
My Saviour or My Destroyer?

I don’t know if he helped me or if he is using me against my family for money or something else. “Why are you doing this?” No answer huh fine two can play at that game, I can also look hot in a completely drenched whit top......wait what am I thinking, I mean he did save me, but what if he actually saved me to sell me um.....I don’t think that’s why right...... yeah I have to be wrong. I see him staring at me so intensely like he wants to eat me or something however there is this feeling about him that intrigues me to him, that draws me toward him what is it that I am feeling? Or what is this feeling? What has he done to me? I just hope he doesn’t do anything. I didn’t know what to put here sorry ? I hope you can forgive me I am not very good at writing books nor is my grammar good however I hope you enjoyed it and leave a comment saying or letting me know how I can improve my writing thank you. Also sorry if I don’t put any of what you read here I the book.

Sabrina_Correia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The next day I had woken up because I had fallen asleep again after eating last night, well yesterday anyways, I headed to the living room after I had taken a shower when I saw Luka in the garden on his phone talking to someone... now I know I am not the type of person to eavesdrop however I am rather curious about who he is talking to. I walked closer towards him only to notice that he had gone into a room-

"I don't think you should do that, just saying" ???

"Wow breaking the forth wall now are we author?" Asked Lilith

"... maybe" I replied

"Well thanks for the heads up, but aren't you curious as well?" Asked Lilith

"...um no" I replied

".....wait you know who it is don't you?" Asked Lilith

"No! What no of course not? Why would you ask me that?" I said starting to get nerves

"Your the author, your the one writing my story!" Yelled Lilith

"Oh would you look at that your outside the room the Luka walked into and oh how convenient you can hear him talk bye bye" I replied quickly leaving Lilith alone

"Wha-" well okay then

"No mom not yet" said Luka

"Mom?" Lilith whispered

"Wha-wait a minute I never agreed to this, you and dad both said that once I find my mate that I won't have to go through the whole arranged marriage thing? Why did you both change your minds?" Asked Luka getting slightly mad

"I found her and I am not lying this time" he said

"Fine however don't blame me if the girl you set me up with dies" he said while he hung up

"Author I know your there can you help me and take me somewhere else?" Asked Lilith

".....fine but don't break the fourth wall again" I replied

"Okay thank you" she replied

So I sent Lilith to the garden right on the bench haaaa so much for trying not to break the fourth wall, actually I don't know which wall it's called but I am going to stick with it being the fourth wall now back to the story.

"....." Lilith didn't reply or say anything was just in shock where the author put her

"Lilith what are you doing in the garden?" Asked Luka

Lilith turned around and just looked at Luka then hopped of the bench and walked passed him not saying anything to him, Luka looked at Lilith shocked thinking to himself and asking himself what did he do wrong?

"....author what's wrong with Lilith?" Asked Luka

"..... really okay listen why don't you go ask.... no why don't you go figure out please, I am done with breaking the fourth wall" I said

"Wait what? When?" Luka asked

"... well damn I said nothing now let me continue the story in peace please" I begged

"Why? What did I do thou?" He asked again

"Ha listen it's not what you did? You know what screw it, Lilith ... ha never mind I can feel her looking at me though my phone ha I am too tired for this" I said in defeat

"Um okay" said Luka

Once our conversation was done he headed towards where Lilith was heading which is the living room, as soon as he got into the living room he noticed Lilith was doing Rukas hair and her brother and sister were sitting on each side of her so he couldn't go the and sit with her. After Lilith was done with Rukas hair she got up and walked into the kitchen to grab a drink for her and Ruka.

"Mommy is angry" Ruka said

"Huh?" Said Luka

"Mommy is angry and I don't know why?" Said Ruka

"Well sweetheart neither do I" he said

Lilith was angry with Luka however she didn't know why she was angry and sad, but I know some of us can figure it out lol.... anyways Lilith walked into the living room and sat in between her brother and sister, Luna looked at Shadow and then at her and asked what was wrong Lilith didn't answer and just sat there watching the television. Luka walked into the living room with Ruka and sat on the single couch as he looked at Lilith as he began to think of a way how he was going to ask her why she is angry, Lilith looked at him because she could feel his eyes on her and then he looked away when he noticed she was looking at him. After some time had gone by it was time for lunch however Lilith's mom called out to her siblings as well as her to go into the basement to grab some stuff for lunch. When Lilith got up she looked at Luka and glared a bit however she stopped glaring at him when she noticed Ruka was on his lap watching the tv, Lilith then headed towards the basement with her brother and sister, once they were in the basement her brother and sister asked her what was wrong and so she replied saying that she overheard Lukas conversation on his phone with his parents and that his parents are arranging him to marry someone else however she feels mad and sad so she is confused as to why she feels this way, her siblings looked at each other and then to her and said that the reason why she feels this way is because she is jealous that there is another girl trying to be with him. After they had explained why she felt that way they heard lots of people talking, yelling upstairs and then they heard Ruka Yelp in pain, once they heard that Lilith got furious and ran upstairs so fast that her brother and sister didn't realize that she left. Lilith entered the living room and saw Ruka was being held up by her arm and her face had a hand print.

