
My Sassy-Sophisticated Boss

Toni Wayman is an American engineer who owns a big company in Manhattan, New York. She have everything, the power, the wealth, and the beautiful life except for one thing. And that is her own family. She's already in her 30s yet, she's not committed to anyone and so, she had decided to get her own child because she believes that she doesn't need a man in her life. Unfortunately, when she visited the hospital she was told that in vitro fertilization is impossible for her. So, she was pushed to do the natural way and that is to interact with a man. Zion Rilo, however, is a poor but handsome man in his 35s who works day and night just to sustain his little sister medication who has down syndrome. Debtors are following him until one of his friends from the hospital told him something about giving his semen will earn him money and so, he bites it. Then, one nurse told him that a rich woman is looking for one night just to have a child with no strings attached. He immediately grabbed the opportunity since he will be paid 10 million US dollars after that. -Question- What did Zion do to 10 million US dollars? What happened to Toni Wayman after that one night? Will their paths cross again?

Nyeilrad · Urban
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6 Chs


    It was late at night when Toni got home, she was greeted by the maid to give her footwear and she gives her stilettos in exchange which made her heave a relieved sigh since she's been wearing them all day.


    "Finally, my feet can relax," she said to herself and she continued walking going to her room upstairs.


    On the other hand, when Loren heard noises, she immediately went out to see her daughter and when she left the room, she found her about to go up the stairs, but before she could go, she called her.


    "Toni, wait! I'm glad you're home. Can we talk for a minute?" Loren happily greeted her daughter and quickly approached her to welcome her with a tight embrace.


    "Good evening, Mom. Yeah, sure? What about it?" Toni greeted back in a tiring sound of her voice while hugging her too.


    Loren then pulled from the hug and they faced each other. "How's your day? Did you meet the guys that I arranged you up with?" she asked excitedly because she wanted to know if it went well or not for her daughter.


    "Don't even mention it, Mom. Come on," Toni replied angrily because just hearing it made her feel like she was going to throw up.


    "Why, what happened? Did you meet a nice guy? A gentleman? Tell me, tell me," Loren pressured her daughter because she wanted to know if she had cheated on any of the men she met or not, just like what Toni did before.


    "A gentleman? Seriously, Mom? Well, I met a snob guy, a gamer, an old fashion guy, and a pervert guy. Please, Mom, stop setting me up— with dates because honestly, I am not interested. How many times do I have to tell you? When will you stop arranging dates for me, for my goodness sake?" Toni replied annoyed, unable to stop herself from expressing her true feelings without hurting her mother intentionally. She is just being true to her.


    "Toni, listen, your age is not on the calendar anymore. Please, have mercy on yourself. You just work, work, work! That's why no man is planning to date you or have a relationship with you because you are always busy with work. They are afraid of you. They are afraid to come to you because of your aura! Come on, Toni, have some life!" Loren preached to her daughter again.


    "Mom, you want me to have some life? How about you let me be? Leave me alone. I am done with you telling me that I should get married. Aren't you tired? Because I AM tired of hearing from your mouth the words 'get married', 'I set up a date', 'you are getting older', and 'I want grandchildren'. Mom, please, for once don't nag me. Okay? Good night. I'm going upstairs now and I am tired as hell," Toni responded tiredly and continued to climb the stairs after letting her mother know what she really felt.


    Meanwhile, Loren followed her daughter's gaze, who seemed unmoved by what she said because, for her, she wanted to see her daughter have a life for once and not just work.


    The next day, the sun rose, Toni went down to the dining table with a straight face and as she sat down her parents noticed her. Loren and Warren looked at each other because they could sense something was not right with their only daughter.


    "Honey, are you alright?" Warren asked with concern while he is putting a napkin on his lap.


    "I'm just tired, Dad. Thank you for asking," Toni answered softly and started eating without waiting for her parent's permission.


    "I know what that is. Don't tell me you are having menopausal syndrome? I have read that woman who is having it mostly feels exhausted every time, has difficulty in sleeping, is very sensitive, has anxiety, and has problems with memory and concentration," Loren suspected, suddenly worried because of what she found out about signs of menopause.


