
Surprise! surprise!

(Phone vibrated)

Olivia looked at her phone "meet me at 2pm at the park near you, you won't be disappointed"

Who is this, I don't know the number. Olivia thought.

Olivia Reply's "who's is this?"

(Message) its a surprise from jack look for a purple box.

Maybe I should go? Yeah I will iv missed jack he's been away for four days now iv missed him.

07:16am oh no, I can't be late for work I got to be at the office's for 08:30am.

I quickly shower and dress for the day I put on my purple jumper and my favourite black jeans that hug my waist and legs beautifully and with black stilettos, I can wait for my surprise. CRAP I'm late.

I get to work and sit I'm my office I turn on my pc but nothing no email nothing.

Thinking back it has been the same since me and jack started working together two years ago but I haven't had a really got job for six months but in getting married in two days and jack doesn't want me working away so much.