
My Secretive Wife (Moved to a new link)

Athena is an agent in a private agency under the wing of the International Police. Her goal in joining the said agency is revenge. But, she had a change of heart and thought of retiring after realizing that her world seemed to revolve around hating and capturing the man responsible for the death of her parents. The supposed last mission became so chaotic that she escaped and met Marco along the way. They fell in love, but she decided to leave him so he won't be involved with the mess she was with without knowing that she was pregnant. Years later, Marco found her by chance. Marco is a man with a few words. He has a monotonous daily life - work and home. He seems arrogant because he doesn't speak much, but he is warm-hearted. This persona of his came out when they met. When she left him, he did not stop searching for her, and his patience was rewarded by meeting her again with their love child.

SingkoMars · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


The tossing and turning did not stop until the dawn break. They were both so exhausted that they did not wake up until the afternoon.

Marco woke up ahead of her but did not move, thinking he might wake her up. His arms hugging her waist, his chin leaning on her head, and his nose savoring her smell. It's the mixture of her sweet sweat and the scent of their lovemaking.

At first, he thought it was only a physical attraction, but later on, he realized he was falling for her deeply.



A year ago, Marco found her unconscious on the shore while doing his morning run. He looked at his surroundings and saw that no one was around. Well, he can't blame them because it's barely six o'clock in the morning. And who can be around the shore aside from him? This side of the coast belongs to him, so the only people around his property are servants, and they are probably busy with their work in the mansion. He's not a busybody, but he doesn't have a choice to get closer to know what's going on and if the person lying down on the ground is still alive or not.

The unconscious person was lying on her stomach. He knows it's a woman based on her curves. Seeing her laying down like that with her butt sticking out, he has the urge to slap that a**! Yes, he's not a breast kind of man. He likes women shaking those a** while walking in front of him. It can turn him on. It never happened before, but he knows his preferences for women. He's not a hypocrite. Of course, he also likes to mingle with beautiful and sexy women, but that's about it. Nothing else.

'Whoa! What the heck is he thinking right now!' He scolded himself and felt like slapping his face to wake him up from his hallucination.

Her long black hair was covering the side of her face, so he couldn't see how she looked, but he knew she was good-looking.

"Hey!" Marco kneeled on the sand and flipped the unconscious woman over just to be astonished at her uncovered face. She's beautiful! He tried to wake her up by calling, but it didn't work.

She has a small face, long eyelashes, pointed nose, and sexy lips though pale. Marco's eyes move towards her body to check if she's wounded or not.

There's no visible wound from head to toe, but when he removed the hair on her forehead, he saw that there'd dried blood on it. He guessed that she probably landed on the shore for an hour or less and hit her head on the scattered rocks near the beach.

He carried her to his cabin, which is closer than his mansion. He only stays there once in a while to enjoy the solitude of being alone without being disturbed. He called his best friend, a doctor, to come over to examine her and give her the medicine she needed.

Dr. Francis Guzman was surprised to receive his call early in the morning. He slept late last night, so he wasn't happy receiving a call at this hour.

"He-," he was just about to say something when he was interrupted.

"I need you in the cabin, asap!" He said seriously. "Bring clothes and necessities for a woman - medium size." Marco abruptly hung up.

"Wh-" Francis couldn't finish his word when Marco hung up the phone. He can only get up and make a quick call.

He was amazed that Marco asked him to go to his cabin and bring clothes for a woman! Yes, a woman! He knows for a fact that no one is allowed to enter his house. He said it's his personal space, so no one can break into it. Even their servants cannot clean it because he prefers to clean it himself. He was curious about this woman and would like to thank her because he won't enter his personal space if not for her.

It only took him thirty minutes to arrive at Marco's cabin. Typically, the distance from his mansion to Marco's mansion should be at least forty-five minutes. He took a deep breath before he knocked. He doesn't want Marco to see how thrilled he is to enter his cabin. It's rare, so he is naturally excited about it. Francis was about to knock when he heard the door open.


Marco was standing behind the door, not saying anything, and motioned him to go into the room. Francis gave him a questioning look, but he just ignored it and said, "Don't look at me. I'm not the patient," he chuckled.

"I know, but that's not what I mean," Francis looked at him intensely. Marco kicked him on his leg to shut him up and sternly looked at him.

"Okay! okay! I get it!" He surrendered because he knew that he would not get any answer from him.

"Overall, she's fine. She just lost consciousness due to exhaustion and mild blood loss. Intravenous fluid and enough rest would be sufficient for her. When she wakes up, remember to call me and I'll come back. I need to see if there are any complications."

He nodded and escorted him out of the cabin. When he returned, he called Nana Maria to bring his breakfast to the house and prepare extra food later for the woman lying on the bed. And for himself, because he'll be staying in his cabin for a couple of days. He also requested one woman servant to come over, which surprised everyone in the mansion.

Not long after, a servant named Maria, who's been serving their family since he was young, came over.

"Sir Marco," she said to let him know of her presence.

"Nana Maria, please do me a favor?" He paused. "There's someone in the guest room and I need you to take care of her. I appreciate it if you don't ask any questions."

"I will take care of her, Sir Marco. Don't worry," she smiled at him tenderly. Since he was a child, she's been around him, so she knows what he likes and does not.

"Thank you, Nana," he turned around and went to his room to take a shower. He took his time in the bathroom, wondering who the woman was. He's inquisitive as to how she ended up on the shore. She seemed to swim from somewhere. It came to his mind that last night when he was stargazing from his balcony, he noticed a cruise ship miles and miles away. Did she jump off of that ship? 'But why?' His eyebrows wrinkled and gave Athena a deep look.

"Who are you?" He mumbled to himself. He wants to know more about her. He was intrigued, and he felt a magnet pulling him towards her. He was attracted to her, and it was the first time he paid attention to a woman.

"Sir Marco, your meal is ready," Nana Maria was standing outside the door and didn't dare to open it. Everyone knows that he doesn't like anyone opening his room, especially without permission. That's how strict he is when it comes to his privacy. Whether at home or work. She turned around and headed to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Marco was in the dining area.

"Nana, you can leave when you're done here and I'll call you if I need your help." Marco said in a calm voice. He rarely smiles, and Nana Maria was used to it.

"Okay, Sir Marco." She said while forming a small smile on her lips.

He busied himself in the study, checking his email and replying to important ones, leaving the rest to his assistant to sort it out. He decided to stay home until she woke up. His study is inside the main bedroom, separated by a door, so he left the door ajar when he entered. He wants to be aware of any movements in the room. Not long before noon, he heard a soft moan.

Athena slowly opened her eyes, and though her vision was a little blurry, she could tell that she was in an unknown place. The discomfort that she feels is written all over her face. Athena blinked her eyes, trying to recognize the person standing in front of her. She couldn't see his face clearly, but she could see his height. He was tall and lean.

"Wh-who are you?" She weakly said while trying to sit up. Though she's still weak, her vigilance is heightened.

"I think I should ask you that. Who are you?" He can see the confusion on her face.

"Ahhh," her head hurts. She touched her head and realized that her head was bandaged. 'Ugh, how did I hit my head?' She asked herself.

"Who are you?" He asked again, trying to get an answer from her. He wants to know her name, and he will have it right now.

She looked at him without blinking. "B-Bea, Bea Cruz."

End of Flashback