    "What? And where did you know that?" Warren asked his wife curiously because of what he had just heard.


    "I've read books. And according to the doctors, the signs of menopausal are—" Loren replied to her husband but she stopped speaking when she heard a chair that is being pushed.


    Both Warren and Loren looked at their daughter who suddenly stood up from her chair.


    "I've had enough. I'm leaving this house and you're not going to see me again if you're going to continue to act like that. I need peace for Pete's sake," Toni boldly announced and gave her parents a straight look before she walked out and left them.


    "Toni, go to the doctor at least! Have your uterus checked! It's better to be early than sorry!" shouted Loren who still advised her daughter even though what she did was wrong by leaving them in front of the dining table.


    But Toni just rolled her eyes while walking away.


    "You are pushing yourself too much, Loren. Way to go to ruin her morning," Warren commented to his wife and he started eating without waiting since she ruined their morning too.


    After a while, Toni entered a nice condo unit and scanned the whole room before settling. When it was approved for her, she sat on the couch and took out her phone. Then, what her mother said about getting tested suddenly came to her mind and so, she searched for the symptoms and signs of menopause because she felt that she was close to that stage. She keeps on scrolling on her phone until one article caught her attention and it says, 'hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, low mood or anxiety, reduced sex drive and problems with memory and concentration. After reading it she assesses herself the whole night and just like what it said she had night sweats and she feels that her womanhood is dry, then, until the birds are chirping outside the window she notices that she is full of anxiety or low mood every morning but still she needs to stand up and work. She so called for room service and while waiting she took a shower, right after she got out her food arrived so, she let the server in who also came out immediately after delivering her food. She anyways decided to eat first before getting dressed, but just then she thought about the menopausal thing that she couldn't get out of her mind.


    "Well, as to my observation I have all the symptoms and signs. Should I see the doctor now?" she said to herself with doubt because she didn't know if she would obey her mother or not. "Oh, well. It's better to be safe than sorry, and it's been quite a while since I had an executive check-up. I will book an appointment then," she finally decided and took out her phone to call her new assistant immediately who answered after two rings. "Good morning to you too, Ann. Book me an appointment at the nearest hospital here. I want to have an executive check-up this week. Clear my schedule next week if that is so. Thank you. Bye," she commanded and hung up the phone, and continued eating quietly.


    On the other hand, Zion and Sarah are standing next to each other while looking in the small room, and then, they turned their heads towards each other like they are talking without using their mouths but only their eyes.


    "That's all I can give you with the money you gave to rent. Your money actually is not enough for it at this time but anyway, rather than this room being empty and bland, you can have it. So, are you going to take it or leave it?" said the old woman rudely to the two who still showed consideration even though they didn't have much money for rent but because she needed money, she rather let them than not have money at all.


    "We'll take it. Thank you so much for your kindness, Mrs. Ting," replied Zion who quickly looked at the old woman to thank her and went inside, pulling her younger sister too.


    "Great. Have a nice day," said Mrs. Ting and she left the two.


    Zion and Sarah have gone inside and their eyes are wandering around.


    "You can take the bed, Sarah, I'll sleep on the couch," Zion announced kindly and put their things down. "Tomorrow we will look for a daycare where you can stay while I work. Okay? Is that okay with you?" he said to remind her while he is unpacking their things.


    "Sure, Brother. Do you have your resumes already? Or, do you want me to make it for you tonight?" Sarah asked confidently since she was the one making his resume even though she has sick, it didn't stop her from helping her older brother who was her only family.


    "You are really the best, Sarah. Thank you so much," Zion said happily and approached his sister to give her a big hug.


     — — —


    The next day, both Sarah and Zion looked for a nearby daycare center, but their search was not easy because they had been around the area but could not find anything. But they didn't give up just yet.  So, the next day they tried again until they encountered one old man who was walking out of the apartment where they were staying when they decided to go home and just try their luck for the next few days.


    "Let me help you, Sir," Sarah politely and kindly offered to the old man when he dropped his plastic bag filled with fruits.


