
Chapter 68 The suicide

"I don’t know," Erica said, letting out a sigh of dismay. "What I heard from Dario was that the father-in-law was very strict with Blaze. He even threw him in the water, tying him up with a rock, because Blaze refused to obey him. When the pack members pulled him out of the water, he was not breathing. Everyone thought he was dead. Luckily, the pack doctor saved him."

Triana shuddered at the revelation. She couldn’t even fathom the horror that young Blaze had gone through. She wondered how a father could be so cruel to his son.

"To escape from his control, Blaze became independent at the age of sixteen. Later on, he established his pack. After he left, his mother became gravely ill. The doctor couldn’t cure her illness. The father-in-law took the mother-in-law to a mysterious witch for treatment after marrying Blaze with Alma. He has not returned since. Dario has been looking after the pack ever since."