
My Secret Wedding

Kevin is forced to pay a woman to become his wife so he can be free from the half-crazy woman he was betrothed to. However, who would have thought that the stranger who had just entered his life was his first love. Then, how is the story of their marriage life when everyone is trying to destroy it?

penapika · Urban
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24 Chs

Meet Her Again.

Only this time, someone called him fussy. He is more famous for being a quiet person.

After that, Mila compresses some bruises on Kevin's arms, and smears them with the medicine that she has prepared before.

"It's done." She said with a charming smile.

It made Kevin almost, almost fascinated by her beauty, before he realized that admiring that girl just added problems in his life.

"This ointment must be applied three times a day, before going to bed and waking up, that is the most important thing. And also, try to take off your shoes!"

"What else do you want?"

"Can't you just do what I ask?" Mila was squatting in front of Kevin before Kevin took off his shoes first. It made Mila smile a little.

"See? It must be a sprain!" She said, noticing the bruises on Kevin's wrist.

"Can you stand the pain?" Mila asked afterward.

"So what?" Kevin furrowed his brows, making Mila snort again. "Just answer me why? You've not been asking for a long time."

So why is she the one being scolded? Kevin did not understand it.

Even though Kevin only asked because his legs also belong to him, part of his limbs. So what's wrong if he wants to know about his own body parts?

"What do you want to do?"


Mila made a happy face, with her hand pointing right in front of Kevin's face.


"Give me your feet, I will massage it."

"Have you massaged anyone before?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. My daddy really likes my massage!" Kevin snorted hearing the arrogance of this woman in front of him.


Kevin restrains Mila's movement who wants to move his leg to the girl's thigh.

"Why?" Mila asked, confused.

"You can make your uniform skirt dirty!"

"Oh, God! If the uniform is dirty, you can wash it several times. It's not important that your feet must be massaged first so it doesn't get worse. Don't you really feel sorry for your parents, who must be worried if you see their child battered like this?"

Once again. This is the first time Kevin has found someone who cares more about others than herself. Even Kevin also knew that the girl in front of him would definitely be in trouble if Mischa knew Mila was helping him.

"Hold on! It hurts a little!" He said as she slowly massaged Kevin's feet.

As for Kevin, he was more busy looking at Mila's pretty face that managed to anesthetize him, rather than with the pain in his leg.



"Doesn't it hurt?"

"What?" Kevin became unfocused, because he was too busy with his own feelings.

"Your leg, even though I just fixed the veins. But why didn't you scream?"

"Do you have to scream?" And Mila shook her head, looking at Kevin in surprise.

"Doesn't it really hurt?"

And Kevin nodded. "Yes."


"You said it didn't hurt but you're screaming!"

Sorry, how can you not complain if Mila accidentally presses Kevin's bruised ankle? Kevin really did not understand the thought of the beautiful girl in front of him.

Hey, did Kevin just admit that Mila is pretty?

"Anyway, you have to compress your feet with ice often, so that the bruises will disappear quickly. I'll go first, because I've been picked up. Bye!"

After saying that, Mila immediately ran away from Kevin who was still watching her from a distance.


Since the incident where Kevin was bullied by Mischa and his friends, Kevin paid more attention to Mila. Because the girl also often comes to his class.

Not to see him, no! But to meet Mischa who is also in the same class as Kevin.

Like now, the girl was with her friends in the canteen. It's exciting to talk about the national dance competition that will be held next month.

"Mila, I'm sure if you win this, you will be more famous!"

"Yeah, but..."

"But, why?"

Kevin was in eavesdropping mode, deliberately sitting behind Mila and her friends in the canteen.

"My dance shoes are broken, and I don't have money to buy them yet."

"Well, why do you act like a beggar, Mila? Just ask your father, you'll definitely be able to buy it right away!"

"Well, the problem is ... I've already received the money from my father."

"Nice indeed! So just buy it, what's the problem?"

"The problem is, yesterday I used the money for hospital fees for orphans who are sick."

"That child from the hopeful orphanage that we often visit?"

"Yes," replied Mila pitifully, making Kevin so moved to do something.

"Then, how about now?" asked one of his friends again.

"I don't know, Paul. I'm confused about this too."

"Want to use my savings? But, my savings have decreased because I just bought makeup yesterday," said Mila's friend, whose name Kevin knows is Vega.

Kevin also knows him, because Vega is the daughter of one of his father's best friends.

"Well, I don't need to take part in the competition this time. It's okay. Next year, I'll join it."

"But Mila, you've been preparing yourself since months ago for this dance competition, dear!"

"It's okay, maybe it's fate that I can't join this time."

Once again. Mila's words just managed to make Kevin fall even more into the girl's charm now.

"Hey, it's already the bell, let's go to class!" After Mila's departure, Kevin immediately took out his cellphone, and called his father's secretary who was usually on duty to meet all his needs.



"Oh, Kevin?" Vega was surprised when she saw his senior calling her.

In fact, it was the boy who said that they had to act like strangers who didn't know each other at school.

"Follow me for a moment!"

"Hey, where are you going?" Vega gets even more confused when the boy pulls him to come with him in the park behind the school.


Kevin handed her a box, which made Vega frown.

"What's this?" asked Vega, though it was clear that it had to be shoes. Seen from the box.

"I'll leave it for Mila. Don't say it's from me, just say it's from you."

"Hah?" Vega was surprised, and confused at the same time.

How did her senior know about Mila? Okay, wrong question! Mila is so famous, so who doesn't know her?

But ...

It's quite strange to hear that a guy as introverted as Kevin is interested in Mila's business.

Especially ...

"Ah, don't forget, if Mila needs anything, you just ask me!"

And after saying that, Kevin immediately stepped away before...

"Wait a moment. You just told me to be my own best friend's spy?"

"Not a spy, just to help."

"What's the difference anyway? It's the same, Bro!"

"Well, anyway you have to help me!"

"How can I –"

Before she could finish his sentence, Kevin cut her off first. "If you help me, I will fulfill your make-up needs every month."

Vega thought for a moment. She looked at Kevin then finally nodded his head, agreeing to Kevin's request to her.

"Okay, I just need to report Mila's needs to you, right?"


"But don't lie about the make-up, okay?"

"Did I ever lie?"

Vega just laughed after that. "Hehe, never, Brother!"

And from that moment, until Kevin graduated from his high school, he became Mila's secret admirer. Even when he wasn't in high school anymore, Kevin always asked Vega about Mila.

But unfortunately, when Mila graduated from high school, she suddenly disappeared like being swallowed by the earth. Kevin has tried to look for it, but can't find it. Even Vega, she doesn't know where Mila is.

What Vega knows is that Mila has family problems that forced her to move out of her old house.

Until several years had passed, ten years had passed to be exact...

When Kevin had started to forget the girl who became his first love, Kevin was reunited with the girl in a way he never imagined before.

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And if you have some idea about my story, comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, so please, cheer me up! Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Then give me more motivation too!

I'm really want to say thanks to all my readers! Once again, thank you!

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