very understanding. When you go back, you'll have to recite the 'Stable Scripture' three thousand six hundred times."

Ling'e's lips twitched slightly, but she felt a weight lifted off her heart. Her senior brother still cared about her... She immediately adjusted her expression, held the jade slip, faced the surrounding gazes, flew forward on the clouds, and her breath was still somewhat unstable.

This wasn't pretense, her breath was genuinely unstable.

If one were to say who was the most unlucky in this matter, it would probably be the opponent in Ling'e's match, a male disciple at the third level of the Void Returning Realm...

Ling'e was eager to go back and explain to her senior brother that it wasn't intentional, and with the power of her immortal treasures, she decisively defeated the male disciple; then she bowed gracefully and left on her clouds.

The gazes from all around were filled with admiration and praise. However, as Ling'e turned around, she found that her cushion and her senior brother's seat were now separated by... more than ten feet.

Li Changshou's voice came into her ears, "Three rules. Be honest from now on. You'll have to scrape the stone tablets on the peak enough times to make up for it."

"Oh," Ling'e gave Li Changshou a somewhat aggrieved look, then sat back on her cushion, feeling distressed.

The hundred-year plan was destroyed by one breakthrough! How did she come to the realization earlier? After the incident with Yan'er and her eccentric junior, she had finally gotten a bit closer to her senior brother, but she ruined it again at this inner-door competition! Where's the justice in this? How unfair!

At this moment, Jiujiu flew over in a hurry, carrying his blood-stained wolf's fang club, and exclaimed, "Little Ling'e! How did you break through so many realms at once!"

Li Changshou, on the side, was also secretly astonished... This junior brother who was always with Ling'e actually didn't check whether Ling'e was hiding her cultivation...

"Senior uncle, please don't say anything more, I'm under a lot of pressure right now."

"Breaking through is a good thing."

"I, I..."

Ling'e suddenly found it hard to express herself and turned her head to bury it in her senior uncle's arms, turning her countless grievances into a few indistinct sobs.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the more you fear the appearance of a heart demon, the easier it is to appear. Although breaking through too quickly is not a good thing, this can be considered a heaven-sent opportunity. Everything will be fine."

Jiujui turned his head and looked around for a while before finally finding Li Changshou 'far away' and gave him a glare.

The latter closed his eyes and concentrated, avoiding the area with the heaviest gazes.

At the same time, he also heard some unfavorable news about Little Qiongfeng from the Wind Whispers spell.

Some elders were considering taking Little Ling'e as their disciple and giving up on Little Qiongfeng.

Looking at Ling'e, although Li Changshou knew that it would be a good choice for her to follow the elder to cultivate, after all, Ling'e had been brought up by him alone, and he couldn't help but feel a little reluctant.

Moreover, couldn't the elder teach her anything that he couldn't?

Before facing the Heavenly Tribulation and ascending, Li Changshou would definitely weigh and consider carefully. He wouldn't stop this unless Ling'e herself was willing.

This matter came quickly.

On the fourteenth day of the inner-door competition, after the fourth round of celestial combat, two female true immortals and an old woman came to Ling'e, and a layer of barrier was set up around her. They spoke softly to her.

Li Changshou frowned secretly, picked up his cushion, walked back from a distance, and sat down in his old position beside his junior sister.


Ling'e looked at her senior brother, blinked lightly, pursed her lips, and smiled slightly.

Soon, the old woman at the Celestial Realm looked regretful and handed a square silk fairy treasure to Ling'e.

However, Li Changshou could actually hear what they were saying, but he didn't listen much at this time, just closed his eyes to rest.

Coincidentally, it was his turn to go on stage. Li Changshou remained calm, entered the stage, and won easily. When he came back, the old woman and the two female immortals were gone, leaving only Ling'e sitting there, smiling at him brightly.

"Senior brother~"

Li Changshou didn't say anything and returned to his cushion.

Ling'e sat back on her cushion, not making a sound, and kept squirming, slowly moving closer... She looked ahead and softly said, "Senior brother, were you nervous just now?"

Li Changshou transmitted his voice, "Three rules."

"I'll add four hundred by myself, for a total of four thousand... Senior brother, you answer first, were you nervous just now?"

Li Changshou brushed his sleeve, clasped his hands and replied, "Four thousand and fifty times, I still owe fifty from before."

Ling'e couldn't help but roll her eyes, but she smiled happily, humming a cheerful tune.

Shortly after, Jiujui flew over in a hurry and asked Ling'e in a low voice how she had refused the elder.

"Hehe, I lied to them and said..."

Mumbling, like this.


Li Changshou's breath surged back in his chest, almost raising his hand to clean up the gate for his master.

Jiujui asked in horror, "Is it true?"

"I've said it's a lie," Ling'e reached out and pulled Jiujui, smiling as her flower-like lips trembled lightly.

Ling'e laughed and said, "Master has fewer restrictions on Little Qiongfeng's peak, and there's a place to play with senior uncle every day, so there's no need to go to other peaks."

Jiujui immediately squinted his eyes and sat between Ling'e and Li Changshou, pulling Ling'e's hand for a rare moment of intimacy.

The real situation was...

A moment ago, inside the barrier, Blue Ling'e made a respectful gesture and whispered, "The disciple is not interested in immortality or glamour, only wishes to be by someone's side. If the sect does not allow it, Ling'e will willingly be banished to the mortal world, with no regrets in her heart."

It was also thanks to the unchanging tradition of the Immortal Gate over the years; the elder and the two true immortal attendants sympathized with this and were quite understanding, and did not make things difficult for her.

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