
My School Life with Him

Sun Lin Tao is not your regular 'girl next door'. She spends her day, her night, every second of her life crushing on the famous child actor Run Chen. He was her idol. She used to get happy just by liking, commenting, sharing his uploaded photos, never expected anything more from him. Heck, she never ever saw him in reality. But that's how it's meant to be. The relationship between an idol and a fan is just like that. But then, destiny happens. The one and only Run Chen becomes his benchmate. Run Chen views Lin Tao as psycho and a totally weird 'alien'. But as the story progresses, their relation changes. From idol and fan, to friends, real friends. Then enters in the frame, another new student, a friend of Lin Tao's best friend and a gorgeous 'God'. Soon, Run Chen gets introduced to the feeling of jealousy. And he realises, he has fallen for this psycho, weird 'alien.'

vanshikaasvinnie · Teen
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11 Chs

#6 At The Stationary Shop

Same day, after school.

3:30 PM

"He asked what's up? Instead, he should have asked what's down! Lololol", Mioko said.

It was after the school. I was in Coco Moco Cafe with Mioko, when I narrated the whole incident to her. We ordered two smoothies and sandwiches.

"Enough making fun of me. Come to the main point Mioko, he helped me get up! And it isn't that I asked him to help me or something. He did it willingly. Such a gentleman my Run Chen is!"

"Yes, from what happened today, he can be called a gentleman."

"Did you guys become friends? Did he tell you about his life? Did he-"

"Yaa! Wait wait! Aren't you going a bit fast? We haven't even started talking yet. It's just the first day."


At home

4:00 PM

"Mom! I'm home."

"Lin Tao? Did you come? Quickly change your clothes. Let's go to the market."

"Why are we going to the market?"

"Shopping time!", she said. I laughed.

"Okay! I too have to buy an atlas for school. We have a project tomorrow."

Let's goo!

Run Chen's POV

"Hello, I'm Run Chen speaking. Is my assistant available right now?"

"No sir, he is still in bed."

"Oh. It's okay. Ask him to meet me after he wakes up." I hung up.

"Aishhh..what an assistant! I already told Uncle Han to change him, I don't know why is he here till now."

"I guess I myself will have to go to buy the school stuff. I have no notebook, no pen. Today, I somehow managed to understand what was being taught without my books, but I do need books."

'Moreover the Geography project, I need an atlas for it.'

I took my wallet, wore a mask ( to save myself from getting recognised) and stepped out of my house.

Sun Lin Tao's POV

"Hello, can I have an atlas, please?"

"Yes, just wait a minute.", the owner said a went inside, probably to his storeroom or something.

My mom was there in the clothes section. She asked me to buy the stationeries and join her.

"Why is the owner taking so long? What should I do till he comes?.."

Just then, a boy entered the shop. He was wearing a black hoodie, with a white jacket. He also had a mask on.

He was simply gorgeous.

"Wow.. he's so handsome..",I thought.

He looked at me. My heart skipped a beat. He looked away, and then appeared rather clumsy.

"Those eyes.."

Just then, the owner returned, breaking my trance.

Run Chen's POV

When I entered the shop, I saw my benchmate there, standing.

I guess she too was there to buy school stuff.

"Thank God I have my mask on. She's weird.", I thought.

"Is she my fan? She appears to be a big one."

Sun Lin Tao's POV

"Here is your stuff",said the owner.

"How much would that be?", I asked.

"200 bucks."

"200!? But I have only 100 bucks. How am I gonna pay to you?"

"Oh wait. My mother is here with me, let me ask her.", I said.

I went out of the shop towards the clothes section, looked around for my mother. But she was nowhere. I took out my phone, called her.

"Mom, where are you?"

"I forgot that your dad was coming home early today. I had to return otherwise he would have been greeted by a locked house." She laughed.

"Oh, okay." I hung up.

I didn't know what to do. Home was too far from here, for me to go and bring more money. I couldn't leave the atlas, otherwise I would get scolded at school.

I went back to the shop. Guess I had no other option, than to return it.

The boy was still there.

"Sir I'll not be able to take this, as I dont-"..

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Here, take my money",the 'oh so handsome' boy said....