
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasy
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43 Chs


I'm now 12, I nourished my bond with Clarice in preparation for what's to come

Clarice is about 3 now , she speaks well for her age, she's "energetic", yet precious…

I hope Clarissa and Mark can handle it…

It's time… but before leaving… I have to say my goodbyes

*That night*

[shows the three sitting around the table, Clarice is asleep]

Colt [serious] : "Mom, dad, I have something important to tell you…"

Mark [surprised and worried by how sudden this is…] : "What is it son? we're listening "

Colt : "I truly love this family, I love you , I love my sister… but, I recently learned… that I have to grow…so… I have to leave again"

Clarissa [confused and surprised] : "But, this is too sudden… I mean it's only been a year… you haven't- you don't-"

*Mark takes her hand to calm her, looks Colt in the eyes*

Mark [surprisingly calm] : "You've always been wise beyond your years , son… I respected, admired, and took pride in that.

I.. no.. we had a feeling this day would come"

Colt [surprised] : "you knew?!!"

Mark : "we didn't know when but we knew you'll carve your own path soon enough , we believed in our son is all"

Colt : "I.. see"

Clarissa [regaining her composure] : "I'm glad… you're a grown man now… even if there are a few years left… will you come back??"

Colt [smiles] : "Yeah, that's for sure.. I'm not leaving my family"

*Clarice suddenly waking up and hearing part of the conversation*

*standing outside the bedroom near the door*

Clarice : "Brother is leaving?"

*The three look at her… deciding to let Colt handle this*

*Colt stands up , walks to his sister, gets on his knees, hugs her*

Colt : "I'll leave for a while, but I'll bring you lots of stuff when I'm back…"

Clarice [saddened] : "I understand …"

We spent the night together

And the next day they sent me off with smiles and wishes of good fortune

I went outside of town and used "gate" to get outside Luna's house

*knocks on the door*

*the door opens , it's Lana*

Lana : "Oh, hello Colt, you didn't come for a while"

*moves aside*

Lana : "Come in…"

*Colt walks inside to find Zeno ,Zenon and Liam*

Liam [ Stands to shake hands with Colt] : "Welcome back Colt, it's been a while"

Colt : "Yeah, sorry to drop in like this, but I wanted to see you all, by the way, where are Luna and Levi?"

Liam : "I'll go get them right now, stay here"


Zeno : "So, young man, what did you want to discuss??"

Colt : "Shouldn't we wait until the others come??"

Zenon : "Maybe, but, please indulge us"

Colt : "Well, I'm leaving for a while, I don't know how long it'll take for me to return…

Now, that you know… are you okay with it?"

Zeno : "why ask us?"

Colt : "I've already said my goodbyes to my family and friends, I thought I should tell you as well"

Lana [touched] : "That's sweet… you think of us as fam- friends!"

Colt : "Yes, now the problem is… how to tell Luna"

*everyone exchange glances, Colt not knowing what they mean*

Zeno : "Don't worry about it"

Lana : "Yes, I'm sure she'll accept it"

Colt : "I hope so…"

*Liam brings Levi and Luna, suddenly everyone stands up and they drag Liam and Levi outside*

Colt : "Wait ! where are all of you going??"

Zenon[yelling from outside the room] : "It's time for our tour of the village, we can't be late"

What the !!

*Notices Luna looking at him closely*

She's usually more enthusiastic

Colt [trying not to be awkward] : "Hi , Luna how have you been??"

*Luna sits facing Colt looking him in the eyes*

Luna [in an unusual composed and calm demeanor] : "You seem ready to accept it"

What is she talking about??

Colt [ confused ] : "Accept what?"

Luna : "That we're growing"

"The hell ???!! This is a coincidence it must be !!"

Colt[trying to be calm] : "What are you talking about??"

Luna : "Truth is … I've been hiding things too"

Colt : "What things?"

Luna : "I have the power to discern someone's feelings and intentions"

Wait, is she serious? What is this all of a sudden ?? you mean to tell me…

Colt : "Can you… read minds??"

Luna : "My power isn't that potent, but I could tell you were panicking just now"

Crap!! she won


Colt [inhales] : "Why tell me now??"

Luna : "Like I said, you're willing to accept growth now"

Colt : "I.. see… why didn't you tell me from the start?"

Luna : "When we were at the cabinet, you said "Luna is too young and innocent", moreover you didn't say why you spared the bandits… You were so determined to protect me, even back then… I didn't have the heart to waste you resolve"

Colt : "Did Levi talk?! That little.."

Luna : "Easy.. he didn't tell me a thing"

*Touches her ears*

Luna : "Why do you think these are so long?"

