
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Mark faces Colt

We gated outside of town

I turned Luna invisible as we walked , I took her to a stroll around town shown her the school, the stalls , the domain lord's mansion…

And then, it was time to go home…

*Opens the door*

Colt : "Mom, dad , I'm home"

*They both come running as usual*

Clarissa : "My boy, you've grown"

[internal laughter]

Glad to see she's still the same

Colt : "Where's Clarice?"

Mark : "It was her first day of school… she's asleep"

Ohh, right she's five now

Colt : "Good, because I have something very important to discuss with you"

*the four of them sitting around the table while Luna's still invisible*

Mark : "You got very serious all of a sudden"

Clarissa : "Are you leaving again? It was the only time you got this serious"

Colt : "Nothing like that… but I have something to tell you "

Mark : "Go on…"

Colt [very calm] : "I fell in love"

*Clarissa and Mark exchange glances*

*Mark suddenly breathes a sign of relief*

Clarissa : "finally!"

What the?!!

Colt : "not that I mind your reaction… but why are you so happy??"

Clarissa : "you never talked about friends before… you hardly ever expressed emotions…until you turned 12… I was worried"

That's because I hardly felt anything

Clarissa : "the only friend you ever fondly mentioned was Luna … it's her right???"

*Colt stares in shock*

Damn she alarmingly perceptive, if I hadn't put them through all these tests over the years, I would've said this was trouble

*the chair Luna was sitting on falls*

Colt : "well, the deed is done, better to tell them everything for once, right ? Luna"

"invisibility" off

*Luna appears*

*Clarissa practically jumps for joy and takes Luna to Colt's room*

Clarissa : "We'll talk somewhere else"

*Closes the door*

*Colt and Mark stare at the door then at each other*

Mark [laughing] : "Your mom never changes, she was just saying the other day how she'd accept your chosen one with open arms no matter who they were"

*His face suddenly turns grim*

Mark [talking slowly] : "Which is naïve if you ask me"

Oh, that's a face I've never seen him make before, this should be good

Mark : "Perhaps the innocence of your mother is what drew me to her… but I can't let this slide…"

Mark [pissed] : "You show up after 2 years saying you fell in love with your elf friend, that can turn invisible with her weird magic and you want us to accept it??"

Mark : "I just went along with what you wanted before, because you seemed mature enough to weigh your options… but you didn't think this one through"

Mark : " I let you travel with Alexander hoping that'd you'd see that the world isn't as good a place as you were made to believe… I was hoping that you could face reality"

Mark : "Your friends: Ken and Bella faced it .. GROW UP… even if that was genuine love how do you think you'll protect her??"

Mark : "The elves are hunted by nobles, bandits, slave traders… if you do love her.. you'll let her go.. understand?"

Mark : "I'm sorry , but I have to be the assertive father for this one, for your own good.. I can't play the understanding daddy like I used to…"

*Colt stares at Mark*

*starts laughing hysterically*

Mark [getting even angrier] : "What's so funny?? You think I'm wrong?? You can't protect anyone, you didn't even learn magic!"

Colt [still laughing] : "Ah, ahaha, I can't… I gave… you… too little credit.. ahaha, I didn't … think you can see the darkness so clearly"

Mark [still pissed but also confused by this unexpected reaction] : "Explain yourself!!"

Colt [still laughing] : "Guess we've been playing each other for fools… I was actually starting to feel bad… I didn't see this coming"

Colt [suddenly getting a serious and terrifying expression] : "Thank you… for showing me another side of you… father… I was actually worried how you'd survive… now it's my turn"

Mark [shocked and a bit scared by the sudden change in his son's demeanor] : "What are you…"

Colt : "Do you know where I've been in the last 2 years??"

Mark [trying to remain composed] : "Don't change the subject.. this has nothing to do with-"

Colt [looking him dead in the eyes] : "The wasteland continent.. ever heard of it?"

Mark [his eyes widen with fear and disbelief] : "I heard about it from Alexander once… I also heard the domain lord talking about it…It's supposed to be a place full of unknown giant monsters.. a place where nothing survives.. you can't expect me to believe.."

Colt [in a slow dreadful voice] : "Believe what you want… fact is : I lived there for 2 years and I'm not dead… you think that Luna turned herself invisible don't you?"

Colt : "Truth is.. it was my power.. I turned her invisible to see how you'd react… once I deemed it safe.. I stopped the spell"

Mark : "You were.. testing us?!"

Colt : "You catch on quick.. good for you… do you want to know… when and how I met Luna?"

*Mark nods; rendered speechless*

Colt : "She and her brothers were being attacked by a squad of bandits, I put the entire squad to sleep to save them"

Colt [ his tone settles down, smiles ] : "You know? I was happy to have you as a father and now I'm even happier… at least I can be honest with you now… I truly love this family dearly"

 Mark [seeing his son's demeanor and words that hold much force behind them, rests assured , then gets curious] : "I clearly owe you an apology for jumping to conclusions and assuming you were immature… but I have a few questions…"

Colt [smiles a dim smile] : "Apologizing to your son.. huh.. you're a great father.. I'm lucky to have you indeed.. *gets serious* sure ask anything and I'll answer.. but don't tell mom"

Mark : "Wasn't going to… why did you go to the wasteland continent in the first place??"

Colt : "I heard about it during my travels, and to be honest, it peaked my interest , a place where nothing can survive?! Maybe to you .. but I had to decide that for myself"

Mark : "And you stayed there for 2 years which means…"

Colt : "Right, you can't tell anyone.. you get it right?"

Mark : "Don't worry my lips are sealed.. but something is bothering me.. you can't put everyone that comes after Luna to sleep like those bandits… you'll have to take lives… it's the nature of this world… can you do it?"

Colt : "I didn't want to tell you but.."

I gave him the full dreadful version

Mark [can't believe what he just heard] : "oh.. you.. really? Guess I underestimated you again.. sorry"

Mark : "Final question : when was it that you faced reality??"

Colt : "A lot sooner than I should've"

Mark : "In that case… you have my approval.."