
My Self-Insert Stash

I've had enough of the "fanfics" here being dialogues and so must you... here's some self insert fanfictions that you'll probably like! Some from DC, Naruto, Marvel... will most likely add more. I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the authors! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!) Contact me on: @N177013 https://www.youtube.com/Diowick (Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)

aweirdweeb · Anime & Comics
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488 Chs

My SI Stash #65 - I Think I Might want to Avoid Fucking Them All by Charlemagne (Pokemon)

-The randomness of this NSFW SI fic has got me laughing so bad. Probably the best Pokemon fic I've ever read.

*SI to the Pokemon Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire game. The memories~


Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 44K

Posted on: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/i-think-i-might-want-to-avoid-fucking-them-all-pokemon-cyoa-si.7507/threadmarks?category_id=4 (Charlemagne)

[You need to make an account on QuestionableQuesting to get access to these fics, it's annoying I can't do much about it]

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

"So tell me, are you a boy, or a girl?"

I stared the old man before me, the only thing visible in the colorless void I had inhabited since I had died, the only conversation I had had in what felt like an eternity was now with a guy wearing a lab coat with weird hair.


"A boy."

"Very well, boy it is then." He seemed to scribble something down on his pad. "Very well, I'm finished with you then, Professor Birch will explain the rest. Off you go."

"Wait? what? That's it, just asking my gender and sending me away?"

"You have already made your choices, remembering them is your responsibility." the strange scientist replied. "Now be on your way."

He waved a hand and I felt myself sucked down away from him. Like being flushed down a toilet.


I awoke in a surreal state, looking down at a Gameboy straight from my childhood. The screen playing the opening to Pokémon Emerald. I went through the motions, stopping to think when I needed to select a name. "Hmm, might as well go with Charles." I decided, naming it after myself always felt a little tacky, but It was still what I did most of the time.

As the intro wrapped up I felt the surreal atmosphere drop, and the memories slammed into the back of my head like the moving truck I was currently hidden inside of.

I felt the bile rise in my throat as the full reality of my situation hit me. I WAS Brendan, or Charles rather, I had been inserted somehow into this boy, or rather I had been in him since birth, but only now was consciously aware of it? I had memories of acting on my previous world's memories before now, they just never came to anything because even though I was now a young teenager I was still a kid, and unless you're a trainer you have few real rights in this Pokémon world.

But this wasn't the wholesome, kid-friendly Pokémon world I knew.

Oh sure, people still kept them as pets, they were still quite cute, often unrealistically so, but that didn't mean they weren't also semi-sapient animals that occasionally ate people.

Honestly It seems almost impossible that humanity could even survive before poke-balls in a world where these creatures existed. Though to be fair, given the population density in most places it seems like they mostly didn't. The world really is obscenely harsh, every day it seemed that there were reports in the newspaper of people being killed by wild pokemon. Sometimes even raped first if they were unlucky.

And I was even more of a target for that than most people.

"Reduced Senescence" the doctors and scientists called it." "A lucky bastard" some idiots called it. "Rape bait" I called it, and I knew it better than any of them. My aging was easily a quarter the normal rate.

See the thing about going through the first couple years of middle school surrounded by girls who are hormonal as fuck and gravitate towards cute things is that they really don't give a flying fuck about ethics. Not to mention that rumors spread fast.

Going through middle school looking like a toddler was bad enough, but a week into my first year I tripped and fell in Gym class, half of my ten-inch cock falling out of my shorts. The doctors had no idea what to call that condition, by the way, they documented it and took sperm counts and all that, but no verdict was reached, something to do with my lack of aging and high food consumption most likely, they said occasional checkups sure, but nothing to worry about.

Obviously, they never had to deal with horny older girls twice their size who have no idea how to positively express their emotions and no sense of morality whatsoever. The first time I was pushed into a bathroom and raped by a group of four of them I went to get help from our gym teacher. This turned out to be a colossal mistake, as while asking where they had touched me, she started fondling my penis, eventually tying me to a chair with a jump rope and raping me herself. Needless to say, I went to authorities beyond the school at that point.

