

In 2018, I came to Canada on January 2nd and it had been two days before the winter semester started. The reason why I came to Canada was to study English, so I took the language training program named "ELP" in the University of Winnipeg.

Let me introduce myself first. I have a hobby of making videos. I prefer to take videos rather than photos. Since I came to Canada, I have taken videos with my friends and I posted them on Youtube. The other personal trait is that I have no confidence in speaking to someone, especially to girls. It is hard for me to start a conversation with someone. These two things are helpful for you to understand my novel, and I hope you will enjoy it.

Some of many stories are a little bit different from what we have experienced, so please understand that it is just a novel similar to something Fictitious.

I was not good at speaking English and also have not been until now, but I wrote this story for only one lady. I thought many things about her by myself, and I hope they will be delivered to her too.