Stupid me

Colt [saddened] : "so… you know… do I … scare you… do you hate me now?"

*Luna holds both of his hands, raises them to look at them*

Luna : "These hands, they're so gentle, and kind, they gave my father his arm back, they saved me and my village multiple times, no matter what I won't hate you, and you'll never scare me"

Damn, She looks like a little angel now

Colt : "When was it, that you faced reality?"

Luna : "I was raised as an elf princess… I always knew"

Colt : "I.. see… but wait, if you could discern intentions back then… why did you run when I approached you??"

Luna [laughing] : "When we saw you, we panicked, and there was no room for reason after that… I'm so happy… I couldn't run that day"

Colt[ smiles a dim smile] : "Yeah… me too"

Colt : "Tell me , how much else do you know?"

Luna : "I know that you love everyone here, even if you don't fully realize it yet, I know you must be tired carrying so many secrets and burdens"

*holds his hands more tightly*

Luna : "You can lean on me… you don't have to hide anything from me…"

I guess she is a princess… How could I have been so blind? Little Luna, well, not little anymore

Luna [suddenly gets pouty] : "I know you see me as a daughter or a little sister at best, not as a friend"

Crap, she got me again

Luna [smiles] : "This is not how I want this to go… so I decided to show you the real me, I don't know why you think of me the way you do… but, do you still do?"

Colt [laughing] : "It's hard to, especially after this"

Colt : "As much as I was panicking at first, thank you, Luna, I finally found someone I can talk to…"

Luna[smiles] : "That's all I wanted to hear"

Colt [laughing] : "As cautious as I am, I never saw this coming , I can't believe you pulled one over on me"

Luna[laughing as well] : "You're hiding a lot yourself, so I'd say we're even"

Colt : "Are you going to ask?"

Luna : "No, I'll wait until you're ready"

Colt : "Thank you…"

Luna : "When will you return?"

Colt : "I don't know"

Luna : "Where are you going?"

Colt : "I'd rather surprise you one day…"

Luna [laughing] : "alright , but come back safely"

Colt : "I sure will… you know… I think I'll wait for nightfall"

Luna : "Then how will you travel?"

Colt : "It's not an issue for me"

I mean.. I can fly, control light , reflect it onto my eyes similar to what cat eyes do

The eyes of cats have an extra layer that reflects light straight to their retinas, I use magic to create a similar effect

Luna : "You never seize to amaze me, though I wonder, why all of a sudden?"

Colt[smiles] : "I'll go out for a bit, wait for me"

*Leaves, the others come inside*

Lana[concerned] : "Did you tell him?"

Luna [happy] : "Yes"

Lana [more concern] : "How did it go?? I saw him rushing outside"

Luna : "It went far better than all of us expected, he did panic at first, but he was over it quickly, and accepted me for who I am, with or without powers"

Zenon[breathes a sigh of relief] : "That's good, you were so worried too"

Zeno : "He's a really good man, but why did rush like that?"

Luna : "He didn't tell me, but I know it's good"


I went into the forest, took out the first living being I found, extracted and pulverized the bones, *atomic manipulation*we have calcium

I used copper , potassium and iron as well

Put them all in different pouches with different proportions

By the time I was done… night had fallen

I went back to Luna's house for a final goodbye

*Knocks, the door opens, it's Luna*

Luna : "We've been waiting.."

Colt [excited] : "Sorry, get everyone out here, I can't wait…"

Luna: "You're not faking it!! I wonder what you're thinking"

*After everyone gathers outside*

*Colt uses fire magic to launch something into the sky, blue flames spread when it exploded… that was the first fireworks display that world has seen*

Colt : "We're pretty deep in the forest, so I don't think anyone will see, enjoy the show"

*Colt launches one after the other, fireworks changing color mid-air. It was a spectacle to behold, the entire village stepped out to witness, to everyone who was there… it was a day they'll never forget*

As I saw the looks of awe in front of me, people were impressed, families stepped outside to see, In that moment , the entire village got a little closer to each other…

*After Colt was done and the surprise subsided*

Luna [impressed] : "That was truly wonderful, you did that for me?"

Colt : "How could I not after our talk"

Zeno : "I know you used fire magic… but it can't do that…"

Colt [smiles] : "Not to sound arrogant, but I can do more than what normal magic can"

Zenon : "My arm agrees"

*They all laugh*

Luna : "You made the whole village closer, thank you Colt"

Colt : "Sure, it's the least I can do"

Luna [knowing what's next, comes closer to Colt] : "Come back safely"

*Colt starts to leave*

Colt : "I'll be back, someday"

*walks away*


"wind magic"

destination: the wasteland continent