
My senior brother is truly very steady and reliable

In the ancient era before the War of the Gods, Li Changshou was reborn. He became a humble Qi-refiner with no extraordinary fate or destined calamities. He harbored only one aspiration – to achieve immortality through cultivation. To survive in the brutal primordial world, he meticulously avoided karma, turning enemies into dust with every kill. He strategized before taking action and steered clear of unnecessary risks. Holding hidden cards, practicing evasion techniques, mastering alchemical poisons, and wielding divine arts, he remained as unmoving as an old dog. When he moved, it was as if the heavens themselves trembled, and when he departed, he did so silently. Originally planning to peacefully cultivate and become an immortal in the mountains, Li Changshou's life took an unexpected turn when, one year, his master, in a moment of profound contemplation, unexpectedly brought back... a junior sister for him.

SY_SDB · Eastern
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145 Chs

Chapter 122: The Man in White in the Sea God Temple

Chapter 122: The Man in White in the Sea God Temple

A straightforward showdown between Qi Condensation Realm cultivators;

A whirlwind battle among the elite disciples;

When the sword was just half an inch from Li Changshou's neck, Li Changshou, who had already 'exhausted his mana,' dropped his Wolf Tooth Club and sighed, "I concede."

In front of him, the now trembling Dulin Peak elite disciple, Liu Sizhe, couldn't help but reveal a hint of regret in his eyes.

It was a narrow victory indeed;

But the sense of loss was purely due to Li Changshou's convincing acting skills.

Liu Sizhe sheathed his longsword, hesitating to speak.

"Why didn't you use Earth Escapement, senior brother..."

Li Changshou glanced at the armor and robes emitting rich spiritual light beneath Liu Sizhe's waist, and smiled bitterly, "Junior brother was already fully prepared, no need to ask."

Liu Sizhe seemed to realize the reason, although he felt something was amiss deep down, for the moment, he found Li Changshou's explanation quite reasonable.

Without waiting for Liu Sizhe's response...

Li Changshou sighed lightly, bowed to Liu Sizhe, and flew back to his seat on the clouds.

To match his depleted mana, the white clouds beneath Li Changshou's feet became thinner, as he flew back, he didn't forget to take a low-quality Immortal Pill to replenish his mana.

The gazes around him now held less fear and more respect and admiration.

Li Changshou silently calculated:

'This duel should make up for the fearsome image I unintentionally created in the previous encounters.'

Although maintaining such an image didn't really affect him much;

However, a more positive image would certainly benefit his survival in the Du Xian Sect.

"Senior brother Li!"

Liu Sizhe suddenly called out from behind, "Your Wolf Tooth Club!"

Li Changshou turned slightly, smiled, and replied, "I'll give this treasure to you as a memento, junior brother."

Liu Sizhe's expression shifted, as he looked at the Wolf Tooth Club on the ground, feeling a wave of emotions.

But just as Liu Sizhe was about to bend down and pick up the club, it flew away on its own, landing in the hands of two fair and tender young hands nearby...

The well-known Ninth Immortal of the Wine Clan, Jiujiu, appeared out of nowhere, laughing as he said, "Nephew Changshou forgot, this treasure was reserved by this uncle long ago. My apologies, nephew Liu."

With that, Jiujiu waved his hand, and flew towards Li Changshou and Ling'e.

Liu Sizhe bowed to Jiujiu's back, and with a satisfied smile, he left as urged by the disciples.

It was truly a memorable battle.

After taking a few steps, Liu Sizhe suddenly came to his senses...

What was the direct connection between Earth Escapement and the Wolf Tooth Club hitting weak points?


Seeing his junior uncle pick up the Wolf Tooth Club that he deliberately threw away, Li Changshou couldn't help but feel a bit amused...

"Junior uncle, it's just a weapon."

Jiujiu glared at him, sternly saying, "This uncle likes it, can't I? Really, if you don't want it, why not ask your uncle or little Ling'e if they want it! Although this thing isn't very powerful, its appearance is quite intimidating! Carrying it on your shoulder exudes a sense of deterrence."

Ling'e, on the side, suppressed a smile, intending to say something, yet afraid of revealing too much, so she remained silent.

Li Changshou had made quite a few of these items before. Although they looked intimidating, they were essentially just harmless artifacts.

