
My Ruthless Girlfriend

Amara Brown found out she has roots in the Mafia world, abandoning the family she does not feel connected with, she joins the Mafia and through hardwork becomes their gang leader, Amara Russo. Kidnapping, Murdering, Making people disappear, smuggling were the only things she knew. Her life turns topsy turvy when a new member joins their gang. He looks poor, pitiful and arrogant, but has good combat skills. Was he really like how he looks like or there is more to it? This was the question that kept bothering Amara since she met him ... "What happened? Why are you worried?" Joshua asked Amara. "That guy keeps staring at me, as if he knows who I am" "Maybe you are overthinking?" "No, his glance followed me wherever I went. I think our identities are compromised" "No, they won't be" "How?" "I am sorry Amara, just act along for five minutes." "Wha..." Amara couldn't complete her question as he sealed her lips with his. ... When Amara realizes one of her loyal people is hell bent on killing her to gain her position, she has to break the promise she made. What will she do? Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and if the creator has an issue with it please let me know, I'll remove it. Also, this story is a pure work of fiction

Mystical_night · Urban
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238 Chs

So? Can I join you?

The owner's eyes widened in shock, his diamond bag which he cares for more than his own life was in someone else's hands, he didn't understand how this man got hold of the bag of diamonds he has been protecting so well.

 "My diamonds, where did you get my diamonds from?" The owner shouted at the new guy not caring about the Russo gang who were all standing in shock.

 Amara was the only person who was unaffected and looked at the new guy indifferently. Inside, she too was curious and was really surprised but during her training, one of the most important lessons were never show your thoughts, no matter what you think and what you are feeling, it should be never seen on you face and one should not be able to see through you and Amara aced this skill so she was able to hide her real emotions under her fake façade.

 The new guy chuckled seeing Amara's expressionless face, "You are really surprised aren't you and just pretending to be unaffected, right?" he straightforwardly asked.

 Amara ignored him and didn't say anything although she thought, 'Who the fuck is he? Why is he able to see through me?' and continued her indifferent attitude.

 Understanding that he won't be able to change her expression, the new guy gave up on her and focused his attention back on the owner.

"So, Life or Diamonds?" He again asked the owner.

The owner sighed and answered, "Take away my life, what's the point in living without these diamonds." He looked as if he gave up on the will to live.

The new guy threw the pouch towards Carl, who quickly caught it.

Carl opened the pouch and checked the diamonds, he could see all the diamonds were intact and he slightly nodded at Amara that these are indeed the diamonds they came for.

The new guy then leaned towards the owner and sat on one knee, "The diamonds are already gone, if anything about this incident gets out, you will be killed the next moment, live your life peacefully and shut your mouth, understood?" he said in a low voice but everyone in the room could hear it, Vic even got scared hearing his threatening words.

The old man nodded in agreement although he didn't care about his life or anything else.

"We can't let him live like this." Jim opposed the new guy's ways.

"Don't worry, he is traumatized, after few days he himself will commit suicide and die, why do you want to get blood on your hands?" the new guy retorted.

Jim was shocked and didn't know what to say so he looked at Amara.

"Let's go back," Amara coldly instructed.

The meaning was clear, they got the diamonds back and there was no need to kill the owner and she too agreed with the theory of this new guy and she headed straight towards outside to the car where Dan was waiting in the car for them.

The new guy quickly followed Amara and asked, "So? Can I join you?"