
My Second Male Lead [J.JK]

I'm pretty sure i jump off from the 30th floor, so why the fuck am i still alive whose body am i staying at? just because you're a God doesn't mean you can forced me to live

Base_peasant · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

9.0 scheming bastard

"It's been so long since we last eat together" jungkook said not caring the commotion his words create in the cafeteria.

"We eat together the day before yesterday. How is that 'so long'?"


Taehyung and Soyeon was in their own world and Jinhee the supposedly villainess was giving all her attention to her phone, they don't give the duo an ounce of attention but the same couldn't' be said for mina and jimin.

Jimin's lips was curled up in amusement, seeing the duo is always so satisfying. Mina was clenching her fist in anger but maintain a sweet smile not showing her anger and jealousy.

Haneul was pondering why Jungkook would do something so unusual. Then she came to a realization. The youth must be trying to use her as a distraction. This little brat is not someone who do things out if impulse,he must really plan something. Such a schemer

'Do you really think i couldn't see through you?'

Jimin who want to tease his friend leaned closer to Haneul and ask if she could share her food with him. Haneul pick up some dishes and put it in his tray and told him to eat up. Jungkook who saw the scene felt a bit disturbed. He eat his food while unconsciously sulking. Mina when seeing the reaction of Jungkook was fuming with anger, unable to control herself she 'accidentally' spill her drinks on Haneul.

"Oh my god, i am so sorry!" Mina apologized looking at Haneul, her face filled with worry

"I am so sorry. Please forgive me. What am I supposed to do? Please don't be angry" mina was a keeping her innocent look, unshed tears filled her eyes.Her already delicate face look even more pretty under her pitiful appearance.

" what are you crying for?If people see you they might think I bullied you" Haneul who was already annoyed with how the plot developed was even more irritated with the girl's  appearance as a pitiful white lotus

"Haneul-si, please don't misunderstand my friend. She's a bit clumsy and just don't want to make you angry with her clumsiness" soyeon said in a soft voice, speaking up for her

'Look at you, you couldn't even stand up in front of  Taehyung to clear up the misunderstanding between us and now you're acting all saintly'. Haneul was scolding both Soyeon and Mina in her head but keep a neutral face.

" whatever. I'm leaving first and don't you dare follow me" Haneul decided to leave the troublesome people.

Because of her gloomy state Haneul decided to skip class. Not really knowing what to do she decide to pick up his little nephew from his day care centre. After informing the maid who used to pick Seungjae from the centre Haneul walk to the day care centre.

"Auntie, why can't you pick me up everyday?" The little boy asked while eating his ice cream.

" sorry bun. But auntie have to go to class so auntie doesn't have time."

Looking at the cute little boy on the swing Haneul felt that her mood is instantly lift up. She was never the best with kids but she was always fond of them. She used to think giving birth to her own would be her salvation but life have other thing stored for her. The day she found out she was infertile was the day she lost all hope. Reliving the pain again, a lone tear rolled off her cheek.

" auntie, why are you crying?" Seungjae asked his young handsome face filled with distress.

" auntie is just a little sad with things out of her control." Haneul answer not really caring if the young boy would understand and wipe her tear

"It' s okay to cry when you're sad. Auntie, I'll stay with you even if you're ugly when crying" the boy say in all seriousness, making Haneul laugh in delight. Having a kid is truly her salvation