But when making these things, Li Changshou hadn't had the energy to delve into the art of refining.

Now, if Li Changshou were to make another Wolf Tooth Club, he would certainly enhance its characteristics as a weapon, adding some designs like 'Earth Evil Qi Protection' and 'High-Frequency Vibration to Break Through Protective Treasures.'

The marketing for such a Wolf Tooth Club was already planned out.

[The strongest man in Xiong Village, with a Wolf Tooth Club on his shoulder, raises his thick eyebrows and says gently: "In a duel, the Wolf Tooth Club and the Heaven's Crown are the perfect match... Oh~"]

The effect would definitely be good.

Of course, this was just a joke in his mind. The Wolf Tooth Club was just a playful artifact.

At present, if Li Changshou were to fully unleash his powers in a battle, he had Poison Pills, miniature arrays, his complete cultivation techniques, as well as many other cards yet to be revealed.

In the last major battle against the Blood Mosquito Puppets, he even acquired a Lingbao longsword of great power;

He naturally accepted the antidote pearl.

['One who is good at using poison should be more vigilant against poison.']

These preparations for battle were just for his own ability to respond when needed, not for actively seeking battles.

Steadily cultivating in the mountains, it was best if only the Heavenly Dao remembered his existence. That was Li Changshou's unwavering pursuit...

However, the Heavenly Dao in the primordial world was simply too high, and achieving immortality and eternal youth was just the first step towards becoming an expert;

Even if one became a so-called expert, if they didn't know how to avoid disasters during the great tribulation, they would still turn into dust.

Now, only the Merit Golden Body and the Innate Spiritual Treasures could barely warm Li Changshou's helpless and lonely heart, giving him a little precious sense of security...

His junior uncle was constantly shaping the Wolf Tooth Club, while Ling'e stood beside him, commenting softly;

Li Changshou maintained his Wind Speech Spell to listen to various places and couldn't help but show a slightly relieved smile.

The public opinion within the sect was beginning to change.

His defeat in this battle had dissipated much of the shadow looming over the sect.

As for what might happen next... well, that was not something he could easily think about.

It was best to remain unchanged amidst change.

Li Changshou accidentally heard some strange movements through the Wind Speech Spell, and with a sweep of his divine sense, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At various places on the hillside and in the river valley, some disciples had started to make some precautions based on Li Changshou and Liu Sizhe's battle, such as preparing defenses against Earth Escapement and Earth Thorns.

For example, using mirror-shaped treasures as a barrier...

Or changing some magical armors into oversized shorts...

Quite creative, indeed.

As the battles continued one after another, most of the disciples were doing their best to cope.

Ling'e was quite lucky; she hadn't encountered any strong opponents for five consecutive days. Relying on her few Immortal Treasures, she easily won four battles, which was almost on par with her senior brother.

On the sixth and seventh days...

The internal competition within the sect continued, and the rankings of the initial disciples gradually became clear.

Li Changshou naturally advanced steadily towards the three hundred and six, but Ling'e, who lost one match, needed to win at least three matches in the remaining five days.

Ling'e was somewhat conflicted about this.

In a previous match, if she had revealed her true cultivation level, she could have won...

On the seventh night of the internal competition, Jiu carried his new favorite Wolf Fang Club and went to the Temple of Transcendence to enjoy food and drink.

Ling'e seized the opportunity and asked softly, "Senior brother, what will happen if we can't make it into the top one hundred and eight?"

Li Changshou turned to look at his junior sister, her face showing a slight unease in the moonlight. Was he expecting too much from her?

After all, she was just a child in her twenties...

Li Changshou smiled slightly and replied, "It's just doing some chores in the alchemy room, washing clothes for me and so on.

Just relax and take it easy.

How you feel during this internal competition is how you should act."

Ling'e breathed a sigh of relief and made a face at Li Changshou, "You should have told me earlier. I've been worrying about this for the past few days."

"Three rules."

"Oh," Ling'e turned to look at the stars, quickly concealing her expression.

It is worth mentioning that in the first round of these seven battles, Qin Xunya almost overwhelmingly won each time.

Even when her opponent used Earth Escape, Qin Xunya handled it calmly, her swordsmanship already at a high level, her sword flying into the earth and forcing her opponent out effortlessly.

This chief disciple had already become the face and beauty of the young disciples of the Temple of Transcendence...

