
My second life but as a skeleton with a system

Alex is a ordinary fellow with a sad life. Even though his life is sad and full of problems he tries live it to the fullest every day. One day as he's on his usual morning stroll through the park he just collapses dead. No crash or murder his body just gave up to old age. After all he is 97. He is given a second chance by a god and is transported to another world. Read to find out how he lives his second life in another world. Hello author here I'm just someone trying out something new. Don't blame me if I suddenly drop this and give up. I hope at least one person can enjoy this and I'll try continuing but there is no scheduled release of these chapters. Any names or things in this is purely coincidence I just think up random things and write them have fun. (I am restarting my novel and changing it up from before)

GodWillyWonka · Fantasy
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My meeting with a god

As I pass away I didn't feel anything as everything was going dark. After not to long everything slowly started to come back to me. After a while longer I slowly open my eyes and notice that all I can see is white. I slowly sat up noticing more as white was everywhere except to be what seemed like someone else.

As I slowly looked at this person I realized that they seem to be a man but I couldn't exactly tell. I looked closer and realized it was a man but his face kept changing features. At first he was handsome with big grey eyes a medium nose a thin but long mouth and short white hair. Then all of it suddenly started changing rapidly. The only thing constant was that his facial features always stopped for a few seconds on the first features which confused me alot.

"Ooooh your awake gooood.... now let's talk about why your here." (?)

"Uuuuh..... who are you... and where are we?" (Alex)

I calmly asked him while looking into his ever changing eyes.

"Well I'm Femis a god and your here in a space I made for our meeting." (Femis)

Suddenly a desk with a big desk chair appear as Femis went and sat down in the big and comfy looking desk chair while pointing at the other seat that appeared across from him.

"Sit and chat with me" (Femis)

I slowly stood up from what seemed to be the ground in this place. When I stood up I was suprised to see that I was 22 again but I quickly for over my surprise. After inspecting myself for about a minute I slowly went and sat down in the other chair across the desk from Femis.

"Now Alex... let's talk about why your here." (Femis)

Before Femis could continue talking I decided to interrupt him as I already know why I'm here.

"I'm here because I died right?" (Alex)

"Hahaha.... Not bad normally people are scared or mad. Not you though you calmed down quickly and stayed collected. This is the first time someone's acted like that with me. Alright since you were able to make me laugh I've decided to give you 7 wishes before you reincarnate into my fantasy world of swords and magic. Now before you suddenly blurt out 7 random wishes you need to think about them first but don't worry about how long you thing about them just think carefully." (Femis)

As I sat there and listened Femis seemed to be more and more interested as he looked at me like I was some specimen or experiment of his. I was also suprised by his laugh. His laugh sounded like a mix between an evil villain and a righteous hero but more on the evil side.

"Ok so I get seven wishes before I reincarnate.... 'Well first I wanna keep my memories as that's an important part of me. Next I want a system that can help me..... I want some special clothes that will shrink to my size, have self repairing, with self cleaning abilities, and give me some defence..... Next I want to be able to use all types of magic.... Oh I'll also need to have amazing affinity with all of them to won't I.... I want to have a tamed pet... maybe a dragon... Yeah I want my tamed pet to also be a friend and a dragon lastly... I want to look diffrent. My current looks are very average.' Alright I've though of my wishes they are..." (Alex)

Before I could say my wishes Femis stopped me with a light cough to get my attention. When I looked at him wondering why he stoped me he was smiling. His smile sent shivers down my spine as he looked like he had just came up with the best and most evil idea for me.

"I already heard your wishes after all I can read your mind. Now I can let you keep your memories, give you those special clothes, let you be able to use all magics with high affinity, and have new looks. I however cannot give you a tamed dragon as a pet. Now before you say anything. I can give you a dragon egg and leave the taming of said dragon up to you." (Femis)

After he finished speaking he gave me the scariest grin ever. When I saw his grin I started to have cold sweat dripping down my back and forhead. I knew something was off with with him and his smile but before I could say anything he interrupted by speaking first.

"alright now that your wishes are complete it's time I send you off to your new home." (Femis)

Right after he said that everything started getting really blurry. I quickly looked around suprised as everything was going black. 'A-am I dieing again?' I quickly calmed down again as everything then went black. I suddenly passed out and slept for what seemed to be a long time. When I finally woke up I was very confused. confused because where I found myself was a dark and small cave.

"where am I?" (Alex)

Back to Femis right after Alex disappeared. Femis seemed to have an excited look with his evil smile. Suddenly after a while he started talking to himself.

"Well I hope he has fun with his new body and system that he has. I mean I did do what he asked but it's not what he will expect.... Whatever what's life without a few challenges in your way anyways." (Femis)

To make sure I know everyone knows " " this means it's people talking and ' ' this means it's our MC thinking.

I hope everyone enjoys reading as things may change things in the future. I will try to make my novel as best I can but it's just me by myself writing and proof reading my own writing after all. I will try to post once a day so be expecting more tomorrow but no promises.

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