
My Secretive Wife (Moved to a new link)

Athena is an agent in a private agency under the wing of the International Police. Her goal in joining the said agency is revenge. But, she had a change of heart and thought of retiring after realizing that her world seemed to revolve around hating and capturing the man responsible for the death of her parents. The supposed last mission became so chaotic that she escaped and met Marco along the way. They fell in love, but she decided to leave him so he won't be involved with the mess she was with without knowing that she was pregnant. Years later, Marco found her by chance. Marco is a man with a few words. He has a monotonous daily life - work and home. He seems arrogant because he doesn't speak much, but he is warm-hearted. This persona of his came out when they met. When she left him, he did not stop searching for her, and his patience was rewarded by meeting her again with their love child.

SingkoMars · Urban
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35 Chs


She returned to her room and packed her things. She can't stay here anymore since Athena got what she needed. She might as well leave as soon as she can to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"MA (mission accomplished)!" Athena logged off and deleted all her traces. She wasn't the best hacker in their organization, but she's not bad at it.

The cruise ship will dock in a few hours in City S's newly developed tourist spot. The surrounding area of City S is mostly water and mountains.

The development in the area multiplies. It started when one cruise ship company explored the place to look for a new destination to add to their passengers' itinerary for relaxation between long travel to and fro.

Athena looked back once more at her room before she headed out to ensure that she got everything. Yes, she has had that habit since she can remember.

She is wearing her usual all-black attire but with a jacket from head-to-toe, a red wig, and a fake mole on her face. Although she had makeup on and made some changes to her look when she went to the party, being cautious is vital.

She closed her eyes and spread her arms, feeling the wind blowing in front of her. She climbed the stairs going up the deck to see the view for the last time since she didn't know when she would have an opportunity to be on a cruise ship again. It's better to enjoy it while she's still here.

Unlike a few hours ago, the deck is now quiet and darker. There are no traces left from the party that happened a while ago. Unbeknownst to Athena, people hide in the area, watching her every move and just waiting for a signal to move to catch their prey.

She looked at her watch and saw that it was precisely two o'clock in the morning. According to the cruise ship's schedule, they were supposed to dock before sunrise. She saw mountains and a few islands from a distance.

The vessel is about to enter the city in two hours and another hour to reach the dock, but she feels weird about it. From how fast the ship is sailing right now, they won't enter the city in two hours. Instead, it will take four hours! The speed slowed down by half, and she didn't have a good feeling about it. That's why she checked her watch, not because she wanted to see the time but because her wristwatch has a unique function. It is to locate her enemies hiding in the dark. It's like a compass pointing to the north, east, west, or south. Her best friend designed her watch for this reason.

Her eyes are still closed, and her arms stretched sideways, giving an illusion to her enemies that she's oblivious of her surroundings. But in fact, her ears are listening to their movements. She spun around with her arms still stretched, which stupefied her attackers. It gave her a chance to punch their faces and kick on their juniors.

She ran towards the stairs, but a muscular man with a nasty grin blocked her. She smirked, held onto the railing, and kicked him hard. The man lost his balance but was able to hold onto the bar. His back hit the metal hard, and he twisted his arms when Athena gave him another kick.

Athena stepped on his hand and gave him a mocking smile. Then she jumped down. Several men ran after her and started firing at her.

"Sh*t," she murmurs. She's pissed that they disturbed her peaceful night. She hid behind the vast palm plant in the corner, and since she was wearing all-black, the darkness in the corner engulfed her.

"Where is that woman?!" Anton roars at his men. He can't believe that his men lost her! It took them hours to find that wicked woman, and she just disappeared in front of them. He was furious and took it out to his men.

"Find her, or I'll throw you all out!" Anton said, gnashing his teeth. He can't believe that he fell into her trap. Athena heaved a sigh of relief when they started walking away from where she was hiding. And when she couldn't hear their steps anymore, she walked on the other side of the hallway.

Suddenly, "she's over there!" And the sound of the guns firing followed in all directions.




Athena kept running without looking back. She has to escape!

Athena can't risk being taken by them. They didn't leave but instead waited for her to come out from her hiding spot. She looked around and found out that they had fooled her! "Smartass!" She mumbled.

"Sh*t, how stupid I am!" She said to herself. Her only option right now is to jump off the ship. She looked at the islands in the distance. She runs around, trying to find something to grab to help her on the water if she jumps off. She got a glimpse of a snorkel mask when she turned to her right. Athena Took it and put it on quickly. She looked down and saw a ladder on the other side.

"She's over there! Catch her!!!" The muscular man growled. "Welcome me," she said to the water, splashed! With her quick movements, she climbed down the ladder and jumped off the sea with her eyes close.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Anton cursed and kicked the closest men in front of him. He can't believe they couldn't catch the woman who humiliated him a while ago. He clenched his fist and promised himself to find her no matter how long it took.

"You better find her, or I'll kill all of you!" He's so annoyed that he wants to chop them off. "I need her alive!" He roared, pulling his hair in frustration. It's a big insult to his gang that a lone woman escapes in their grasp. If his uncle Benjamin finds out about it, he might disown him and send him back to his parents, who were enjoying themselves roaming all over the world without caring if he was dead or alive.