Her talent was outstanding, she had immortal treasures protecting her, and she was not lacking in magical powers or spells.

She was also fully focused and serious during the competition, with a very quick reaction time.

Many people began to discuss what kind of intense sparks would fly if Little Qiongfeng's Wolf Fang Club in its 'peak state' encountered the chief disciple Qin Xunya.

However, Li Changshou did not encounter Qin Xunya in the first twelve rounds.

Even if he did encounter his poisonous junior sister, Li Changshou had already prepared countermeasures in advance...

When it came to conceding, he was a professional.

Certified by the Dragon Palace.

On the day the first round ended, Li Changshou suddenly felt a hint of doubt in his heart; after more than ten years, he felt a sudden surge of energy, as if something related to him was happening again.

Where did the problem arise this time?


Whenever there was a sudden surge of energy, something was happening, but whether it was good or bad luck was uncertain.

Li Changshou first looked at the jade platform, thinking that a Golden Immortal had seen through his disguise, but quickly concluded that this was not the case.

Calculating in his heart, there was nothing wrong with the various places in the South Sea Divine Sect, and no bloodshed had occurred...


Something's not right.

Li Changshou quickly noticed something unusual; one of the statues seemed to be in an odd state at this moment.

He dared not let his guard down and cautiously investigated.

At the same time, the paper puppet hidden underground also woke up quietly and approached the location of the temple where the anomaly occurred.

Not only Li Changshou, but Ao Yi also frowned at this moment.

However, Ao Yi's cultivation level was only at the Primordial Immortal stage, still some distance away from the True Immortal stage, and he was only the Second Patriarch, the Blue Dragon Grand Guardian, only slightly feeling that something was happening.

Ao Yi swept his divine sense over Li Changshou's location and found nothing unusual about "Big Brother Chief."

He didn't pay much attention to it...

The affairs of the South Sea Divine Sect were naturally handled by the Dragon Palace for Ao Yi.

At present, Ao Yi was earning merit on one side and cultivating on the other, trying to fully utilize all his bloodline powers as soon as possible and become a pillar of the Dragon race!

On the other hand, Li Changshou's paper puppet quickly approached the temple where the anomaly occurred.

At this moment, his divine sense slowly searched, discovering what was happening.

In his temple, it seemed that a remarkable figure had arrived...

It was a young man in a white robe and an old man in grey, followed by eight people dressed in blue robes, their aura thick.

They seemed to be guards.

The cultivation level of these eight guards was actually at the Celestial Immortal stage...

Li Changshou was secretly surprised.

Through his spiritual hearing, he glanced at the white-robed young man, and immediately saw strands of golden light swirling around him...

Clearly, this was a condition that could only be achieved with the protection of merit, the protection of heaven and earth!


The young man in the white robe seemed to sense something, looked at the sea god statue with his hands behind his back, and just smiled.

"Let's go. We've disturbed the master of this place."

"Yes," the grey-robed old man replied, bowing his head, and followed the white-robed young man, with the eight Celestial Immortal guards, heading towards the main gate.

Who is this person?

Li Changshou felt conflicted in his heart and suddenly came up with a bold guess.

A young man, white robe, unpredictable cultivation level, such merit protection, and paying attention to appearances when going out...

Could it be! The paper puppet immediately restrained its divine sense, also using the Wind Whisper Spell to passively monitor.

As soon as the white-robed young man left the Temple of the Sea God, he smiled at the old man beside him, "I've seen many wild gods in the Southern Gansu area, apart from the ones worshipped by the Daoist sects, this place is still relatively good.

Teach mortals to do good, protect their well-being, give merit to the virtuous, and punish the wicked.

However, it is always somewhat inappropriate to take credit for the cycle of reincarnation from the underworld.

" The old man smiled, "Have you chosen this place?"

"Let's take another look. There are also dragons involved here. The dragons have always been arrogant, considering themselves ancient remnants. I don't want to negotiate with them."

Hearing this, Li Changshou already had a slight understanding in his heart.

Two options immediately emerged in his mind.

One was to go out and make some friends, seize this opportunity, and hitch a ride on the real potential stocks of the primordial chaos!

The second was to go with the flow...

But from what they were discussing, it was clear that this white-robed young man had the idea of making the wild gods return and expanding his influence.

A choice...

A decision had to be made as soon as possible...

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