My parents got into a huge fight with the school, and within two months we left the Johto region, dad securing a new job as a normal type gym leader here in Hoenn. So they packed me up into the back of a moving truck, taking me off into the region often called "The land of water"

Hoenn itself is sort of like a less American version of the wild west in this world, while a few major cities exist, they are all port cities, and the Inland is harsh and inhospitable with little real law enforcement beyond the Pokémon league trainers, some of whom have a bad reputation. The Islands around it are a mixed bag, some more civilized some not, but the ocean was teeming with the infamously dangerous sea rapist known as Tentacool. Though the region is famed for being fairly high tech, what with the pokenav, Wallace's megastructures, and the rocketry base. These are only diamonds in the rough, however, and "The Land of Water" is, as often as not "The Land of Blood". The Casualty rates due to wild pokemon and natural disasters were particularly high here.

On the other hand, Johto wasn't much better what with being at war all the time. Either way, this world isn't friendly to humans or civilization beyond small pockets, and Hoenn was less friendly than most places.

'Yeah, I'm sure my pokemon journey is gonna be loads of fun.' the truck gently rolled to a stop as I put the Gameboy down, the rolling door slowly opening to reveal our new home, a small, two bedroom two bathroom house in the tiny community of Littleroot town, with a population of less than a hundred people in 36 houses spread around a fenced in square of ground with a gate at one end. The larger form of the Pokémon research center sat prominently in the middle of the city.

I stepped out into the blinding sunlight, tripping over the edge of the truck and falling face first into the bare tits of a female Machoke mover. My face pressed into her ample cleavage as she caught me from falling to the ground, her catch turning into something of a hug which only pushed me tighter against her.

'Oh goddamnit, not this again.' I swear I was never Clumsy in my previous life, now I hardly go a day without falling over into something. Breasts are unfortunately one of the more common things for me to fall into, it's like im cursed to be an ecchi comedy protagonist.

"Oh my, did you fall into those, here let me put you down."

The Machoke showed admirable restraint, despite a blush on her face, placing me down on the ground and flexing to show off her muscles as I apologized to her.

"I'm sorry miss Machoke"

"Ah, you can speak to Pokémon kid? That's a rare power, you'd make a fine mate, here let me show you the goods" She started intensely flexing, her muscles tensing and rippling like the ocean. 'Fucking bodybuilder pokemon.'


I went quickly hurrying inside before it got past the mating dance stage. Trainer pokemon were generally better about dealing with people than wild ones, but I seemed to attract all the worst sorts in this life, so I decided not to take chances. Plus it seemed like actually being able to communicate with them was a turn on for most pokemon, I asked dad's Biggest Slaking about it one time, and he told me that it's a rare ability that's normally about as desired as Pokerus, and that dad's team would totally be all over me if I was a girl. This was not a happy thought so I dispelled it quickly.

To this day I'm glad that dad only has male pokemon on his team. Though the Slakings just letting their massive Penises hang around was pretty gross.

"Remember to set your clock while you're up there Charles." my mother yelled up to me from her place in the living room, and I dutifully obliged, marching up to the antique device.

Checking my watch I adjusted it to say 4 pm, which it was, satisfied I lay down on my bed, waiting for the danger of Machoke attraction to dissipate before heading back downstairs. My new memories already indicating that I was generally viewed as prime rape material by just about every female human and Pokémon in this world.

I've got no idea whether that's an appearance thing or some sort of curse, did I piss off a magic user as a baby or what? Fortunately, my dad's pretty strong, so I've managed to dodge most of the heat because he can beat most trainers, but it still is a type of unexpected risk I need to take seriously going forward on my journey.


"Charles, Charles, come quickly your father is on the TV"

I ran out of my room and down the stairs, I had been waiting for that cue for two hours after all. I had played the game enough to know how it started basically verbatim.

