
My school friend is a Lesbian and she's on to me.

Lee is a high school student who wants to live a happy and not so normal life (it in her diary) since she doesn't want it to be boring like in her middle school days and because it can lead to a lot of pain and suffering to others because they always want to make you the way they imagine you to be and it kind of hurts to reject yourself so by wanting a not so normal life for high school then she might find her one true love and be happy with her unlike in the past! Lee is a smart high school girl she also helps others in there problems especially Riya since she always goes zigzag for Lee and keeps giving her trouble in her daily life as a high school student, but Lee also wanted this life which is not boring and a way to cover the past and the hole in her heart which is slowly getting patch by Riya with her comfortable present, Lee and Riya favorite spots in school is the cafeteria especially the outside of the cafeteria which it hard to see inside the main cafeteria and when it comes to outside of school both likes spending to each other's houses! Lee has a lover in her middle school days it was a girl named Lynika a very malicious girl that ruined Lee back in middle school, when they broke up Lynika become obsessed with Lee which is very weird to Lee since Lynika keeps hurting her and says mean things to her and to others so she be left out from her classmates and deemed as an outcast, but Lynika just keeps harassing Lee even going to her house and letting herself in when Lee is the only one left in the house, this harassment only stopped when Lynika got transferred to another school from another country! Please forgive the first few chapters since it still needs to be re write to prevent confusion and fixed the spelling, grammars, and many more problems! This story will be updated weekly or monthly but this is mostly base on my mood so i might do daily update from time to time! You can support me on my website and if you don't know how to get to my website then go to my Twitter: @MixGamingDelT and you can find my website there where i accept donations if possible! Will then thank you and good reading!

MixGamingDelWN · LGBT+
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17 Chs

Shopping time!

--Lee POV--

Lee wakes up at 4 in the morning she prepares her list of the things she wants to do in this day but today there won't be any list or that sort because she had plans to go shopping with Riya her classmate and also her harasser, but Lee is trying to forget about it since Riya is changing a bit to the good side!

--Riya POV--

Riya starts her morning picking a suit or a dress for their plan, though this is expected of her since she made the plan and now, she is thinking pretty dress or cool suit (the not so fancy ones)! Upon thinking for a few minutes she decided to just use the usual clothes she wears when going out without any reason which is a purple jacket, along with a red t-shirts, a slim collar (she has a hobby), short shorts, black Nuke shoes (Idc anymore), though she wears this when going out she also stays outside the eyes of other people especially guys with ill intent towards her but if it's another girl then she would embrace it truthfully!

---City Station---

--Lee POV--

Oh no, I hope I'm not late damn it why would mom give me this ugh it hurts my head huh? Is that Riya woah there are so many people looking at her! She looked uncomfortable... I should help her right, it's the right thing to do if I see my friend that needs help.

--Riya POV--

Ugh I hate this why don't they train their eyes to look away, damn it I should have picked a better place to meet up... Lee. Heh someone grab my hand Waa this small and soft hands it's Lee, eh!? W-wait slow down ahhh you're going to trip, or I will trip Lee slow down please!


A-are you okay now? I hope I did not hurt you, grabbing you like that should have hurt right I am so s-!! Riya put her finger on top of my lips basically stating that I should not apologize!

--Riya POV--

Don't apologize okay because if you did not do that, I would have loss my composure for sure hahahaha thank you Lee!!


(Blush) Ah I-I am glad to help you with that *peek* hmm? Hey, you look really pretty in your get up right now... very pretty!


Oh gosh, this is just my usual outdoor clothes! Please don't look at me like that eek don't touch me there! Come on let's go already Lee come on! Lee and Riya look at different shops for cloths they found a good shop to look at and try out their cloths, Lee checks out the dress with the latest trend while Riya are looking at bikini or under wears since she needs one or two! Both of them were thinking of buying the things they like but they later found out that the shop that there in are selling expensive cloths and under wear but thought it is expensive they found what they want at a reachable price and buy it! They then look for cafes to sit at and chat Riya, found a good place but their budget got cut by a lot in the shop, so Lee took her phone out and open the map app to look for the nearest and cheap cafes to hangout from!

(Latest format please give feedback in the comments)

(Lee) Riya I found a nice cafe in the map and check this out they even take the new type of payments using qr codes, I have some money on my Glash account so I can spend it on this date...!

(Riya) Date? Did you just say date, I did not hear it wrong Lee you just said it right! Does this mean you like me I like you a lot Lee please don't take it back those words mean a lot to me right now.

(Lee) Blushing while looking at her phone said. C-come on let's go we should not waste this time we have right now. Lee grab Riya hands and they move to where the cafe is located, and once they on the door they were immediately surprise by the cafe staff saying that they're the 1000th customers they receive when they opened. 

(Cafe Staff Ann) Are you a couple perhaps, if so then you two are very lucky since the price is a couple set for free, please enjoy it!

(Lee & Riya) Wow this day just became a lot sweeter right. They looked at each other with love in their eyes while the cafe staff was jealous for the fact that she did can't date her girlfriend today. 

(Lee) That was amazing Riya thank you for this day.

(Riya) No problem, if I am just not short on money I could date you whenever we have time Lee.

(Lee) That's not a problem, there are dates that we can do while not spending as much as today.

(Riya) Yeah you're right ah, can I accompany you to the train, I just want to see each other off.

(Lee) Sure let's go.

I am sorry for not updating this and may other webnovel school has been busy and my graduation is near and the visual game i am making is almost done with arts that is still lacking i found a great app to make the characters so i might be done with chapter one and you can play it soon! Thank you for understanding and sorry english is not my main language!

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