
My Secret Wedding

Kevin is forced to pay a woman to become his wife so he can be free from the half-crazy woman he was betrothed to. However, who would have thought that the stranger who had just entered his life was his first love. Then, how is the story of their marriage life when everyone is trying to destroy it?

penapika · Urban
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24 Chs

Your Boss likes You.

After Kevin's parents left the room, Kevin and Mila who were sitting opposite each other on the sofa were silent without saying anything. Until Mila was forced to open her voice first.

"I am willing to be your wife," was all Mila could say, because she didn't know how to start this conversation.

"Yes, I know, you said earlier," as well as Kevin, that was the only reply to Mila's previous words. Making Mila stare at the man in front of her in surprise.

"You don't want to ask the reason why I accepted your offer?"

And Kevin shook his head. "The answer is clear, you did that for your mom, right? So why should I ask again?" He said, there was an annoyed tone in his words.

"Are you annoyed with me?" asked Mila at last.

"Of course!" Kevin answered firmly, he had been waiting for that moment all along.


"I should be the one asking that. Why are you always sneaking into my room? This has happened twice. Can't you knock on the door before you go in?"

And Mila immediately snorted afterward. "So you're annoyed with me just because of that?"

"Just you say? This is a serious matter, Mila. And look what happens now. Because of your careless attitude, my parents thought that I had proposed to you."

"What's the problem, Sir? We're still getting married."

Kevin clicked his tongue seeing Mila's relaxed attitude, in contrast to her attitude that looked so firm when she rejected her offer yesterday.

"Only a contract marriage, don't forget it!" Kevin insisted, emphasizing every word in his sentence.

"I know. Then, what now?"

Kevin wrinkled his forehead. "What do you mean?"

"Is there no agreement in this contract marriage?" Mila almost lost her temper when facing her potential boss.

It looks like the guy is handsome, cool but in fact he's also annoying.

"About the agreement, I will immediately make the contract. So you can come back tomorrow."

Mila frowned. "Why should it be tomorrow, Sir? Can't we do it now?"

"Why?" Kevin asked, a little curious because Mila seemed to be in a hurry to respond. Shouldn't she be careful about this?

After all, the girl had to marry him, even if it was only a contract marriage.

"Yes, It's okay, Sir. I'm just ..." Mila hung her words, hesitating to say it.

"Your mother's health is getting worse?" Kevin guessed right on target.

He knew Mila couldn't possibly just accept his offer without a reason.

And to Kevin's previous question, Mila nodded. "Yes, my mom is being treated at the hospital, Sir. The doctor said that she had to operate immediately before her condition got worse."

"About that, you don't have to worry. I will take care of everything. You just have to follow my words," there was a pause in his words, after a breath, Kevin continued, "tomorrow, you come here again, and we will agree on the agreement. I have to go now because I have an important meeting after this."

"Okay, Sir. I will come again tomorrow." After saying that, Mila got up from her seat and stepped out of Kevin's room before ...


Mila turned around when Kevin called her name, and she could see that Kevin was smiling at her right now.

And that smile...

... very sweet.

Mila admits it.

"Do not worry. Your mom will be fine." He said, making Mila nod with the same smile.

Then she immediately grabbed the doorknob of Kevin's room, and stepped out of there.


After leaving Kevin's office, Mila returned to the hospital. She walked to the emergency room, where her mother was being cared for, because Mila still couldn't pay for the treatment room for her mother.

But when she couldn't find her mother's whereabouts, Mila panicked. Afraid that something would happen to her mother while she was gone.

"Excuse me. I want to ask where my mother is? Why isn't she here?" She asked the nurse on duty in the ER.

The nurse opened the file in front of her. "Patient on behalf of Mrs. Daisy Isabella?" and Mila nodded.

"It's written here that Mrs. Daisy has been transferred to the treatment room."

Mila was surprised to hear that. "Well, I haven't paid for my mother's room, Nurse. Please check again, maybe you misread the information."

But the nurse just shook her head. "There's nothing wrong. Mrs. Daisy was transferred to VVIP room no.3 half an hour ago. And the man who paid for it on behalf of Mr. Ralph Kevin Arsenio. Take a look, here are all the details of your mom's care costs for two weeks including the operation costs, and everything has been paid in full."

Mila was stunned when she read the proof of payment of her mother's hospital fees which was written at 850 million, almost one billion.

That expensive? This is crazy!

"Oh my god, this guy is really crazy! Who told him to move my mom to the VIP room? What a show-off! He thought because he was rich he could go on like this huh? Just see tomorrow, I will definitely teach him a lesson!" mumbled Mila, with her breath ragged with annoyance. It made the nurse in front of her shudder in horror to see it.

"Where is my mom's VVIP room?"

"The room is on the top floor. You can take the elevator at the other end," said the nurse, pointing to the intended direction.

"Thank you, Nurse." Mila immediately walked to the room where her mother was being treated.


"That crazy man!" Mila cursed Kevin accidentally. And if you want to know the reason, then Mila will tell you.

When Mila first opened the door to her mother's room, it wasn't the hospital bed she found. But the view of the dining table and living room were one.

After she went inside, she already found her mother's hospital bed. Located in a different room with a door partition that slides by itself. And this room deserves to be called a hotel room rather than a hospital room.

"Mila, when you come, Dear?"

"Mpm." Mila immediately walked over to her mother's bed and hugged her. Making Daisy return her daughter's hug with one hand that stroked her black mane.

"How's mommy today? You feel better?" Mila asked after letting her hug go.

Daisy smiled broadly as she nodded. "Mommy is feeling well, Honey. Moreover, this room really makes mommy feel comfortable, like being at home." She said, making Mila take a deep breath. Even though she had just thought of telling Kevin to move her mother to the regular ward tomorrow.

But why did her mother feel comfortable in that room?

"Oh yes dear, can I ask you something?"

"What do you want to ask, Mom?"

"Earlier before mommy was transferred to this room, the doctor said that mommy would be operated on the day after tomorrow. Mommy wants to ask you where did you get the money for my medical expenses? All these facilities must be expensive. Isn't it?"

Mila nodded. The cost of maintenance for just two weeks has already cost nearly one billion.

"Mila has been accepted for a job at the company that Mila interviewed yesterday, Mom. And all this money, Mila borrowed from Mila's boss, fortunately, Mila's boss is a very nice person."

Daisy was surprised by her daughter's words. "You borrowed all this from your boss? Even if you just got a job?"

Mila nodded. "Yes, Mom."

Daisy squinted her eyes suspiciously at her daughter. "Honey."


"That boss, is he a man?"

Again Mila nodded. "How do you know?"

"I thought maybe he liked you."

"Hah?" Mila was very surprised, and did not expect that her mother would think like that.

"Isn't he handsome? Do you have his photo? Mommy wants to see him, please!"

"Mom! How can I have his photo? I haven't!"

"Yeah, who knows, maybe you can see it on Instagram."

Then Mila snorted afterward. "Mom, please! Mila doesn't want to talk about it. It's better for mommy to rest because Mila wants to get ready for work tomorrow."

"You started work tomorrow, Honey?"

Mila smiled. "Yes, Mom. Mommy should pray for Mila, okay? I hope I will feel comfortable working there."

"You must be comfortable, Honey. The boss is kind, moreover, he also likes you."

"Mommy! Oh, gosh!" Mila was annoyed, making Daisy laugh at her daughter instead. Her mother really likes to tease her.

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And if you have some idea about my story, comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, so please, cheer me up! Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Then give me more motivation too!

I'm really want to say thanks to all my readers! Once again, thank you!

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