
My second Chance Mate is the hybrid king

"I , Alec Red , future beta of the Red Wood pack, reject you, Hayley..... as my mate and future female beta of my pack." "I, Hayley , accept your rejection." I said weakly. Immediately , a pain shot through me and I gripped my ribs tightly. " Do you need help?"he asked. "I'm fine."I replied walking away slowly

Oneillia_McDonald · Teen
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7 Chs


~My second chance mate is the hybrid king~

        ~ chapter five ~

     °This ugly bum lil girl °

     "Get up omegas!" Bianca yelled busting out room door open.

Who does this ugly bum lil girl think she is walking right up in here like she owns the place and calling us omegas.

"Listen here you ugly lil girl, get out before I kill you." I said with my hands over my eyes.

"Kill me? Puhlease  girl you only got lucky with handling Brittney like that , don't try me." She snarled.

   I sprang out of bed and grabbed her by the throat. She clawed at my hands trying to loosen my grip but failed.

"Hayley, it's too early for this , let her go." Carolyn said stretching.

   I let her go carelessly and walked in to the bathroom.

As I looked over at the tub , I remember seeing Soren's area last night.


   A dude got a big t -

So? Last night was good huh?

Shut up Flower.

Only Lex calls me that.

Ion care.



   I'm sitting in class with Whitney and Carolyn chatting when a girl walked up to us.

"I just wanted to say that you're ugly." She said to Carolyn.

Oh fudge no.

Calm down Hayley.

"And you are stupid for leaving Alec ." She said to Whitney.

5..4..3.. -

"Hayley, you need to let go of the past and get over the fact that Alec rejected you."

That's it for this ugly bum lil girl.

   I leaped over the desk and grabbed her by the hair.

I punched her in the a few times before being pulled off of her by Jax, Carolyn , Whitney and Adam.

"Hayley, Lynn, principal's office now." The teacher said.

    I groaned and shrugged out of their grip.

Opening the door to the principal's office and walked in and took a seat in my chair.

"What happened - Hayley? I'm tired of seeing you here." He sighed," What did you do now? Put egg in the teacher's hair, Glued her mug to the chair or set her car on fire?"

"Okay, that was one time."I said. He gave me a stern look.

"Maybe four or five times but this time , this ugly bum lil girl, came up to me and my friends and started insulting us." I said.

"Oh no she didn't?"

"Well , someone needed to say something." Lynn squeaked.

"I thought your mouth was damaged from what took place in that video Ms. Linton." He said.

I coughed back a laugh as I caught her facial expression.

  Yasssssssssir, everybody saw the video of her and the former football coach exercising , if you know what I mean.

Carolyn even brought popcorn and Skittles just so we could rewatch it.

"T - that was a mistake s - sir." She stuttered.

"Yes I'm sure." He said taking his glasses off.

"So what's the punishment?"I asked him.

"Since you didn't start this , you're free to leave Hayley but as Ms. Linton here, she has a week of detention." He said.

"Good bye sir," I said politely," buh bye ugly bum lil girl."


"You really said that?" Whitney asked laughing.

"Mr. Dine said that?" Carolyn asked putting the pan with the cake mixture down on the counter.

"Yes, y'all should've seen her face." I said greasing the cake tins.

"Yeah , we need to get in trouble like you." Whitney said sitting on a stool.

"No you don't Whit. Trust me it has perks and a lot of consequences." I said popping a blue Skittle in my mouth.

"Girls, no talking over the food." Ms Edwards scolded us as she walked pass.

"Girls , no talking over the food." Carolyn mocked.

"Shut up ugly bum lil girl ." I laughed throwing a little flour on her hair .... Big mistake.

We ended up messing up the whole lab and got fatigue duty for a month.

The cake tasted amazing, of course, Carolyn took a whole cake for herself and Lex for some reason and Whitney and I had to share with the whole class because they had no idea how to bake a cake.

It's funny how they know how to do everything else except baking a little cake.

" I finna eat half of that later."I said motioning to Carolyn's cake while taking the white apron off my dress.

"And has to spend hours on the toilet because of your coconut allergies." She said rolling her eyes.

"You are allergic to too many things." Whitney said.

"Tell me something I don't know." I shrugged.

   And that resulted in us singing Selena Gomez's song from ' another Cinderella story ' rather terribly.

"I bet 200 bucks that lasagna is for dinner." Whitney said.

"Not that, anything but that."I said shivering in fright.

The last plate lasagna the Luna made is stuck in my brain forever.

The cheese was burnt so bad it stunk even than my poo when I'm having an allergic reaction.


     I sprinted up the stairs and entered my bed room diving for the door knob of the bathroom door.

I sprinted for the toilet seat and quickly pulled my skirt and panties down. I sat on the seat and immediately felt relieved.


Ggggrrrrrtttttt! Fffftttttt!

" Damn pumpkin what did you eat?"

Holy cow!

"Soren ? What are you doing in here?" I asked him almost leaping off the seat.

"I came to visit you but I'mma go back home . You're bum stinks Pumpkin."

"Luna made lasagna, the cheese was burnt and pickles sauce was on it ." I said, " Go home or somewhere sweet."

"Pumpkin, with that smell, no where is sweet." Soren laughed.

I took up my shampoo bottle and threw it at him.

"Get out of my bathroom you ugly bum lil boy."

He laughed and walked out the room before coming back in.

"A girl, not Carolyn, saw me." He said pacing around.

"Probably Whitney."I shrugged.

"Aren't you done yet?" He asked corking his nose.

"Soren, if I was finished, I wouldn't be on the fudging toilet seat!" I whispered - yelled.