
My Ruthless System

All his life Fang Yuan had always found it hard to sympathize others which made him an outcast but overtime he learned to fake it because it was the only way he could survive in life, but then he got a system one that finally made it so that he could get stronger by being ruthless... P.S. I won’t upload to much since I’m still in school and I’m not doing this professionally so it might not be that great.

IMoney · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 15: I ‘Like’ You

A Petite girl seemed to be talking with a young boy the boy was smiling and blushing, it was a peaceful scene but if anyone knew what the boy was thinking they'd be horrified for his thoughts were laced with malicious intent.

The young boy was Dexter and the petite girl was Temmy.

Dexter had talked with Nathan, Ark, Tyren, Ben, and Primrose before asking to talk with Temmy alone. The others wiggled their eyebrows thinking that Dexter had a little crush on Temmy.

"Um, I think your really pretty" Dexter stuttered out like a shy little boy.

"Thank you, what do you have a crush on me now~" Temmy said with a playful smile that showed she was confident of the subject.

"Temmy, I-I like you..." Dexter said quickly seeming as though he were afraid that if he waited any longer he would be unable to tell her.

"Are you sure we only met today, what do you even know about me" Temmy said as if questioning his intentions.

"Your in my World Knowledge (World Knowledge reaches them how to survive in case they are unable to use magic) class, I thought you were really pretty and you seemed really nice and ever since I've had a crush on you." Dexter confessed.

"So you've liked me for over a year?" Temmy said doubtfully.

"I haven't dated or asked anyone out because your the one I like, Will you please go out with me?" Dexter said nervously.

Temmy chuckled before saying "I need to get to know you I need to see if you really like me, but if we get along well and I like you then yes we can date."

"I can't wait what do you want to do?" Dexter said obvious excitement displayed on his face.

The two of them told Nathan and his friend group that they were going to hangout together so they'll see them tomorrow.

Dexter's Plan was simple he had to make Temmy fall in love with him so that he can find any lesser noble suitors that are into her and kill them.

Temmy was a bit of a psycho and if she loved him and she thought he loved her well then she would help him kill them thinking that he was doing it because he was jealous of course he couldn't show her that he was eating them.

But first he had to make her fall in love with him.