
my secretary is my opium

Back in the past, Bella broke up with her lover because she was poor. He was shy and did what his friends said. After many years later, what he met was the exact opposite. His poor girlfriend used to be the boss at his place of work. She is Daffa, with persistence finally managed to achieve success. What will happen after their meeting?

DaoistUSRfok · History
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23 Chs

take her home

"Ma'am, Mr. Daffa's friend," said the driver, while driving Mr. Harto's car, he invited Bella to chat with the two of them.

"Mr. Daffa was my ex, and now I'm his personal assistant, sir." Bella said that she had, indeed, been dating her boss.

"This lady is beautiful, why do you want to be Mr. Daffa's assistant." Pak Harto could not understand why such a beautiful woman himself. Mbak wants to be her boss's personal assistant.

"Just try my father not to go bankrupt, surely it won't be like this, sir," Bella whispered.

"Sorry, Ma'am. If I make you remember the past." Pak Harto felt guilty because he had made that woman. So just remember the past.

"It's all right, sir." Arriving in front of the house Bella got out of the car, and did not forget to thank Pak Harto.

"Thank you sir. Have taken me," thanked Bella to her boss's driver. .

"It's okay Ma'am, I'll say goodbye first." Then Bella nodded, the car left the yard.

In the bright morning the alarm sounded so loud that it woke Bella from her sleep, her eyes still closed. Then both hands took the alarm to turn off, because it disturbed his sleep. Then he continued his restful sleep.

Moments later, his cell phone rang. A sign of an incoming call from his boss, made him immediately literate. After seeing the call from his boss.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to pick up Pak Daffa," Bella muttered, then picked up the phone.

{Good morning, sir.} On this sunny morning, Bella greeted her boss with a forced smile.

{Where are you? Why did it take so long to pick me up at home.} Daffa grumbled that she had been waiting for him.

{He he sorry sir, I just woke up.} Bella told her boss that she had just woken up from her sleep.

{What? So all this time, I've only been waiting for you for hours, just wasting time,} explained Daffa, at least like to waste her precious time.

{Yes, sorry sir. His name is also human.} Bella apologized to her boss for getting up late from her sleep.

{I don't want to know, you have to be at my house in 10 minutes.} Daffa asked her personal assistant to come over to her house immediately.

{But, sir. I'm not ready yet. Hello sir, how come it's turned off.} Daffa immediately turned off her phone, making Bella irritated. There's no way Bella's been there for 10 minutes, she's just not ready.

"Ahhhh, you stonehead. How can I come in 10 minutes, just crazy huh? Idiot, I want to get ready first." Bella was annoyed with her boss's attitude, were it not for her work agreement. He would not obey his orders.

After getting ready, Bella went to her boss's house by angkot. There's still 5 minutes left. However, it's stuck. If he waited, he would be too late. It's better for him to just walk, than get scolded by his boss.

"Bang, I'll just stop here." The public transportation stopped in front of him, then Bella gave the money to her brother. Then run fast so as not to be late.

Until finally, Bella was in front of her boss's house. He was only 1 minute late.

"Sorry sir I am late." Bella's apology to her boss.

"Where have you been? You're late," Daffa asked, staring intently at her personal assistant.

"But sir, I'm only 1 minute late. Nothing more," Bella said defending herself.

"The point is you're late," Daffa replied, not wanting to lose to her personal assistant.

Bella was so tired, why her boss never appreciated her one bit. What's wrong with him, hasn't he apologized about his past? Then why does his boss seem to be taking revenge on him alone.

"You can respect me, can't you? I was tired of running, all the way to my father's house. Don't think about my boss, so it's just like me, okay?" Daffa was silent, hearing the words of her personal assistant.

Daffa's feelings hurt, Bella immediately spoke to her like that. "If this is how I want to resign, sir, I'm tired." if Bella knew, if Daffa still loves him very much.

"If you resign, which company will accept you?" Daffa breathed a sigh of relief, so that her feelings wouldn't hurt like they used to.

Since the incident this morning, at his boss's house. It's better for Bella to apologize than to be fired from her company. What would you like to eat later, if your boss fired you?

Not to mention, his father's medical expenses are very expensive. It's okay, every once in a while relent for the sake of money ha ha ha ha.

Bella was busy taking care of the files for the meeting later. Suddenly, his boss appeared in front of him. Tell him to come into his room. Did he not see, if he was busy with the task given by his boss.

"Bella to my room," Daffa asked her secretary to come to her room, Bella looked up to see her boss was in front of her eyes.

"But, sir." Before Bella could speak, Daffa stepped into her room.

"Hufttt." Bella took a deep breath, having to be patient with her boss's very annoying attitude.

"Patience, Bell." Ms. beautiful message, to be more patient.

"Yes Miss. I went to Pak Daffa's room first," Bella said.

"Read bismillah first, Bell," shouted Mbak Rika, making all the employees laugh. Hearing his words, did he really think what kind of ghost his boss was.

"WL." Before entering her room, Bella read bismillah, hopefully nothing will happen.

"Excuse me, Sir. What's the matter, you called me," Bella asked, looking at her boss who was playing with his cellphone.

It's really good, the employees are busy doing their jobs. But, he actually enjoys playing with his cellphone.

"Make me milk," Daffa asked.

"Whatt, I was ordered to his room. Only told to make milk, why not just call the OB. Why is there an OB in the office," Bella thought, why did she have to make milk for her boss again.

"Hm... What milk, sir," Daffa asked, she asked her personal assistant. Just to make milk only.

"Your milk," Daffa joked.

"What? I mean, sir." Bella was surprised, what did her boss mean by that?

"Uh, I mean. It's white milk." Daffa held back her shame, why did she slip up like this? So don't understand.

"Oh, nevermind. I'll do it first." Immediately, Bella made milk in the kitchen room. When it was finished, Bella returned to her boss's room to give the milk to her.

"This is Mr. Susu." Bella put the Milk, on the table in her room.

"Hm... Thank you," thanked Daffa.

"You are welcome, sir. Then I'll excuse myself." Before Bella could leave her room, Daffa had just called herself.

"Wait," Daffa asked.