    "Thank you," the old man kindly replied and let the girl pick his fruits.


    Zion also helped with the picking and both he and Sarah gave what they got to the old man.


    "Are you guys new here? This I the first time I saw you here. I'm Fred by the way," Fred introduced himself and looked at the two from head to toe like he is scanning them.


    "Fred!" a familiar female voice shouted from inside the apartment and Mrs. Ting came out. She stopped when she saw the two new renters but her attention was focused on Fred and she handed him the wallet she was holding. "You silly, you forgot this. Don't forget, ha, exchange these oranges for apples. And don't come back here if you didn't bring apples. I told you several times that you should take apples earlier but still, you took oranges," she reminded him with annoyance in her tone of voice.


    "Alright, alright. Go inside now. I will be back later," Fred answered just to keep her quiet.


    "You know each other?"  Sarah asked in between while the two are talking which made them look at her, including Zion who was surprised, but at the same time, he was also curious.


    "Of course, we do. He's my husband," replied Mrs. Ting casually.


    Both Zion and Sarah looked at the two when they heard that they were a couple.


    "I see, my wife was referring to you two yesterday who are new arrivals. Why don't you join us for dinner later? I would be happy to welcome you two. But for now, I need to go back to the market and return this," said Fred smiling as he welcomed the two politely which was opposite to what his wife did yesterday.


    "We would love to. Let me accompany you to the market, Mr. Fred," Zion said politely and he stepped forward to come with him. Then, he turned his head to Sarah and says, "Wait for me inside. We will be back soon."


    "Okay. Take care," Sarah answered quickly, letting go of her brother and walking into the apartment.


    "Hey, come with me and help me. I need assistance to the kitchen," called Mrs. Ting to Sarah and she go inside first.


    Meanwhile, Zion and Fred were walking together quietly.


    "Tell me, young man, where did you come from?" Fred asked curiously while walking.


    "We lived in Manhattan but we transferred here because...of debt," Zion answered weakly with shame in his voice because he honestly didn't want to reveal his past to someone he just met. But Fred's vibes are different, so he was able to say his past to him.



    "Are there people chasing you?" another question came from Fred with no judgment in the tone of his voice.


    "Well...yeah. So, we moved. And now, we are looking for a new life here. But until now I can't find a job or a daycare center for Sarah. Maybe this week we will leave because I don't have anything to pay for the rent. I'm sorry," Zion confessed, smiling even though he had so many problems to think about.


    "Are you looking for work? You're just right in time, young man, I need housekeeping at the hospital where I work. And you said, you are looking for a daycare center for your younger sister? Don't worry about it. My wife can take care of her. She's a former teacher but retired now. But I'm sure she will agree to teach Sarah since I can see that she is kind and very helpful. Also, ever since our daughter died because of heart disease she has changed. Although, she is still my loving wife the smile on her face is still different as if something is missing. And I know that is because she misses our daughter so much," Fred said, at the same time offering Zion a job and someone to take care of Sarah for him.


    Zion smiled in response because of what he heard, and because behind Mrs. Ting's attitude she was a good wife and a loving mother, but because of what happened to her daughter, her attitude changed. Now he understood why she treated them like that.


    Eventually, Mrs. Ting, Fred, Zion, and Sarah are eating quietly at one dining table.


    "By the way, honey, Zion will come to me tomorrow to the hospital. I already recommended him to my manager and he said Zion can come since we are lacking in manpower. And while we are away, Sarah will stay here with you," Fred said directly.


    While Zion and Sarah stopped eating because they both didn't expect what he said. They both looked at Mrs. Ting because of it and they waited for her reply. Mrs. Ting anyways looked at Sarah while drinking water and after she drank, she put her glass down on the table.


    "No problem," answered Mrs. Ting and she continued eating without saying anything anymore.


    "Great. Wake up at 6 in the morning then, Zion, and because work starts at 7," Fred pointed out happily with a chuckle and started eating again.


    "Yes, Sir, I will," Zion responded enthusiastically and enjoyed eating because he finally found a job, and he found someone to watch over Sarah.


    To be continued...