
My School Life with Him

Sun Lin Tao is not your regular 'girl next door'. She spends her day, her night, every second of her life crushing on the famous child actor Run Chen. He was her idol. She used to get happy just by liking, commenting, sharing his uploaded photos, never expected anything more from him. Heck, she never ever saw him in reality. But that's how it's meant to be. The relationship between an idol and a fan is just like that. But then, destiny happens. The one and only Run Chen becomes his benchmate. Run Chen views Lin Tao as psycho and a totally weird 'alien'. But as the story progresses, their relation changes. From idol and fan, to friends, real friends. Then enters in the frame, another new student, a friend of Lin Tao's best friend and a gorgeous 'God'. Soon, Run Chen gets introduced to the feeling of jealousy. And he realises, he has fallen for this psycho, weird 'alien.'

vanshikaasvinnie · Teen
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11 Chs

#4 That Fall! Hurts!

Run Chen came and sat on the bench next to me.

Me: "hufff hufff hufff.." (trying to calm myself down.

Me(to myself): "What is the need to react so much? It's just that I'm sitting next to the super cute Run Chen, and I'll be sitting with him for the entire year. He's just a very popular celebrity, the man of dreams of a ton of girls...nothing more. Not a big deal."

But that only increased my heartbeat faster.

"I should try to communicate at least.."

I looked at Run Chen. He was using his cellphone. Gawwd.., his face looked so cute from the side.

I took a deep breath.

"H..hi..", I said, somehow.

Run Chen looked at me, and then again at his cellphone screen. He appeared uninterested to communicate.

"Hey", he said.

Oh my god he replied back! I sensed myself turning red.

"I'm Sun Lin Tao.."


Why doesn't he reply back nicely? As per how I have known him for so long through the media and paparazzi, he is a very gentle, kind, and polite person.

"He might be very stressed due to his new schedule..6 hours of studying along with acting, would be rather tiring and stressful for him", I thought.

At that time, I thought it was best to not to try to communicate any further. So I just went on looking at him. I was in awe, my idol in front of me...

Run Chen kept on using his phone. "What on earth is he doing on his cell phone? Is he using some social media?", I thought.

"Wait..is he talking to his rumoured girlfriend, Zhang Li Na? Is he really in a relationship with her?"..and my train of thoughts started.

"Should I take a look of what he is doing? Will it be wrong if I just take a small..very small look?", I thought.

"Never mind"

The teacher started the class. I didn't care to concentrate on what she was teaching. I would rather concentrate on my idol.

Run Chen kept his phone on his pocket and looked towards our maths teacher,Miss Zhang Yuxi. I noticed Miss Zhang was very excited, like really. She was literally unable to keep calm. She just kept on looking at Run Chen.

I looked at Run Chen. He paid no heed to the teacher. He just looked at what she was trying to write at the blackboard.

"This will continue for a few days..", I thought.

"Buzzzzzz...", a vibrating sound emerged. It was a text message in Run Chen's cellphone. He gave a look to the teacher and then took out his cell phone and most probably, read the message. I noticed he gave a small, very small smile, and started typing something.

(Note: I guess you guys would have realised already, I notice everyone and everything a lot. And this was a case with my idol, so you can imagine! Lol!)

"Why did he smile? Is he talking to someone special? Zhang Li Na? I'll have to take a glance..", I thought.

I stretched myself out of my desk, towards Run Chen, when I realised that we are not really sitting very close.

"Not happening, can't see."

I stretched myself more, I just wanted to peep at his screen, anyhow.

THUD! There was a loud noise. And the next moment which I witnessed was me lying on the floor, all the students laughing, and Run Chen looking at me...