
My Second Life in Another World

As night descends, a man sits alone, lost in thoughts of grief on his birthday, mourning the loss of his parents. Seeking solace, he turns to alcohol, hoping to numb the pain. But when he wakes the next day, he finds himself in a strange new world, gifted with powers he unknowingly acquired in his intoxicated state. Rather than succumbing to despair, he chooses to face the unknown with resilience and determination. Exploring this unfamiliar realm, he uncovers hidden truths about himself, unlocking a wellspring of abilities he never knew existed. Driven by an unwavering desire to be reunited with his parents, he embarks on a quest to understand his newfound powers and the world that now surrounds him. Throughout his journey, he forms alliances, overcomes adversaries, and lends a helping hand to those in need. If there are also those who pose a threat to his loved ones. He confronts these challenges head-on, employing diverse strategies beyond mere violence. From Solo Leveling to The Beginning After The End to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, follow this man's story as he tries to make sense of his new reality and find his way back to his loved ones. …. Before you begin reading the story, I'd like to share a few important points. The main character (MC) is a good-natured and cheerful person, so don't expect him to become excessively violent or aggressive from the start. However, he won't let others walk all over him and will deal with anyone he sees as a potential threat. How he handles these situations won't always involve violence, but you'll understand more about this as you progress into the second part of the story. The first part is meant to be uplifting and doesn't involve much danger because the MC is already powerful. Its purpose is mainly to introduce the MC's personality and the female characters who will develop romantic feelings for him. I did my best with my writing skills at the time, so I apologize if it's not as good as you'd like. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome, as I value your input. While this story can be enjoyed as a lighthearted harem fanfic commonly found in web novels, if you take the time to explore the sentences and scenarios, you'll find deeper meaning beneath the surface. Ultimately, it's up to you as the reader to interpret and decide whether it's a typical fanfic with an overpowered MC and a harem or something more meaningful when read with greater thought and investment. I've learned this through my writing experiences. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts after reading. I deeply appreciate all of my readers, and I am truly grateful to those who enjoy reading this story. Your support means a lot to me. At the same time, I want to apologize to those who didn't find it appealing or satisfying. Anyway thanks for taking the time to engage with my work, and I will try to improve and deliver content that you may like one day. That is all, Thank you for reading. Note: This story is a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters. For those interested, you can join the Discord link provided or check out my Patreon to read ahead. 1 extra chapter for 650 power stones https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

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"This is for you Resha," Haru said as he took out a bookshelf that was 7 feet tall and was packed to the brim with books.

"My Lord this," Queresha was surprised as she felt the mana that the books were releasing.

"These books have all the knowledge from this universe regarding alchemy, blacksmithing, artifact creation, and magic archives from different worlds. And there are also books left behind by Graunts that you talked about," Haru told Queresha about what type of books were on the shelf, and the more she listened the more she was smiling.

"Thank you very much, My lord," Queresha said with a wide smile, and from the look on her face, she couldn't wait to research and decode the books.

"Well they just caught my eyes when I was looking around that is all," Haru said casually though he can still remember that The Brightest Fragment of Brilliant light was about to pass out when he chose this whole bookshelf.

'Well they have copies of this so it is fine,' Haru shrugged like it wasn't his problem.

"Oh and there was this thing as well," Haru brought out a normal-sized white tablet and gave it to Queresha.

"What is this, My Lord?" Queresha asked as she knew that Haru won't give her a normal tablet.

"This one has the data from the species that had advanced in scientific studies, although their planet was destroyed this tablet is still connected to the main terminal which is in the core of that planet. If you want to go there just tell me I can take you there so you can research it as much as you want." Haru told Queresha what The ruler had relayed to him, he also got this planet along with another one as a 'gift'.

"Really, Thank you so much, My Lord," Queresha had a wide smile as her happiness was bursting out of her in waves. She was truly happy that she got so many of the things she wanted.

"You surely have given the Rulers a hard time," Hae-in said as she looked at Haru as Queresha busied herself in the mountain of books sorting them out.

"No No, he said it was alright as long as don't empty the treasury and I only took a few items anyway," Haru said with a smile.

"Sure sure, I can see that," Hae-in nodded with a smile as she was thinking how desperate the ruler must've been to say 'Don't empty the treasury'.

"Oh Yeah this one is for you," Haru spoke while taking out a long sword from his inventory.

It had the length of a normal longsword just a bit wider with a dark blue hilt and a golden cross guard which had many gems adorning it, the pure white blade shinned with majesty and mystery as if it was out of this universe.

"This looks more like a ceremonial sword," Jin-ah said as she came towards them with Kanae who had finished testing her katana and came to see this weapon as well.

