
My Secret Billionaire Husband

"Hubby, I don't want anymore, I feel terrible..." "Baby, be good, finish up this medicine." The handsome man embraces the woman in his arms, coaxing her tenderly as he feeds her the medicine. Joanna Lawrence stumbles upon Ashton Heath, the most esteemed scion in all of Closia City, and ends up sleeping with him for the night. After he offers her benefits in exchange for their marriage, the newly appointed Mrs Heath suddenly has the power to have everything she ever wished for. "Hubby, I slapped the Movie Queen Faye today, was I too much?" "Baby, does your hand hurt? Let me rub it for you." "Hubby, I maxed out your credit card, are you angry?" "Baby, are you happy with your purchase? Let me know when you need more." "Hubby, I'm tired today, I don't want to move..."

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1543 Chs

Chapter 7 As you wish, we will break off the engagement

Translator: 549690339

"Ha." Joanna Lawrence felt like she had heard the biggest joke in the world.

"You must take responsibility for her? What about me? David Benington, what am I to you?"

David tightened his lips, looking down at Annie in his arms, her face pale from fright and her body still trembling. He tightened his arms, holding her securely against him.

Annie held onto him as well, looking extremely dependent on him, her soft, weak voice calling out, "David."

David patted her head, then looked up at Joanna again. After a long silence, he croaked, "Joanna, I'm sorry. The one I love is Annie. I can't deceive myself, and I don't want to deceive you."

Hearing his apologies, Joanna's heart grew colder and more disappointed than ever.

Now, she just wanted to laugh.

Because she thought all of it was just a joke.

Initially, he said he would share his life with her, never letting her down.

He insisted on fulfilling their marriage contract, saying he loved her and wanted to marry her to be his wife.

It was also him who said he would only love her in this lifetime.

But what about now? What did all these mean?

He actually said he fell in love with Annie Lawrence.

Joanna's lips curled up in a mocking smile, laughing out loud, but her eyes were filled with sorrow: "You said you fell in love with Annie Lawrence?"

David's eyes flickered, full of guilt, and he couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. He lowered his gaze and said, "Yes."

In his embrace, Annie turned her face, slowly curving her lips into a triumphant smile.

She mouthed something without making a sound, but Joanna understood her lip language.

She said: Sister, I've won again.

Joanna looked at the two embracing each other, and the disappointment and sorrow in her eyes gradually faded away.

A moment later, she nodded, "Alright, David."

She looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face before her, her eyes devoid of any emotion. Coldly, she said word by word, "As you wish, we'll break off our engagement."

David suddenly looked up, "Joanna…"

"Shut up!"

Joanna gave him an icy glare, her eyes devoid of warmth. "David Benington, from this moment on, let's go our separate ways. If we see each other in the future, we'll be strangers!"

Facing her icy eyes, as if looking at a stranger, David's heart inexplicably panicked.

It seemed… at this moment, he had lost something important.

An empty space emerged in his heart.

His heart ached dully.

Joanna didn't look at him again and turned to walk out of the private room.

Her steps were resolute, with no trace of attachment.

David hadn't had a chance to think about why his heart ached. His body moved before his brain, and he started chasing after her.



At this moment, Annie's painful groan came from behind him, "My stomach suddenly hurts so bad…"

David's face changed, and he quickly turned around and hurried to her side.

He held her, "Annie, what's wrong?"

Annie covered her stomach with one hand, her brows furrowed, "My stomach suddenly feels uncomfortable, it hurts so much. David, is there something wrong with our baby?"

Hearing that their baby might be in trouble, David's attention was entirely focused on Annie.

He didn't think about Joanna anymore.

Worried, he said, "No, there's no way. Annie, don't think too much, our baby must be healthy. I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Joanna reached the door.

Hearing the commotion, she paused her steps.

But then, she quickly went out the door.


Leaving the restaurant.

Joanna stood by the side of the street, looking at the bustling road, her mind a bit dazed.

Just a week ago, David had taken her to the Benington family. Collin and Mrs. Benington were discussing their wedding date and planning their marriage.

At that time, who could have imagined that she and David would break up so soon?

Betrayed by her childhood sweetheart, and the one he cheated with was her stepsister, Joanna felt that her life was so messed up, so dramatic!

She thought, even if any man could be snatched away by Annie, that person wouldn't be David.


Only now did she realize how naive and ridiculous her thoughts were.

Reality had slapped her in the face, waking her up completely.

Her phone suddenly rang, it was a call from the hospital. She quickly picked up.


Just saying one word, her face turned pale instantly.