
My Sect Only Accepts Ordinary People

Ning Qi is a diligent young man, whose goal is to typically become a 'humble' billionaire so that he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. But instead of the God of wealth, the God of luck strikes him on the head. He one day suddenly finds himself waking up from 'beloved' sleep with a 'Ding' in his mind. That day he got to know he latched onto the thigh of a powerful 'System' that will assist him on the road of 'Cultivation'. He knows that his peaceful life is about to turn upside down from then on. All his previous aspirations to become a 'Financially free bird', at this moment, felt utterly trashy for him. His current goals shifted to something, which he previously cowered away from the utter helplessness against them. A full future of 'dominance' flashed in front of his eyes and he genuinely felt that his new goals are not too challenging. Ning Qi knows, that he is about to be detached from this 'Ordinary' mortal world and even felt a bit sad about that fact. "System! You are with me on this, right? " He asked, as he geared up for the prosperous future ahead of him. But what Ning Qi doesn't know is the system that binds him doesn't merely require him to become a cultivator. It also wants to turn this entire earth into a cultivation world. As such, Ning Qi doesn't need to worry much about departing from the ordinary world. When he contacts his longtime colleagues or lifelong friends or even someone who he merely met once or twice the next time, he may need to cordially greet them as a "Fellow cultivator." Note: My Book may be a bit slower than what many familiar readers expect from such a system-based novel. And also, I'm not a professional editor... Therefore, if you discover anything that can be modified, please add a specific comment to that paragraph. Much appreciated.

Smiley_God · Urban
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106 Chs

Second Mission

"Ran Ran! Don't be discouraged... You'll find a better one."

Jia Li stated when they arrived at their residence. Their place is a 2 bedroom hall and kitchen apartment in a commercial society, which is a bit costlier than Ning Qi and Li Ping's place. But it has more security and thus is more suitable for them.

"Don't worry about me! I just think Ning Qi's life is more complex than we thought, and since he is only married and doesn't have any love or relationship with her, we don't know what will happen in the future. hehe!!"

Yi Ran looked at Jia Li, who was trying to console her, and made the statement, "I'm OK." type gesture.

"Oh, my god! Ran, I didn't know you were after married guys, hehe."

Jia Li teased and ran away from Yi Ran, as she knew she would get hit if she stayed close to her.

"You little pig! Stay there, and I dare you to say it again?"

Yi Ran said that, and she was a bit surprised by what she said, as she remembered that Ning Qi said something similar to that Kuang guy. She soon shook her head and chased after Jia Li.

Li Ping went inside the bedroom and looked at his friend, who looked to be sleeping. He wanted to console him, but he decided not to bring up that topic again so as not to upset him. He shook his bed, took his bed, and went to sleep in the hall.

Ning Qi, on the other hand, felt a bit free. He felt that Yi Ran took a liking to him, and he doesn't want to cheat on her and face the issues later.

It's not like they have been together for a long time, so he doesn't think that much. He decided to tell the truth first and let time decide what happened later.

Somewhere near the resort, a shadow is seen coming down from the mountainside with a torch in one hand and a bag on its back.

"Whoop! Let's take a rest here... I heard this resort is closed for business. Probably the owner and some others should still be here to take care of it, right?"

That shadow talked to himself and walked towards the resort. As he got closer, he heard a lot of noise, like someone was working there.

"Oh! It looks like renovations are going on! Maybe a new owner has bought it and is preparing it for reopening. I will probably be able to get some water here."

That person came to a halt and thought to himself.

That person's name is Nangong Xu. He is a student at Nanfang Secondary Technical School, and he is only 18 this year.

He likes to hike, and as such, today afternoon, he skipped his class and went around hiking near Reed Flute Rock Mountain.

Obviously, he got quite late, the water he brought with him is over, and he is going back to his dorm. But he doesn't want to end his little adventure this early.

Soon he approached the canteen area, where the sound was coming from. He saw that the door was slightly open, so he pushed a bit and entered.

As he entered, he saw a clean room, nothing was inside except for the walls. He thought that someone may be playing audio and looked around, but found nothing.

He soon listened to the sounds clearly, which were coming from different places and not from a single source.

He thought of an absurd possibility, and his forehead started sweating. His legs started to shake visibly. He wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible but was unable to move.