She might not let it show(Which is what she thinks,) But she really likes looking at weapons, especially swords.

Hae-in took the sword and instantly felt the large amount of Mana the sword had.

'It fits me perfectly, but I am really weak to bring out its true power,' Hae-in knew that she was lacking the necessary power to bring out the true charm of this sword but she was excited for the day she can fully unleash the full power of this weapon.


Claíomh Solais (S+)::- Claíomh Solais (Sword of Light), the sword of Nuada Airgeadlámh, is a conceptual weapon that embodies a common trope in Irish and Scottish Gaelic folktales and myths. Specifically, it is a "named" Will which can enchant any sword into the fabled "Sword of Light" by possessing the sword and then warping the sword into an incarnation of its Unit Designation.

As a Will rather than an actual weapon, Claíomh Solais is an abstract idea rather than a concrete entity. As a result, Claíomh Solais is not limited to a single form or even to a single wielder. Instead, it may take the form of any sword that it chooses to possess and it may be wielded by any hero that it allows to do so.

-Attack power increases by 100% when facing a demonic entity.

-The power of Light Magic increases by 200%.

-The skill 'Absolute Cleave', using this skill the user can cut through anything with enough power.

-'Alert' The sword can't be stolen from its current owner unless the user breaths his last, The sword alerts the user if someone is directing malicious intent towards them, it doesn't matter what type of masking is used the 'true desire' of the target will be known by the user.

-Authority 'Photon' (Sealed)::-

1st condition, The user must meet his/her lifelong partner (The feeling must be mutual). [Fullfilled]

2nd condition, The user must have an average stat level of ???. [Not fullfilled]

Price::- 17,100 points


"…" Hae-in didn't do react much but only looked at the 1st condition of the authority and looked at Haru who was looking at her.

"What? you don't like it?" Haru asked as if she didn't he had something else stored just in case.

"I love you," Hae-in said with a bright smile as she hugged Haru.

"Well that was kind of random, but I love you too," Haru hugged her back as well.


Haru and Hae-in felt three sharp stares to see the other three staring at them with a deadpan expression.

"Cough*" Both Haru and Hae-in separated while coughing they forgot that everyone was there as well. But Jin-ah rolled her eyes, Kanae just harrumphed and looked away while Queresha didn't have much of a reaction to the display of affection.

"Anyway now you guys should check out the things you got," Haru said with a smile and everyone went to different parts of the training ground to check out the weapons except Queresha who has placed the entire bookshelf in her inventory after sorting it out and went to research lab she built in the training space to study the books and the tablet.

"I'll just go and plan on the things I need to finish as well," Haru said as he went back to earth to finish the preparations for the upcoming event.


It has been a week since the event of 8 super gates opening around the world, at first the tense and fearful atmosphere was turned into a worldwide fiesta.

People from all over the world were celebrating the hunters who risked their lives to save humanity from destruction. As festivals were taking place all around the world with people dancing on the street in happiness and joy that they lived through the worst trail that humanity has faced till today.

All of the Hunters who took part in the raid gathered in the city of Rome.

The reason for all of them gathering there was because they received the invitation from The International Hunters Association to attend an event.

The Event was a funeral for those people who lost their lives in this raid defending Humanity with a banquet for the hunters.

The small banquet has already ended in the afternoon and now only the funeral remained.

Reporters and people from all over the world were gathering outside the famous coliseum in Rome, They weren't here to take photos of this magnificent wonder of architecture but rather to take photos of the Hunters who were placing flowers in front of a giant tablet in the middle of the coliseum.

The White tablet had the names of all of the hunters who lost their lives in the raid with their family and friend shedding tears while the hunters from all around the world placed white flowers in front of the white Tablet.

"Get a shot quick it is Mr. Andre, Quick! Quick!" some reporters shouted as they clicked away to take photos of Thomas who was in a black suit with his hair in a proper ponytail.

"Hey, are you sure that is Thomas Andre?" This sight was confusing for the reporters as Thomas was known to wear a Hawaiian shirt and shorts even if he was going into an S-rank dungeon. It was surely a shock to see him dress properly as he kept his wild blonde hair in a ponytail.

Under these talks and flashes of the camera, Thomas went back to his seat only to meet with zhigang's joshing.

"Haha look everyone is surprised that you look like a human now,"

"Ah shut it palm tree, You are just jealous of my wild charm," Thomas huffed as he grumbled making Laura who was sitting beside him laugh.

"Who are you calling Palm Tree? You have always been jealous of my hair anyway, you know I can always keep my hair in control." Zhigang said as he slicked but his hair but the ahoges on his head didn't sit down but sprung back up.

"Haha say that again will you," Thomas laughed at Zhigang who was trying to make his ahoge sit down but failed miserably.