"Coming mom"

As expected I got into the room just in time to see the interview with my father end, approaching my mom, I pulled on her skirt to get her attention, as I was only half her height.

"Hey mom, when will I get to see dad again?" He had apparently relocated to Petalburg when he had signed the contract for the house.

Mom looked down at me and ruffled my hair as she squatted to my level. "You'll be traveling up to see him yourself soon enough dear" she planted a smooch on my forehead, leaving a lipstick mark there. "After all you're going to finally get to be a trainer. Professor Birch has offered to provide you a starter pokemon."

I must not have been able to keep the excitement off my face as mom giggled happily, it didn't matter if I was in a dark version of the Pokémon world, it was still a chance for me to go on an epic journey of wonder and majesty. "Alright now Charles, why don't you go over to professor Birches house and see if he's home, it's the one right to the left as you go out the door."

I nodded in agreement, running to put on my silly hat before I went out the door, it just wouldn't be this world without it. Opening the door I was greeted by a blast of tropical air as the warm Hoenn climate made me feel comfortable, like Florida in summer. I could swear I heard the sound of trumpets, faintly in the distance.

'alright now over to the birch house.' the house was identical to my own, though reversed. I walked up the door and politely rang the doorbell.

A woman wearing a polka dot dress stepped out, looking down at me. "Yes? and you are?"

"Charles Ma'am" I bowed politely, as was apparently custom. weird ass Japanese.

"Oh right, yes I heard about your condition from my husband, professor Birch, did you move in next door? It must be quite difficult looking so much younger than you are." She gave me what I think was a look of genuine concern, which was nice, but not really welcome.

I tried to brush off the concern, waving it away, I don't want a handicap after all. I just want to train pokemon. "It's not to bad, and yes, we just finished moving in."

"Wonderful, I'm glad it doesn't get in your way too much. you see we have a daughter about the same age as you, she's been so excited about making a new friend, you should go up and see her, she's in the room at the top of the stairs on the right. You should go up and introduce yourself."

"Thanks," I gave her a winning smile "I will"


The minute that Charles was out of the room Madeline Birche's hand found its way down into her crotch. She had just barely been able to maintain a straight face through that conversation, especially after he had flashed that heart melting smile, she was just glad he had gone upstairs soon after. The child was simply too cute, only her firm mind, commitment to her husband and the existence of her daughter upstairs had held her back from something heinous. Wiping the sweat off her brow with her other hand, she quickly moved to her bedroom to relieve stress. One thought on her mind

'That kid is dangerous.'


I walked up the stairs to Mays door, slightly askew, and decorated in pictures of pokemon she had apparently taken. Forgetting to knock, I walked inside.

And immediately walked back out, blushing furiously and shutting the door behind me. May, inside, half dressed had been clutching at one of her nipples as she masturbated through her jogging shorts. Pulling her shirt up with her mouth.

"What the heck" she questioned as I walked in the door, her shirt falling back over her nice, perky breasts, her nipples hard in the air-conditioned room.

"Sorry" I quickly left and closed it behind me. My apology was met with silence.

I couldn't suppress the growing erection in my pants despite dedicating significant willpower.

About a minute later, giving her enough time to clean up, May came out to the door. Beckoning me inside. "Hey, sorry you had to see that," she said, sitting herself down on her bed and straightening her bow. "I don't get much private time, but it was my fault for leaving the door open."

"I didn't knock, so let's just forget about it ok"

"Alright, hmm, you are." she looked me up and down, thinking, I desperately tried to keep my raging boner pressed between my legs rather than let it up where she could see. I would rather not be a sex toy for May, after all, would make the journey harder.

"Oh, you must be Charles? Your move was today Huh?" She said apparently straight-faced, with only a lingering trace of her earlier blush. It was actually kind of impressive how quickly her face paled.

