
My second life as the successor to the Duke of Thorny Flowers

An adult who lived his complete life under the expectations of everyone around him died mysteriously. Being a great researcher in the field of genetics, he was always over-exploited by his boss. Being reborn in a new world with a medieval setting where strength is everything, he will obtain an excellent place to start his second life free of ties. What will happen when someone with genetic knowledge arrives in a world where blood is the first thing to be respected? Inspired by the Swordmaster's Youngest Son. A Manhwa-style story about a world full of mysteries and danger. Mythical beasts, ancient beasts, and the abyssal plane will be waiting to disturb the life of our protagonist. Tragedies and fun will be a theme that will be touched upon a lot. Free from stereotypes and many dreams, follows the story of Raimon Flower, successor to the most powerful Duke in the Solar Empire.

BlueHanma · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Young leader Edward

In the meantime

After finishing arranging all the pending matters, Edward and the leader of his new unit Red, who were traveling on a dragon, didn't take long to cross the massive walls that protected the front. The cold wind blew hard as the icy white landscape greeted Edward from the other side of the walls. Although he had prepared thicker clothing to combat the cold, the bitter wind still penetrated through the thick leather of his clothes.

" Huh, aren't we going too fast?

Edward couldn't help but let out a gasp when he saw Red increase his flight speed. Then, after a while, he couldn't help but look suspiciously at the man beside him. He finally realized that they were passing most of the mountain guard posts.

But Red just smiled as he continued to lead the dragon forward.

"These are the guard posts of the Secret Corps. The place we're going to is under the jurisdiction of Central Command."

"Is it far from here?"

"That's right. It's located in the heart of the Mountains near the edge of the abyssal plane, not at the entrance."

" Ah..."

Edward's expression couldn't help but distort. Based on Red's words beside him, he could infer that he was heading to a much more dangerous place than he had initially thought.

"But it's a place where people live, so you shouldn't be afraid."

"Is it... is it?"

"Of course. The soldiers can handle it. So, there's nothing the executives can't handle. Right?"

Edward thought everything would be fine since Chief Red had told him there was nothing he should be afraid of. But that thought didn't last long.

The bitter wind blew stronger along with the cold energy. It was as if the Abyssal Mountains were showing him their prestige. Even the snow piled high was stirred by the wind as it hit Edward.

"Alas, there is one thing I must tell you."

"What is it?"

"We're a little different compared to the other search and reconnaissance unit."


The man smiled when he saw Edward asking him foolishly.

"We're a special search unit under the direct control of Central Command. That's the real name of the place you're going to."


Edward vaguely felt the risk increase dramatically as soon as the word 'special' came out of Chief Red's mouth.

He ran away from the Austria family to escape the danger, but it seemed like they were leading him to a more dangerous place. He didn't feel it was so dangerous here when he was still at the academy. But right now, he felt like he was being forcibly pushed into a hazardous environment.

"You said there were soldiers before..."

"There are. They are all elite soldiers, but..."

"If they're elite soldiers then..."

"They're guys who are programmed to become cannon fodder."

Edward stared at Ghost after hearing his words.


"You might find it hard to control them since their desire for a life is through the roof."

Chief Red gave him a preview of what had happened in most of the elite units. Perhaps it was because he had seen this happen several times, so he was willing to reveal this fact to his young subordinate. Usually, soldiers in elite units would ignore insignia when they arrived. They would even ignore the weak commissioned officers as if they were nothing.

Of course, most people who came to such units would raise objections. After all, they were still wet behind the ears and had been criticized for no reason.

Soldiers who had won good posts would even pull their ranks and give them orders. However, most of their objections were ignored. The army was a place where those who looked weak would be devoured. If they couldn't tame their unit, the military wouldn't mind a weak leader like them.


"Are you okay?"

"I can take it."

"You'd better get used to this as soon as possible. It's fine even if you operate on your aura. It's better if your body gets used to this quickly."

"I understand."

Edward immediately operated on his aura. The cold slowly left for a moment and his trembling lips began to calm down. However, the strong wind continued to blow in his face until they arrived at the place that was said to be the headquarters of the special search unit under the direct control of the Central Command.

"Corps commander!"

"Good job."

Chief Red led Edward inside after lightly saluting the guard outside.


"This is Red Bell. I've brought Lieutenant Edward is under orders from the captain of the search unit."

"Good job. Lieutenant Edward should stay behind, you can go now."

Red Bell saluted the captain before turning to leave. After closing the door, the captain asked Edward to sit in a chair.

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm the Captain of the Search Unit, Carlo Gustav."

"I'm Lieutenant Edward."

"Good. It was hard to get here, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was."

Carlo Gustav smiled at Edward's flushed cheeks.

He poured him some tea to warm him up.

"Take a sip first and we'll talk."

"Thank you."

The tea melted the chill that had settled in his body. Edward could feel his body warming up with just one sip. Then the captain handed him the mission letter.


"You wonder why I have it?"

"Not at all."

Carlo Gustav spoke in a whisper as he looked at young Prince Edward.

"It's because I'm a Chrismon. I am Captain Chrysmon who oversees all the soldiers in this corps."

"Alas, it is an honor to meet you."

"I am the one who is honored. I even get to see the youngest soldier like this."

"Well, in general, this should be impossible, but it seems that your opinions and ideas proved to be of great importance. I have no complaints."

Although the Chrismons only accepted those at 5th Star and above, Carlo Gustav told him that he had no complaints about Edward joining their group.

That means that he willingly allowed the incorporation of a young man with only the maximum strength of the 3rd Star, someone who had not yet reached the 4th Star, to join them without any dissatisfaction.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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