
My Second Chance System

"Am I in Heaven?" That's the question Alexander asked after learning about what happened to him. He was just a simple teenager, wanting to conquer a bunch of women. He wanted to gain strength, learn magic and fight countless opponents. With his main goal being freedom. But is all of this so easy to achieve? No, and soon Alexander will learn it the hard way. He will need to deal with his demons, pain and suffering that comes with the pursuit of power. Will this power consume him, turning him into a Monster, or will he be able to enslave the beast inside him?

Ultimatekua · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 12: Getting An 'Apology'

(What to do? What to do?) this question was repeating itself every single second in my mind.

To make the matters worse, flames in Aella's eyes nearly started to give me 1st degree burns. So, it didn't take long for me to came to a conclusion.

(Fuck it! She wants to kill me either way, so why not make most of it?) with this thought, I decided to capture this lioness cherry lips.

My actions shocked Aella, but it didn't take long before she bite my lower lip, making it bleed.

Feeling the pain, made me let go of her lips and say "You lioness, I only thought that your character was like a wild beast and now you even bite me."

Hearing my words, Aella nearly exploded "Who are you calling a wild beast? First, a dirty criminal like you took my first kiss and...." Aella stopped mid sentence after realizing what she just revealed.

"Your first kiss?" My surprise was clear, but the main feeling that came from this information, was regret.

(She shouldn't lost it like this.)

Nervous, Aella quickly tried to correct herself "I mean, I already kissed... Wait, why am I explaining myself to a dead person?"

"You can't be serious! You're a police officer, you can't kill me."

"After what you did, I'm sure my superiors will understand."

Right away, I could see cruel smile forming on Aella's face and lightning dancing at the top of her left palm.

Seeing this lightning was like a nightmare come true. It's color was pure white meaning that Aella was using storm magic, leaving me no chance of survival.

But, with her palm coming closer and closer, I heard something.

As it turned out door to the interrogation room we were in opened, and from them came my savior.

Slightly overweight, middle aged man. With a balding head and a mustache above his lips.

Maybe his appearance wasn't anything special, but there was something that let me know that I'm saved.

On his chest, he wear a badge that said 'Chief of Police' in big golden letters.

When he noticed me and Aella on the ground, he asked "What's happening in here?"

"Uncle Brian?" after seeing who came in, Aella instantly stood up, but she didn't forget to stomp on my leg while doing so.

(Uncle? Maybe it won't go as well as I anticipated.) learning this new information made me anxious, but without any other choice I also stood up next to Aella.

Not wanting to let Aella say anything, I stretched my hand out and began the conversation.

"Hello Chief Brain, it's nice to meet you, I'm Alexander Lambert."

Noticing my gesture, Chief Brian decided to shake my hand out of politeness.

"It's nice to meet you, Alexander." after his greetings, Chief Brian suddenly stopped. It looked like he recalled something.

"Alexander Lambert? Aren't you the one that was supposed to be released about 10 minutes ago?"

(I knew it, she was lying....Hmm... That gives me an idea.)

Wanting to take full advantage of opportunity that presents itself, I tried to act surprised.

"WHAT? I was told that I'm guilty and that I will spend the rest of my life in prison." and now my grand finaly.

I hugged Chief Brian with tears in my eyes.

"Chief Brian, I was so scared. I thought. I thought that I will never see my family ever again. And, and.." seeing me hesitate to say my last words, Chief Brian put hand on my back to reassure me.

"You can say it young man. You don't need to be scared, with me here no one will hurt you."

Keeping my act up, I froze and started to cry even more while saying "Thank you. Thank you, Chief Brian. I was scared, because the same officer that brought me news of my suposed guilt, nearly fried my brain while arresting me."

With my words, Chief Brian showed real anger on his face.

"It's unacceptable! Young man, tell me who did it and I promise you that he will get punished."

Realizing that my lie worked, I turned to Aella and pointed my finger at her shocked face.

"Chief Brian, it was her. She did all of those things."


"Uncle I can expla..."

"No! We already have too many complaints of you brutally beating up criminals, while arresting them!"

"But, he kis..."

"That's enough! I will deal with you soon! Now, apologise to Alexander for what you did to him."

Right away, I could see that Aella was hardly holding herself back. I knew that she won't be able to endure it for much longer, and will tell Chief Brian everything about what happened between us, so I made my move first.

"Chief Brian, Aella already 'apologised' for what she did. That's why she doesn't need to do it anymore." I made sure to look at Aella's lips while saying those words.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm happy knowing that she will get punished for her actions, so no one else with go through the same thing."

"Ok, is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, but I'm sure that my family worry about where I'm, this's why I want to ask you if I can leave?"

Hearing concern in my words made Chief Brain smile kindly "Of course you can. Make sure to go home safe and don't make them worry more than they should."

I nodded my head with a happy smile "I will. Again, thank you for everything Chief Brian. Bye."

With this I quickly left, and it didn't take long before I heard screams coming from behind my back.

(So that's her breaking point.. Hmm.. I wonder what our next meeting will look like?)

Next, I proceed to go home, and spent some time learning about one system feature, I didn't check previously.


While laying in my bed, I opened my system and focused on one specific feature.




Lovers: ]

It was the last thing I didn't check, [Harem] option.

After clicking on it, new notifications popped out immediately.



Harem feature let's you see your Wives and your Lovers.

To recognize woman as a Lover requires for both Host and Woman to love each other. Physical attraction or sleeping with woman won't grant them Lover status. ]

(Pretty simple...I wonder how exactly system determines our love for each other?)

With this new found knowledge, I looked at two other notifications that I got.

[Quest: Love of Olivia Lambert

Quest Description: Conquer Olivia Lambert's body, heart and soul. Make her fell in love with you and make her yours.

Quest Requires:

- Love of Olivia Lambert [0/1]


- 1000 SP

- [Archery Lvl 1] ]

[Quest: Love of Aella Raijine

Quest Description: Conquer Aella Raijine's body, heart and soul. Make her fell in love with you and make her yours.

Quest Requires:

- Love of Aella Raijine [0/1]


- 1000 SP

- ??? ]

The first one is easy to explain. Because me and Olivia don't love each other.

We can say that we are in a relationship, but there's no love on both sides. There's attraction and positive feelings, but it's far away from love.

Love needs to be nourished with time and effort. This's what me and Olivia lacks.

(I want to spent rest of my life with her, so our feeling can't be rushed. Otherwise, weak foundation will crumble easily and that's not want I want.)

On the other hand, second Quest is questionary. (Really, her?)

When this thought crossed my mind, new notification appeared, seemingly as an answer to my question.

[Alexander, Love Quests are generated based on your desires and feelings. ]

And just after I finished reading this message, I got another one.

[When it comes to your question, you know the answer yourself. ]

"Hahahhahahhah... This system knows me better than I imagined."

(It's true that I want to tame this lioness and make her a little fierce kitten.)