
My school friend is a Lesbian and she's on to me.

Lee is a high school student who wants to live a happy and not so normal life (it in her diary) since she doesn't want it to be boring like in her middle school days and because it can lead to a lot of pain and suffering to others because they always want to make you the way they imagine you to be and it kind of hurts to reject yourself so by wanting a not so normal life for high school then she might find her one true love and be happy with her unlike in the past! Lee is a smart high school girl she also helps others in there problems especially Riya since she always goes zigzag for Lee and keeps giving her trouble in her daily life as a high school student, but Lee also wanted this life which is not boring and a way to cover the past and the hole in her heart which is slowly getting patch by Riya with her comfortable present, Lee and Riya favorite spots in school is the cafeteria especially the outside of the cafeteria which it hard to see inside the main cafeteria and when it comes to outside of school both likes spending to each other's houses! Lee has a lover in her middle school days it was a girl named Lynika a very malicious girl that ruined Lee back in middle school, when they broke up Lynika become obsessed with Lee which is very weird to Lee since Lynika keeps hurting her and says mean things to her and to others so she be left out from her classmates and deemed as an outcast, but Lynika just keeps harassing Lee even going to her house and letting herself in when Lee is the only one left in the house, this harassment only stopped when Lynika got transferred to another school from another country! Please forgive the first few chapters since it still needs to be re write to prevent confusion and fixed the spelling, grammars, and many more problems! This story will be updated weekly or monthly but this is mostly base on my mood so i might do daily update from time to time! You can support me on my website and if you don't know how to get to my website then go to my Twitter: @MixGamingDelT and you can find my website there where i accept donations if possible! Will then thank you and good reading!

MixGamingDelWN · LGBT+
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17 Chs

The Exam

As the days get's near for the exam Lee and Riya study hard for it so that there time together in the future wont be distrapted at anycost but Lee is having a conflict with her feelings and Riya is simping with her anime couple though they study, there time was mostly in some other things without each other! And the result of this is them failing the exam and they both need to take another exam to get back there grades up!

Lee: So what did you do to get sent here? Don't tell me you got distracted with thinking about me are you?

Riya: Ah... ummm, will i d-did yep i was so busy thinking of you! (OMG i need to cure my simping addiction soon) So what did you do to get sent here i thought you of all people are the least to get sent here!

Lee: Will t-the cause is ummm w-will i-it's-

Riya: Oh wow teach has a cool figurines here ah!

Lee: Go on why did you stop yourself when you look at me huh come on continue what your saying i don't mind, sure i was about to say something good, but i think you were going to say something!

Riya: Ummm... am sorry!

Lee: "Sigh" Let's review some materials okay i need to get this done fast, since we can't waste our vacation here right!?

Riya: Yeah! Here this is the exam i did good at do you need it?

Lee: Yep this is the subject i am bad at thanks!

The two started to study for a little before there teacher gives their exam to them again! But now they're serious about this! 1 hour later Lee pass her test paper and gives Riya a pat in the back before getting out the room, a few minute later Riya get's out with a smile in her face both Lee and Riya waited for there result and when the teacher give's the result to them both smiled and has the temptation to hug each other but they hold themselve back and smiled to each other!

Lee: Riya i didn't know you were good at that subject am impressed! "clap clap"

Riya: That hurts a bit but yeah i am good at that too, but never the less your math is so good!

Lee: Of course since i have learn math since elementary, and i tell you it was not fun hahaha!

Riya: "Beautiful".... ah!!!

Lee: "Blushing" ummm please don't say that when i am near you, i can't take it!!!

Riya: S-sure "She is so cute covering her face with her hair classic ahhhh!"

I might have a lot of spelling wrong so please forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i have no grammar on second thought i don't even know what grammer is untill grade 10 or 11!!!!!!!!

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