"Lilith is that your daughter?" Asked Hel

"...." no response

"Lilith would you like my help?" Asked Hel again

"No, I will deal with it myself" Lilith said

"Lilith I can feel our blood boiling and your hostility towards them however you need to try and calm yourself down please" Hel said

"Calming down is not an option for me anymore" Lilith replied sounding darker after ever word

"Mom please I am warning you, you don't want to hold her like that" Luka said

"Oh and why not?" Asked Lukas mom

"Because my mama will hurt you " Ruka said

"Oh I am so sca-"

"You should be" Lilith said interrupting Lukas mother

Before his mother could say anything Lilith lunged at her picked her up by her neck and took Ruka from her grasp with her free hand then threw his mother out of the window, Liliths body was changing again this time Hel was trying to calm her side however she didn't have control anymore, now Lilith form was a mix of all forms, she had her lycan ears and their claws, she had her vampires dark red hair with silver streaks and all black eyes with a hint of silver and yellow, Lukas mother was shaking from pure fear Lilith was also completely lost in rage to the point that she couldn't hear Ruka calling out to her or noticed that the woman that Lukas parents set him up with was now in front of her in an angel form.

"I banish thee to hell !" Yelled the woman however nothing worked

"Nice try, you don't banish something that was forbidden and banished from entering hell !" Said Lilith

"Shit" said the woman

"Now it's time for you to die" Lilith said as she forced her claw to go through the woman's abdominal and picking her up while her hand is still through her.

Lilith began to laugh looking at the woman on the ground then the woman let out a shriek of horror as Lilith tore the woman that has her hand through a part then Lilith got down on one knee and said in the most dark voice "next time keep your hands off my daughter and keep any woman away from my mate you understand" "yes, ma'am" Lukas mother said as her body was shaking profusely. Lilith had calmed down after what Lukas mother said and then noticed that Luka and everyone else were looking at her like they had just seen the devil himself.

"What?" Asked Lilith

"How?.... what happened to your forms?" Asked mom

"It's what happens when I get enraged now that's what happens also I don't hear Hel anymore!" Lilith said as she is shocked about that

"I-I am still here just a bit low on energy is all" Hel said

"Oh sorry it's my fault" Lilith said

"No it's okay you just need to sleep so I can gain my energy back is all" Hel replied

"Oh okay" Lilith answered

"Never mind she just needs rest" Lilith said looking at everyone

Lilith then looked at Ruka, went to pick her up however Ruka was shaking like she was afraid of Lilith.

"Oh... I see your scared of me now okay that's fine I am going to sleep so that Hel can rest" she said walking away towards the stairs to her bedroom

As soon as she got to the top Ruka had just realized what happened and regretted not saying anything.

"So mama is upset because she thinks I am scared of her?" Ruka said

"No it's.... she just needs some rest is all then you can talk to her when she wakes up okay" said Luna

"....okay..." said Ruka sadly

"Let's just pray that she is okay" said mom

"Agreed" said everyone else

"Hey Hel?" Asked Lilith

"Yeah?" Replied Hel

"Are you okay? My Lycan and wolf side didn't try to hurt you did they?" Asked a concerned Lilith


"I see sorry about that" she said

"To be honest it's ok Lilith I have been dealt with worse trust me however I am going to say this now but, I will not be with you long I can feel it" Hel said

"I know so can I" replied Lilith

"I can only stay for two more days because my blood is now fussing with your blood which means that I will disappear as well" she said

".... I wish that wasn't the case" Lilith said sadly

"I know but, there is nothing we could do" said Hel

"Right? Well good night" said Lilith

"Goodnight Lilith" said Hel

Three hours had gone by and Lilith woke up to go to the bathroom when she noticed that Ruka was laying next to her and Luka was sleeping behind her while holding her, she thought to herself 'why I thought they were scared of me?' But she left that train of thought as she left to the bathroom when she came back she was knocked down by Ruka who came running towards her then jumped on her.

"Mama, mama why do you think I was scared" Ruka asked trying to hold back her tears

"Baby when mama went to go check you arm you started to shake so mama thought you were afraid of me" Lilith said

"She wasn't afraid of you, she was trying to talk but she couldn't because of the pain her arm was giving her so when she was shaking that was because of the breeze that was outside" Luka said reassuring me

"I see" Lilith said getting up while holding Ruka

"Mama are we going to sleep now?" Ruka asked

"Yeah also Luka Hel is leaving my body after tomorrow however I will still have her blood running through me, also sorry I all most killed your mother" I said

"To be honest it's okay that woman was never a mother to me and my father was never a father to me as well also that's good I guess I don't know, by the way why were you mad at me?" Said Luka

"I wasn't mad I was jealous and didn't even know how because I have never experienced it before and I overheard your conversation with your parents sorry" Lilith said

"It's okay well I say it time for bed since it's night time now" he said

"Yeah your right, off to bed now Ruka" she said

"I am sleeping in between mama and daddy" she said with a big smile on her face

"Yeah that's fine" Lilith said

As the night was turning into day as they slept away, they had all forgotten about one thing and one thing only well two things one was that Lilith didn't get to eat dinner and Lilith now has a stronger from that she doesn't know how to control fully, what is going to happen? Why is Hel leaving after tomorrow? Why was Hel in Liliths body in the first place? And how did Hel even become one with Lilith? You might find out with the next chapter or you might get hints who knows only one way to find out.

"Author let us sleep please" said Lilith

"Well damn, I have to get people into your story somehow" I said

"We'll have faith in the people who read the book and let them think about it okay" she said

".... fine I guess your right anyways goodnight Lilith" I said

"Goodnight author" she replied

Well thank you to anyone who actually read my book I am happy to know people do read it or even skim through it I am still happy thou thank you also sorry if they are not long enough.