
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Clarissa is sick

[5 yrs.old]

I am now five , I can talk better and language restrictions have finally been lifted

but my happiness is short lived 

because now Clarissa is sick

[ shows the scene in front of colt his mother lying in bed struck with fever]

now then , I am a bit indecisive about how to handle this

I mean I am only five right? so the best solution would be to wait it out and watch with eyes full of worry

[ quick flash back to the 3.5 year old incident]

aahhh, damn it all, Clarissa went for 3 days with no sleep until she collapsed… and after that Mark stayed with me until he collapsed as well 

fiiine ,,they win *sighs * guess I'll help, I hate to be in their debt 

I need to do it in a way that they won't suspect me.. well, I can easily boost her immune system or inject antibiotics directly into her blood, problem is.. Mark won't let me get anywhere near her so I wouldn't catch it

and he doesn't leave for work because as soon as the domain lord heard he repeated what he did a year and half ago …he is a really good guy 

*inhales*fine,, let's give them a little test shall we? if they succeed , mother is cured if not... it is out of my hands

[shows the scenes as Colt speaks]

I went into that small garden outside while making sure Mark was watching me through the window and plucked out some grass and flowers

then on my way back I dropped a flower

after I went home... 

 Mark [asking gently]: "Colt, what are you doing with all of this??"

Colt [ innocently] : "making medicine for mom"

come on , even in such a low civilization it should be known that some herbs have value as medicines.. take the bait Mark

Mark [surprised and confused] : "oh, I see"

[Colt goes to the living room]

little did they know while I was so innocently crushing the grass and flowers and mixing them with water I was eavesdropping using wind magic to transmit and amplify the sound waves into my ears

Clarissa: [Whispering weakly to Mark, with love] Look at him. He's so determined to do something. I wish there was more we could do to help him.


damn it mother you're killing me here

Mark: [Leaning in, watching curiously through the door] Yes, I am thankful to have him as a son

oh, not you too

Clarissa:[with determination] : "whatever he gives me I am going to drink it all"

Mark : "but-"

Clarissa: "no buts my son made this for me and I am not going to waste his efforts"

*coughs harder*

damn, that's naïve .. then again , they are such good people that I think I might feel a little bad for putting them through this

they pass..

and with that starts phase 2

[Colt going to their room while Clarissa pretends to be asleep ]

Colt [whispering to Mark] : dad, I forgot something outside I'll go get it and then the medicine will be ready

[ Colt leaves while Mark watches from the window]

now then since he is watching like a hawk

I made sure he could only see my back as I sit there

I dumped whatever it is that I made, and then placed my hand on the ground and by separating and combining atoms to the following shape 

[ shows the shape of antibiotic molecule]

I made an antibiotic

and then made water using magic like I explained

but I made it more viscous by increasing the viscosity constant 

and then I made green food coloring to make it believable

then I turned and headed home

[ in the parents' room ]

Colt [whispering to Mark]: here I made this for mom

Clarissa[pretending to wake up.. gratefully ]: "for me! how kind of you ! that's my loving boy"

how convenient is it that she woke up now ?! also drop the cheesy act lady ( not that I am any better)… can't trick a trickster, anyway...

Colt [ with enthusiasm ]: "here mom I made it for you please drink it and get better"

*hands the cup to mark*

Clarissa: [Exchanging a glance with Mark] "Well, if it'll make you feel better, we'll try anything, my dear."

Mark: [Taking the cup from Colt] "Bottoms up, then. Cheers to your good intentions."

I kept doing the same routine for a few days 

and Clarissa finally got better..

since everything was done right in front of their eyes they never suspected I had anything to do with it 

mission complete

now let us use this happy moment to get a little reward

Colt [asking with enthusiasm ]"dad you said I was too young to learn magic before. but now I am older"

Mark: "oh, I thought you didn't want to learn it anymore "

like hell I didn't !!

Colt [ visibly sad and disappointed ] : " I was waiting to get older"

that is a big fat lie.. truth of the matter is... I have been casting elemental magic none stop for the past year and a half

which made every water and wind spell upgrade to easy casting mode

 also I have a few ideas… though in order for me to try them I will need a living test subject 

as for earth and fire I couldn't really make something as fancy as earth wall or the likes because I spent all my time in the house with *sarcasm*(my dear mother) 

I mean the first time I went to the garden was right before Clarissa was sick

now back to our conversation

come on Mark your son is sad… what are you going to do about it??

Mark [trying to cheer Colt up ]" alright, son I will teach you magic but only after school "

wait , what ? school !!…of course, that totally slipped my mind, damn ,I am 5 years now 

uugghh I am not concerned with it 

I mean all you need is to learn to read ,write and do math and math is even quite basic and thanks to the upgrade god gave me this will be a cinch

but interacting with a teacher and classmates! what a pain

Colt : "school?"

Mark : "yes it is where you learn to read write and do math "


Colt [emotionlessly] "do I have to go?"

"yes, honey, because it is important" answers Clarissa

Colt : "but I want to learn magic"

Mark :"like I said I will teach you after school"

Colt [emotionlessly] "alright dad, mom , I will do what is expected"