
My second life as the successor to the Duke of Thorny Flowers

An adult who lived his complete life under the expectations of everyone around him died mysteriously. Being a great researcher in the field of genetics, he was always over-exploited by his boss. Being reborn in a new world with a medieval setting where strength is everything, he will obtain an excellent place to start his second life free of ties. What will happen when someone with genetic knowledge arrives in a world where blood is the first thing to be respected? Inspired by the Swordmaster's Youngest Son. A Manhwa-style story about a world full of mysteries and danger. Mythical beasts, ancient beasts, and the abyssal plane will be waiting to disturb the life of our protagonist. Tragedies and fun will be a theme that will be touched upon a lot. Free from stereotypes and many dreams, follows the story of Raimon Flower, successor to the most powerful Duke in the Solar Empire.

BlueHanma · Fantasy
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104 Chs

A lesson to my brothers

"Hey, we're talking to you, where's your greatsword?"

The twins had started tormenting him a year ago in this life. The sword they are talking about is the gift that grandfather sent to the castle after his fifth birthday.

A sword with a great deal of history that had been used by several Dukes of the family in important wars and well-known adventures.

It had started as light harassment that Reineza would not notice. Some examples were closing the door when Raimon went to the bathroom, hiding his shoes, or throwing a lot of things in his soup.

But after ignoring their childish games, it began to escalate. The most extreme thing they got to do was to tie a magic cat of dark attribute they found in the castle dead on the bed in Jin's room and to secretly release poisonous animals from the garden of the Blood Castle on Raimon's bed.

However, he had endured the harassment in silence.

The twins approached their older brother in long strides and prepared to begin their plan.

As the latter watched them with indifference, a smirk began to form on Raimon's face. After watching the brothers' performance one would realize that in part the tyrannical character they displayed was a major trait of the Duke's family just never shown to anyone else because of how well the leaders of the family were at controlling their temper.

"I'm not sure where I left it, maybe it's up some of your asses?".


The twins froze and stared at each other and their older brother. That was not the reaction they expected from him. After putting up with a full year of bullshit apparently, the Duke's family trait showed up in Raimon as well.


Despite being innate killing machines, the twins were still four years old. It was a new and aggressive term for the two of them. After trying to assimilate the words they realized the offensive nature of the expression and the twins' faces began to boil with rage.

"What did you say... Have you lost your mind, Raimon?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Your nanny is not here to protect you today."


Raimon let out a small grimace and took a step toward his brothers. Today he would show his little brothers that their older brother's temper wasn't particularly good.

The twins weren't the only ones who were looking forward to their babysitter's absence. Rather, Raimon had also been looking forward to this day much more than they were.

He was itching to beat those little demons as he was tired of their nonsense.

In particular, his former 7-year-old self had suffered similar taunts in his previous life, but he would never have thought of taking on his older siblings.

"This life he was lucky enough to be the oldest so he would teach his brothers how to behave."

Even though the two brothers in front of him were a decade older, Raimon was confident that he could defeat them throughout his life so that they would feel brotherly love all the time.

Not realizing the urgency of their situation, the twins continued to stare brazenly and domineeringly at Raimon.

"If you ask for forgiveness now we'll let you off with just a broken nose and a few punches to the stomach."

"If not, we'll also make sure you're in a much worse state than yesterday's cat in your room."

Approximately 5 steps for a 6-year-old. That was the distance between Raimon and his siblings in the hallway of Blood Castle.


Shin suddenly shouted as he crouched on the floor. The surprised Masamune looked around to check if there was anyone else around him, only to realize that his twin brother's back was being crushed by Raimon under his feet after hitting his stomach.

Immediately Raimon had instantly closed the distance between them and planted his fist on Shin's stomach.


Finally, Masamune was also punched in the jaw and collapsed to the ground.

After a deep breath, Raimon calmed his tyrannical emotions. It was the first time he had ever punched like this. Moreover, the fist of a 6-year-old felt like a piece of ice. Cold and hard. After admiring the gifted body again in this new life he turned his gaze back to the brothers.

"What was that?"

The moment he was hit, Masamune saw a red aura surrounding Raimon's fist.

But without time to think about it. After he started to regain his senses, another punch came flying at him straight at his face.



Masamune's painful scream couldn't get out of his mouth, as if his throat was blocked by something and all he could do was rack his brain and figure out where things had gone wrong as tears streamed down his face.

There was no one else in the hallway.

So Raimon completely released a whole year's worth of frustration he had received. Unfortunately for the brothers, they had chosen this place specifically to harass Raimon, but the twins could never have imagined that their decision would backfire on them since it was such a secluded place.

"As for that pitiful cat they trampled to death, he will be given a proper burial."

Thud, thud, thwack.

Raimon continued to straddle the two unconscious twins and brandished his fists as he spoke in a monotone voice without any sense of remorse.

'Am I going too far? Technically they are still children.'

A sudden question came over him, but it ended up disappearing as quickly as it had come.

Previous versions of his siblings continually flashed through his memory, he would be sure to make it clear to these two who was the next head of the family.

If Raimon held back today, the twins would most likely try to commit similar acts again and become killing machines completely free of any rules.


Tick, tick!

After a long beating, the bodies of the two unconscious twins began to convulse. Their older brother finally stood up and looked at them indifferently.

"They'd better do their best not to get my attention from now on. As long as they want to live, of course."

"Young master!"

After half an hour of silence and having sensed the unusual atmosphere in the castle, a knight in charge of their protection came running down the hall.