
My Second Chance System

"Am I in Heaven?" That's the question Alexander asked after learning about what happened to him. He was just a simple teenager, wanting to conquer a bunch of women. He wanted to gain strength, learn magic and fight countless opponents. With his main goal being freedom. But is all of this so easy to achieve? No, and soon Alexander will learn it the hard way. He will need to deal with his demons, pain and suffering that comes with the pursuit of power. Will this power consume him, turning him into a Monster, or will he be able to enslave the beast inside him?

Ultimatekua · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 1: Am I in Heaven? (Rewritten)

I had very exciting dream about two sexy nurses. And just when the fun part was about to begin, everything turned white.

[Dream scene]

I woke up in real medical office, with a huge headache and only one thought in mind. (Where Am I?) seconds later as an answer to my question I heard a strange voice.

[System obtain... Connecting..... ]







[System connected to host]

(System?) Looks like I have answer to my question. (So I got transmigrated? ..... Hmm..... It's AWESOME, I always wanted to experience a situation like this.)

(So, let's see..... System On.) and just like I thought, in front of me appeared Status screen.

[Name: Alexander Lambert

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Health: 100%

Mana: 100%


Strenght J-

Resistance J-

Dexterity J-

Intelligence J

Agility J-

Constitution J-



- Hand to Hand combat Lvl 3

- Melee Weapons proficiency Lvl 1

- Stealth Lvl 2

- Marksmanship Lvl 3

- Pain resistance Lvl 7




- Analysis

- Luck


Alexander Lambert memories x1


[World Hopping]




Lovers: ]

Quick look at my Inventory let me see something really useful. (So, memories of the last owner of this body.) without any second thoughts, I clicked on this item to use it.

This in return immediately flooded my head with new memories, which appeared one by one, like a movie.

After a while, I absorbed all of those new scenes, leaving only one thought in my mind.

"Am I in Heaven?" I didn't realize it, but I unconsciously said it out loud.

"No, your not, but close." I suddenly heard a pleasant voice coming from my right side.

Turning in it's direction made me wrongly assume that I saw an angel, wearing a nurse outfit. With a kind smile and otherworldly beauty, that none of female models from my past life could compare to.

Being 1.75 m tall, with light brown hair with low ponytail at the back and two tendrils of hair in front. Mesmerizing red eyes and curvy body with F-cup breasts, slender waist and perfectly round butt.

While looking at her, I didn't even know what to think, other that "You're beautiful.", which in turn made me slip for a second time.

"Thank you, but we can flirt later. Right now you should tell me how you fell." said the nurse while smiling teasingly.

"I had a slight headache, but after seeing such a beauty I feel like all my discomfort goes away." I said, showing the same kind of teasing smile.

"Smooth talker, I see. At least you are alright. When you get here, you were in a near death state and I was worried you wouldn't make it." when she said those words smile dissapeared from her face, showing real concern.

Only after hearing those words I recalled what happend. Alexander got beat up by his classmates, or I should rather say that he got killed.

After looking around, I again asked the nurse "Excuse me. Beauty can you tell me what is this place?"


"What?" I said confused.

"My name is Lydia, you can call me that." answered Lydia, with smile returning to her charming face.

"Ok, so Lydia can you answer my previous question?"

"Of course, we are in the nurse office." she decided to continue teasing me.

Wanting to get a proper answer to my question, I said "I know that much, but what's the name of the building we are currently in?"

Seeing that I really didn't know, made Lydia answer me honestly "Silly, obviously we are in The Lumanor Academy."

The Lumanor Academy

School that Alexander was about to attend, thinking it will change his life. And his life really did changed, but unfortunately not in the way he hoped for.

Just after attending the Welcoming Ceremony, he came across bullies from his old school, who were also admitted to the same school as him.

Knowing that their toy was in the same school as them, they decided to give him their own welcoming gift. Resulting in Alexander's current state.

Seeing me lost in thought, Lydia just stared at me without saying a word.

After putting my thoughts in order, I suddenly remembered that I wasn't alone. So, I looked at Lydia, and I saw her staring at me with interest.

"Is there something on my face?"

Realizing what she was doing, Lydia blushed.

Finding it amusing, I said with a teasing smile "With a blush on your face, you are even more enchanting."

Hearing this, made Lydia look at me with a slight anger on her face, while saying.

"Don't try to tease me like this Mister, you are still to young for that."

Her attempt at such an aproach failed miserably, with me putting on a serious expression, with an even more serious tone "In my opinion, my age is high enough to flirt with any beautiful women. Or do you think you don't fit into that category?"

Irritated by my words, Lydia raised her voice "Of course, I fall into that category!"

"So, with this sorted out we can continue our flirting." Her falling into my trap, placed a smirk on my mouth.

My smile made Lydia realize what just happened, turning her previous expression into a strong blush and a pout.

"You scoundrel, you tricked me." after saying this, Lydia turned her back to me.

I knew how to resolve this situation, a simple faking being wronged "I only said what I thought was true. I didn't know you will think that I tricked you."

Lydia knowing that I was only pretending, turned around and said "Ok you won this time. But don't think I will let you go so easily next time."

Happy, I caught on her words "So you're saying there will be a next time?"

"Don't get so ahead of yourself. We have to get to know each other, before I decide."

I said determined "Don't worry I won't waste this chance. I like challenges."

Lydia's response to seeing me like this, was a sincere smile "We will see about it."

After that, we started getting to know each other, while still occasionally teasing one another.


3 hours later

Our conversation made me forgot about passage on time, but with window behind Lydia I noticed that it's starting to get late.

"Lydia it's getting late, I should go home, my family is probable starting to get worried, not knowing what happened to me."

Only now realizing the same thing, Lydia said "You're right Alexander. You shouldn't let your family worry too much."

After standing up from my bed, I looked at Lydia, smiled and said "It was great meeting you Lydia, I hope we will see each other soon."

Lydia quickly smiled back, showing me her beautiful smile for the last time today "It was the same for me Alexander, and I also hope we will see each other soon."

After Alexander walked out of the room, Lydia sat down with a sad smile.

Thinking about her past, she whispered weakly "I really don't know why I give you this chance Alexander. Maybe I thought you are different than the others, but I hope you will cherish this chance."


After saying our goodbyes, I started walking back home. Thinking about my new life and possibilities it could bring.

About 45 minutes later, I was standing in front of the two story high, big sized house.

And just when I was about to open the front door, they swung open, and a person with long black hair lunged at me from inside of the house.

Moments later, I only felt two soft mounds of flesh before falling to the ground with the person that caused my fall.

Still in shock, I heard that person say "Alexander, I was so worried about you. Don't do anything like this ever again, or my heart will break."

Hearing this voice, gave me knowledge of the person that assaulted me. She was on the verge of tears, and the only thing I could do was to give her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Mom, I won't do anything like this ever again."