
Chapter 1760: Stuffed My Mouth with Puppy Love

The artists they had shot before all ate boiled vegetables and tofu, and their food never had any oil. Some of them were even stricter, not even adding any seasonings.

Some of those artists, who flaunted their love for food, seemed to be able to eat a lot without gaining weight. But in reality, they either took pictures with food or immediately vomited after eating it once the show was over.

No one dared to eat as openly as Joanna Lawrence did.

Moreover, it didn't seem like Joanna ate this way just for the show.

She had eaten a lot of high-calorie food.

And when she ate, her expression showed that she was truly enjoying the food, not faking it.

One of the photographers couldn't help but ask: "Miss Joanna, do you usually eat like this?"

Joanna had just swallowed a piece of cake and still had one in her hand. She looked up at the photographer who asked the question and suddenly noticed that everyone across from her was looking at her.