
My Salvation

Lia Brown, a 20 year old girl, goes on a family trip to her hometown during summer vacation . Wanting to escape from her loud and bothersome family members, she goes out where she bumps into a handsome looking boy on the street. Next thing she knew, the same boy was helping her when she fell victim to some vicious prank. A long time passes without her seeing him again, only to one day bump into him again. She thought it was all a coincidence, but little did she know he kept watching over her for months in secret. Noah, her secret observer, failed to understand the reasons behind his attraction to her and had finally decided to get to the root of it as he approached her. His friend complained, "But she's a human." The werewolf alpha showed no intention of backing down as he strode forward, trying to unravel the secrets surrounding her that only he could feel.

P_Mitra · Teen
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8 Chs


Lia's heart raced as she stood before her parents, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. The revelations of her hybrid nature and the existence of the Nightshade Syndicate weighed heavily on her, but there was one more secret she needed to uncover—the truth about her mother.

Her mother, Elizabeth, had always been an enigmatic figure in Lia's life. She possessed an air of mystery, her calm demeanor hiding a world of untold stories. Now, standing in their home, Lia knew it was time to confront her parents and unravel the final piece of the puzzle.

Taking a deep breath, Lia locked eyes with her mother. "Mom, there's something I need to know. Something about you."

Elizabeth exchanged a glance with Lia's father, Jacob, before nodding. "It's time, Lia. We've kept this secret for far too long."

They led Lia to the family room, where the walls were adorned with ancestral portraits and trinkets collected over the years. The room felt heavy with anticipation as Elizabeth began to speak.

"Lia, I am not entirely human. Like you, I am also a werewolf. A member of a long line of werewolves that stretches back through generations," Elizabeth revealed, her voice tinged with both sadness and relief.

Lia's eyes widened in astonishment. The realization that her mother shared her hybrid nature left her speechless. All this time, her mother had lived a double life, protecting her family and keeping her true identity hidden.

Jacob joined the conversation, his voice filled with gentle reassurance. "Lia, your mother and I chose to shield you from this world of darkness. We wanted you to have a normal life, free from the dangers and complexities that come with our supernatural heritage. But fate has a way of unraveling secrets, and now it's time for you to embrace who you truly are."

Lia's thoughts swirled as she absorbed the weight of her parents' revelations. The pieces of her identity were finally falling into place, painting a picture she had never imagined. She felt a mix of fear, curiosity, and a deep sense of belonging.

"I don't know if I can handle all of this," Lia confessed, her voice trembling. "The Nightshade Syndicate, my hybrid nature, and now discovering my mother's true identity. It's overwhelming."

Elizabeth placed a hand on Lia's trembling shoulder, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "We know it's a lot to take in, but you are strong, Lia. We raised you to be resilient and courageous. You have a power within you that can change the course of history. Embrace it, trust yourself, and know that we are here to guide and support you every step of the way."

Lia nodded, her resolve solidifying. She was no longer just Lia, the ordinary girl. She was Lia, the hybrid warrior, destined to fight against darkness and protect those she loved.

In that moment, a newfound bond formed between mother and daughter. The weight of their shared secret lifted, replaced by a profound understanding. Lia saw her mother in a new light—a beacon of strength and resilience.

Together, they vowed to face the challenges that lay ahead. The Nightshade Syndicate would soon learn that the bond of family could be a force more powerful than they could ever imagine.

As they embraced, Lia felt a sense of purpose surging through her veins. She was no longer alone in this battle. With her parents by her side, she was ready to confront the shadows, unearth the truth, and fight for a world where love and justice prevailed.

Darkness engulfed the night as Lia, Noah, and Lia's parents made their way through the deserted streets. The air crackled with tension, a foreboding sense of danger hanging in the atmosphere. They had barely stepped foot outside their home when the sudden attack came.

A group of masked assailants emerged from the shadows, surrounding them with swift and calculated movements. The glint of weapons and the coldness in their eyes sent chills down Lia's spine. It was clear they were not ordinary thugs; they were connected to the Nightshade Syndicate.

Lia's heart pounded in her chest as she instinctively moved to protect her parents. Noah stood at her side, his unwavering presence providing a sense of reassurance in the face of danger.

"Stay close," Noah whispered, his voice laced with determination. "We'll get through this together."

The assailants closed in, launching a relentless attack. Lia's hybrid abilities surged to the surface as she fought back, her senses heightened and her movements agile. She lashed out with calculated precision, using her newfound strength to fend off their attackers.

Noah, too, displayed a surprising prowess, his body moving with a fluid grace as he defended Lia and her parents. He fought alongside her, his unwavering loyalty and fierce determination evident in every strike.

Amidst the chaos, Lia caught a glimpse of her parents, skillfully defending themselves against their captors. They fought with a tenacity that spoke of years of experience, but it was clear that the numbers were against them.

In a swift and calculated move, one of the assailants managed to overpower Lia's father, Jacob, and seize him by the throat. Panic surged through Lia's veins as she saw her father's life hanging in the balance.

"Noah, help my father!" Lia shouted, her voice laced with desperation.

Noah's eyes locked with Lia's, a silent understanding passing between them. With unwavering determination, he broke away from the assailants he had been fighting, rushing to Jacob's side. Together, they engaged the attacker in a fierce struggle, desperate to free him from their clutches.

Lia's heart raced as she fought to keep the remaining assailants at bay, her focus torn between protecting her parents and ensuring Noah's safety. The odds were stacked against them, but the fire within Lia burned brighter than ever.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the darkness, filled with malice and triumph. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The mighty hybrid and her precious companions."

The voice sent a chill down Lia's spine, and she turned to face its source. Emerging from the shadows was a figure clad in black, his features obscured by a mask. It was the leader of the Nightshade Syndicate, the one responsible for this orchestrated attack.

His gaze fell upon Lia's parents, his voice dripping with malevolence. "You thought you could hide forever, didn't you? But we always find our targets. And now, I have something you want."

Lia's heart sank as she realized the true intention behind this assault. They had been lured into a trap, and her parents had become the leverage the Nightshade Syndicate sought to control her.

A sense of determination and fury ignited within Lia. She locked eyes with Noah, a silent vow passing between them. They would not let the Nightshade Syndicate tear their lives apart. Together, they would save Lia's parents and put an end to this relentless pursuit.