"Yep, that's me"

"Well I'm May, it's super nice to meet you, you see uh," oh and now the blush was back "You see I have this dream of becoming friends with pokemon all over the world, and we'll I was hoping you would be nice so we could be friends and go out on our quests together because of how dangerous it is and all." Now her whole face was pink and she was pressing her fingers together. 'Holy shit, my heart' the taller girls stared down at me sadly. "That's just silly isn't it, after all, I've just met you haven't I." She desperately looked to the sides, obviously seeking a way to escape the award situation she had put herself in.

"Uhhh, Oh Right, I've gotta go help dad catch pokemon, bye Charles." May was clearly fidgeting, trying to get away

She made a move for the door, grabbing her bag off of her bed in one sweeping motion, but I, not letting the opportunity go to waste, grabbed onto her shirt and reassured her. "It's not silly at all May, I'll be happy to be your friend, and go on our journey together, now go, help your dad catch pokemon, we can talk more later okay?"

I flashed her my winning smile again and I swear you could practically see her face turn red as a matador's cloak with the way her blush lit up, but with remarkable composure for a young teen, she managed to make her way down the stairs and away.

After giving her a bit of time, I myself headed down the stairs, and left the Birch house behind, surprisingly misses Birch was nowhere to be seen, presumably going out for groceries or something, so I locked their door behind me when I left.

Heading towards the gate of the town, where I knew the next story beat would take place, I saw a young woman in a yellow sundress standing by the edge.

"Excuse me lady, what's going on."

She turned around and then was startled at how short I was, but she soon dropped down to talk to me.

"Ah, sorry kid, I just heard some screaming out there, it's probably Someone being attacked by a pokemon, but it's much too dangerous to go out into the tall grass without one of my own, so I can't go to help." She seemed to stare down at me for a moment before smiling creepily. "But you don't need to worry about that so much, why don't you come on back to my place and have some Hot cocoa with me." I looked down realizing that my bulge was clearly showing through my pants, which must have triggered whatever effect causes everyone to feel the need to fuck me.


Speedy Gonzales and Sonic the hedgehog have nothing on how fast I was able to beeline it out of that gate and away from her.

Within ten seconds I was already in sight of the rotund form of professor Birch, a Poochyena biting at his heels and tearing up his lab coat.

"Help Meeeeeee" he shouted, spotting me as I entered the route. "Please help, in my bag there are pokeballs, I can't keep running forever."

I ran up to the leather sack and rummaged into it, discovering three pokeballs. I could see into each, at the tiny forms of a torchic, a mudkip and a Treecko.

This was the big moment, what would my starter be? The moment my whole life had been leading up to. I grabbed Torchic, sending it out of the pokeball, unfortunately, the laser went wide.

The Tiny bird landed in the bushes off to my right rather than in front of me, turns out it's a bit hard to aim the laser without practice.

The Poochyena turned to face my undefended form, a fire in its eyes.

It was time to do battle for the first time, and I was unprotected.

'This journey is going to suck isn't it.'

Far away in a place between dimensions a strange professor chuckled. "We'll see."


Author's Note: Welcome to the first chapter of a new Story, using this https://imgur.com/a/2QZEE CYOA, with a few tweaks for story reasons. What does everyone think of the Premise? The Spoiler section below is an actual spoiler, so be aware that it will reveal plot elements.

Spoiler: CYOA STATS (Warning, these do actually spoil the story, as Charles Can't remember them.)

Leave any Questions comments or criticisms below because I go through feedback like a hungry Snorlax.

This is a reversal of the "Woman goes around fucking and getting fucked by monsters" stories that are fairly popular. gratuitous amounts of reverse rape are likely to be present along with obviously a lot of Pokephilia. Felt it was right to give a heads up since people were upset by it in the last fic.

See you later Poke-Sluts.

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


Heh, yes people other sites exist there's not only Webnovel or Fanfiction.net in this planet. There's more and ancient sites like Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, QQ, Alt History and alot more... φ(* ̄0 ̄)

QQ (QuestionableQuesting) is a site that requires you to sign up it sucks but it’s really worth it. Trust me I hated signing up for sites too **** I must’ve made at least 3 accounts for this one site cause I keep forgetting about them lol.

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