
A Night to Remember 3

[second point of view]

[Barbara] after Tony finish his Showcase of all thought technology that his company is working on but the one thing people are interested in the most is the smartphone since it's the one thing out of all other things that he showed that people will have access to because according to Tony's announcement they will be on the market at the beginning of next month.

with all the things that I can do it's no wonder, people are interested especially with that AI called Siri And this thing called Wi-Fi. It's a Wonder how Tony's company can come up with such wondrous ideas like the last thing Tony is talking about are these very advanced cheap and affordable prosthetic limbs for people who have become amputees as we're seeing best 3D visual on a screen of how the Prosthetics should work when it's a done product.

( author what's great about this is that this little bit it's not just fantasy any more people are actually working on things like this. I'm in full support of things like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luHmXHEpF7w)

then the doors to the hall first open 10 men Rush in firing in the air than one of the men of Scream for everyone to get down on the ground As people start to screen some even faint But everyone still gets the ground. damn it and this was supposed to be a good night for me and I can't do anything right now I look at Bruce and he seems to be in the same predicament as me it looks as if he's trying to find a way to sneak out. damn it why did it have to be tonight why couldn't these guys have picked a different day.

I look at the stage for Tony he is still there standing with a calm face why Is he so calm in a situation like this and why is he walking to one of them.

[end second point of view]

just as I was finishing the showcase for today the door was busted open and 10 armed men Come running in screaming for everyone to get down.

everyone complied some people scream and I can see Bruce trying to find some way to sneak away without being noticed and Barbara looks like she's having a bad day I may have to make it better for her. well, it seems that my special guests have arrived. it's time for my showcase to the military generals.

I have 6 years until the Justice League is formed and just like the MCU Avengers we are formed because of an invasion. but in the DCU it's a global invasion instead of just one state and The Invasion is not always the same alien race. and the world's military was not properly equipped to fight off an alien invasion with Superior weapons causing the governments to fall.

I will be selling my weapons to the world nothing to advance just enough to give them a Fighting Chance so that people can evacuate from cities and have fewer casualties.

The first I'm going to show them what I can do as I start to walk to the leader of this group it's time to get this showcase over with.

[Tony] Gentlemen please there's no need for such violence now why are you here ruining my good show.

the leader of the group starts to smile evilly at my question.

[Nick] well Mr. Stark we're here for you. someone paid us a lot of money to kidnap you.

So just come with us quietly and no one will have to get hurt.

[Tony] ( wow he just upright and said someone paid him to kidnap me if I was his employer I would have killed him for linking information like that. well, I am his employer and I was going to kill him still the guy is not very professional.) really now And how much is it to kidnap me hmm.

[Nick] 5 million now are you going to cooperate or are we going to have to do this the hard way.

[Tony] wow 5 million I feel bad for you. you would think it would be higher for the trouble to even try to kidnap me tsk tsk.

[Nick] what! are you on about?

[Mike] Nick I don't like how he's so calm about this Let's just Grab him & Go

[Nick] you're always worrying about every little thing fine. come on Mr. Tony or else

[Tony] I'm sorry Mr. Nick but I won't be going anywhere with you.

[Nick] what!!

[Mike] what!!

as both look at me and ask that question I start pointing upwards and everyone then looks up and then panels on the ceiling open up and down come pulse blasters quickly aimed at the 10 armed thugs And blast them before they even had time to react.

And sending them back a couple of feet from the blast some weak-willed people in the audience screamed at the scene that happened in front of them and as the drones come in to take their weapons and to restrain them

[Tony] well now ladies and gentlemen Now that this little Fiasco it's settled let us go and eat my company has prepared the finest feast for everyone tonight please enjoy.

as I'm trying to calm everyone down and lead them into the Hall for the dinner Commissioner Gordon didn't make it through all on him having to do his job as well as telling me but he will find out who had hired them to kidnap me.

I've noticed some of the generals and ambassadors eyeing my weapons which were the whole point of inviting these special guests

And as the day was ending I was all but anticipating the rest of my night with Barbara and she seems to be sticking a little bit more closely to me since the incident earlier which I thought was cute. it was nice to know that she was worried about me and we only met just recently to am I that Charming I must learn to control it. I laugh at myself a little about my thinking at the last bit there.


[Author] sorry guys I know it's been about a week since my last update but I wasn't really in the mood to write a chapter just stuff in my life happening right now I don't want to talk about my personal life on here. I'm just letting you know I wasn't in the mood to write especially this chapter since it didn't come out the way I wanted it to.

it was supposed to be a lemon for you guys to make your lemonade with. anyway just wanted to let you guys know the reason why I was late to release this chapter well hope you enjoy.

PS. and no I'm not dropping the story. though Bear in mine then I won't be able to release a chapter every two days plan to.

PPS. I'm also going to be editing some of the chapters because of some wrong words in places just a heads up so you don't think I'm dropping the story