All of a sudden, there is a huge 'Dong' sound, just like a big hammer hitting a metal, making a boom in his mind.

The already frightened Nangong Xu felt that something had bombed his mind all of a sudden. extreme nervousness and dizziness, and then there is a second 'boom'... making the dizzy guy collapse on the floor, losing consciousness.

Oblivious to all of this, Ning woke up at 9:30 am, too, because of the notification from the system.

[Ding! The modification of the sect is finished. Please check, host!]

"Oh! Can't you inform me after I wake up?"

Ning Qi woke up with a jolt, as he is still quite new to this kind of alarm, which will ring directly in his mind.

The system didn't reply, possibly not acquiescing to his suggestion.

Ning Qi thought of what happened last night but soon shook his head before proceeding to get ready.

He saw that Li Ping left early today and was surprised. He probably went to talk with Jia Li, 'hehe', Ning Qi thought.

By the time he got ready and took a taxi, it was already 10:15 p.m. It was 10:30 p.m. when he arrived at the sect location. Usually, he used to work at this time.

He paid the taxi guy and saw the money in the account was slowly reducing. He decided to think about it later, as he just couldn't let his funds run out.

He walked to the main hall and was surprised by the new look it had. The first floor doesn't have many things, except a counter made purely of wide jade on the first half of the floor.

Ning Qi walked towards the second half, which was divided by a white jade wall with a very good-looking door. He opened the door and saw a big board covering the entire wall at the other end. It even has a title made with black tiles saying 'Mission Hall'.

However, there are no missions posted there, leading Ning Qi to believe that this is the mission board for disciples.

[As the host guessed, the first half is recruitment, and the second half is Mission Hall.] System explained.

Ning Qi didn't see anything else, he came out and took the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as he reached the second floor, he saw that the entire floor here was hollowed out. Except for some mats placed neatly on the floor in a systematic order. And there is a big chair, which is set against the wall at the far end of the hall.

[This hall is the hall where the host and disciples meet, or basically a meeting hall for the sect.] The system again explained.

Ning Qi looked at the majestic chair at the edge, which is probably the sect leader's chair. He didn't go there to check on it, as he will have plenty of other time to do that.

[No need for the host to check the third floor! It is left as it is, which can be used by the host for living purposes.]

Just when Ning Qi was about to take the stairs to the third floor, the system reminded him.

Ning Qi nodded his head and decided to check the cafeteria section. Just as he walked out of the main hall, he heard a ding in his mind.

[Ding! Second Mission: Discipleship Recruitment.

Mission: Recruit a disciple.

Description: It is time for recruitment. Recruit a disciple before the given time ends.

Mission Time Limit: 2 days (1 day, 23 h 59 m)

Restriction: The host needs to recruit a stranger to complete the mission.

Rewards: A cultivation technique (only suitable for disciples ), 5 healing pills, and 1 martial technique. Disciples will also gain a level of cultivation as soon as they start cultivating.

Failure: Host stats will be halved directly.]

After seeing the restriction placed on the mission, Ning Qi instantly got a headache. It's pretty easy to ask his friends to join, even if they think of him as mentally ill. They will agree to join, just to give him a face.

But if you want a complete stranger to join, it's going to be difficult to convince any sane person to do so.

"Ah! System, where are my rewards for completing the first mission? " Ning Qi asked, as though he remembered them suddenly.

[Ding! The system has already issued your rewards, please check them, host.] The system spoke without any emotion.

"Add a point in strength and another in agility, and open my personal panel." Ning Qi instructed but couldn't bother to ask why it didn't announce his rewards.

[Personal stats:

Name: Ning Qi

Race: Human

Cultivation: Level 3 ( 0/100) *XP required for leveling up [ every 9 levels has a qualitative change to the host]

Life Span: 27/90

Health: 700/700 (Cannot be improved with stats) can only increase with special requirements and leveling up.)

Body stats:

Strength: 11 ( Comprehensive strength: 1100 kg )

Agility: 8 ( Comprehensive speed: 80 m/s)

Intelligence: 4.2

(The average human has stats around 1).

Special Stats: ( Available: 6 )

Time affinity ( Earthly ): level 0 (0/10)

Darkness affinity (Earthly): level 0 (0/10)

Skills: None ( Available: 1. ' Master Level ' Hand-to-Hand Combat Technique.

2. 'Master level Gun Mastery'. )]