
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 20 - Unspoken Feelings

After the visit to the Temple of the Eclipse, each of them went back to their own villages and shared their stories with their families, and Alphas (or subordinates, as the case may be).

Alvaro had a really hard time.  He had confessed to his parents that he rejected his fated Luna before.  His father and grandfather were very angry.  His mother took pity upon him when he shared that he now wanted her back.  It was then that his mother told him that she experienced being rejected by her first Alpha.  His guilt doubled upon hearing this.

Sylvia went back to the dorm with her brothers a day before classes resume.

They just ate lunch and were having coffee at her tiny dining table when they heard a knock.

Maine opened the door and found André.  He let André in and offered him coffee too.

Ever since André finally realized that he loves Sylvia, he stopped barging into her dorm room as he pleases.

Good thing I always knock now...

"Hi.  I brought apple tarts and strudel."  He greeted everyone and put down the desserts at the table.

"Oooh, yummy!" Sylvia did little claps with her fingers and got plates and forks for everyone.

"So you were turning 18 right?"  Lucas asked André.  At the back of his mind, he remembered André's promise whether or not Sylvia turned out to be his Luna.

"Yes.  This week.  The pack already did the Alpha positioning for me this morning.  I am officially the Alpha of the pack now.  My father already stepped down." André hopes they don't ask him when exactly.  He wants the surprise to be his alone.  Besides it is not guaranteed that his Luna will be here.  He may need to look for her among other packs. It may take days, weeks, months, or even years.

"Hope she turns out to be kind and pretty.  Hmmm and not the jealous type.  Because Athena and I are always with you."  Sylvia said while focusing on her strudel.

"True..." André agreed while looking intensely at Sylvia.

Can she really be that oblivious to my feelings?

André shifted his gaze at Lucas who he found to be staring at him.

"We better get going, baby."  Lucas hugged Sylvia tightly.  Maine followed after.

"Alpha André, a word please?"  André nodded and followed them outside and closed the door.

"Alpha, thank you once again for caring for our baby sister.  We've heard of your travel to the Mystic Valley and I know what you discovered came as a shock to all of you.  I just hope the care you have for our sister remains the same regardless of what the Moon Goddess has in store for you."

"I am not only caring for her.  I realized I love her.  It may come off as cowardice but right now I'm treading carefully with both our feelings and fate.  I cannot afford to hurt her."

"We understand Alpha.  Thank you again." Maine said after silently listening to the conversation.

The brothers left.  André took a deep breath and knocked again before letting himself in the room.

Sylvia was on the floor organizing her things from the recent trip.  She looked up at him who sat in her bed.  He's looking back at her.

"Ahmm so your birthday huh? When is it?  So we can celebrate."

"No.  I don't wanna say."  He looked at her pouting her cherry-colored lips which he dreams to kiss.

"Syl, come here for a minute."  He patted the space beside him, asking her to sit.  Sylvia stood and sat beside him.

"I don't wanna say. Because whatever we have? Whatever we have here between us? Is a very thin line which we cannot cross... until we're sure.  I don't want you to get hurt, more than myself.  If only I can take matters into my own hands but we can't.  So until I'm sure... we're sure, let us protect our hearts.  Let me protect you in my way okay?"

"Okay...". Sylvia hugged him quickly and went back to her things.  He lay down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Once done, she lay down beside him.  He automatically lifted his arm and let her lay her head on his chest sideways.  She listened to his heartbeat.

'Will our hearts beat the same rhythm?  Will we ever speak of these unspoken feelings?'

They napped in that position.

André woke up an hour later.  He looked at the beautiful omega beside him.  She was sleeping peacefully without a care in the world.  Her left arm stretched over his waist.  Her left leg hugged his leg like her stuffed teddy bear.

He kissed her forehead and gently woke her up.

She opened her eyes and met 2 gentle orbs staring back at her. He slowly rose so he can sit on the bed, moving her together with him.

"Heh, I had a good nap."  She stretched her arms.  She stood and stared at her refrigerator without really getting anything.

"That you did.  Do you have anything you wanna do?  Otherwise, we will have to do some advance reading."

"How studious can you get? Can we just read... read?"  She closed the refrigerator and just decided to brew coffee to wake herself up.

"Well, it's just a suggestion.  We can also go out too."

"Hmmm no. I don't wanna. Let's just stay here."

They heard a knock.  André opened the door and in goes Athena.

"Here comes Athena, the goddess of love and beauty, bearer of gifts and happiness!"

"I only caught gifts in all that...outburst," André commented.

"I can only accept gifts in that statement." Seconded by Alvaro who came in after Athena carrying the food and drinks.

"I am not hearing bad jujus. La la la la la..."  Athena covered her ears.

Alvaro approached Sylvia.

"You just woke up?  Your eyes are a bit red."  He touched her cheek.  She closed her eyes to the touch.

"Yeah, we napped for an hour." She held his hand and did a quick hug.

'We...? As usual, André's one step ahead of me...'

She pulled him down a bit so she can whisper.

"Thanks for the food, I know you paid for it."  Her lips brushed his ear lightly.  He smelled her inviting scent being that close to him. It left Alvaro flustered, blushing, and speechless.

The group enjoyed the food that afternoon.  They played a few card games and checked out a few upcoming topics from their syllabus.  In the end, they still did a little studying.

Athena decided to stay the night.  She already have her change of clothes and her things for the class the next day.

The two Alphas went home around 9 pm after ensuring the door is locked and the girls are safe.