
My Royal Gay Wedding, A Crown Prince and A Prince [BL]

Crown Prince James Reymolds felt love in an unusual set-up, with another Prince, Raphael of Ayatullah. A relationship that shaken the foundation of Royal Families during that era. It urge several military and political struggles, those years also brought pain and tears to the couple for losing families and loyal friends caused by territorial expansions of neighboring countries when He took the Kingship. But this struggles reshape and redefine Monarchy when the relationship was accepted by the people which made possible by acceptance for the people. Witness the genesis of a new Kingdom.

Daoist3pCCW7 · LGBT+
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13 Chs

The Royal Decree

I am sitting in the throne of the Kingdom of Akazia while looking at this man as he walks the aisle. I started being me because of this man. I learned to accept the things I can't change because of him. I never thought that this day will come, a day for this man to finally be part of the House of Akazia, a country I am ruling for years now. Wearing his official wardrobe as consort shows his masculinity and his authority. I know that many members of the court are against this. My aunt, whose serving as the duchess and my official representative in the court told me that many of the ministers are still on the conservative ways of life. She just managed to convince the ruling scholars to support my relationship. This issue of acceptance had started since my Grandfather passed away and I took the throne of Akazia. I still remember how did it all started.

***(A flashback)***

It was the winter solstice offerings hosted by the Kingdom of Shuck, the southern most plateau of the country. "The Grand ball will now start in few minutes." the announcer said. This event was participated by all Princes and Princesses of the country. All were seating in their respective tables. As usual, being the only son from Baltimore, I occupy the table alone. Everyone is happy to see each other in this event. I remember that this was the first time we officially showed to the public about our intimate relationship. "Your majesty, flowers for you." my secretary handed. "Oh, from whom?" I asked. Marlon just look at the table of Ayatullah where Raphael is smiling and looking towards us. I just smiled, get the flowers and smelled. His sweetness is in the air making me smile throughout the night. "You may have you first dance!" the host said.

I am actually pre-occupied by the issues in my court during those period and only Raphael can make me smile. I didn't go for the first call to dance. This was the time that I am still new in my throne as King of Akazia. I am just holding my glass of wine and looking at it. I was thinking that I need to secure my authority and see to it that I manage the country left by my grandfather to me. "Your majesty. It's already the last dance for the Grand ball." Marlon reminded me. I was thinking whom to pick for that dance when Raphael came and "Can we dance?" as he knelt while asking for my hand. "Stand up, some are looking at us now." I scolded him with a soft voice while looking around but Raphael keeps on kneeling as if his teasing me. I look at his eyes which were begging me to give him a dance. "Please stand now. See everyone is looking at us now." I asked again while trying to convince him. But he held my hand and say "Please, can we dance?". "Your majesty?" My secretary uttered. I am so shy, I am blushing all the way but have no choice but to accept his offer. I hold his hand and he escorted me to the Hall.

All were dancing but when they realized that I am dancing with Prince Raphael, other are smiling and some where shocked. I am just looking at Raphael's chest while my hands were in his shoulder. I am shaking but I have no choice but I did this for me not to offend Raphael in public. I don't know why I didn;t consider what other royals may think about me. "Why? Are you shy?" He asked. "No, it's just that I am not prepared for this." I answered. I know that he's feeling my shaking body for his hands are in my hips. "I want to show everyone that I am happy for us." He said. I don't understand why instead of feeling angry for making me feel uncomfortable in public, I feel so happy with him. We are still talking when I notice that everyone returned to their seats leaving us in the center dancing together. "Let's go." I whispered. "Oh, yeah its already done. I love you." He whispered back. After the last dance, i left and go to my quarter.

The following day, I decided to walk around. Accidentally I heard some servants talking. "He asked Prince James for a dance. He is so brave right? How I wish i could find one too." The first servant said. "But do you think he love the Crown Prince? Remember, Prince James is King James X when outside Aseana. He is a king of a country." The second servant asked. "Maybe he is only after Prince James' wealth and power. I was told that he is last in the succession of the Kingdom of Ayatullah." The other servant answered. "But I disagree. Why would both royal houses allowed the said relationship when its about wealth and power?". They were still talking when they see me walking near them. They all bow their heads and "Your Majesty." At that point I am trying to control my emotions and keeping my composure. I continued towards the garden where I saw Raphael walking. I walk faster to avoid him when "Your majesty?!" he called. I just look at him and smiled.

I walk towards the corner where no one is looking at us. "Why?" he asked. "Please, let us not make things complicated here. I am begging you." I answered. "I hate what I am hearing and what I am seeing here now. I love you and I know you love me more than I know. Would this be not enough for the two of us? Do we need to announce it and let the world know?" I added. He hold my hands and look at me. His eyes were so determined to let others know. "I am doing this to put an end with all this speculations about us. I have heard enough upon my arrival here the other day. Servants and other members on the nobility were murmuring about us when they saw me. I don't want this situation of us affects you and your reputation. I don't want to be a burden to your reign. I just want to always take good care of you, to make you smile and happy because I love you." he replied sincerely while embracing me. "I understand your concern, but do we really have to do this? I also hate what I am hearing because they are making you the bad guy who's only keeping this relationship and who's taking advantage of what I have. I know these are not true but I can't sacrifice you too." I answered. "Don't worry so much okay? Let's just act like we usually do. We only have until tomorrow here okay?" He asked. At that time, I know it would not change his mind, so I just do what he asked me to do. I act normally as the Crown Prince who's friendly, cheerful and understanding to everyone.

The following day, we are all set to go back to our respective kingdoms. I am busy reading "The Sunrise" a locally published newspaper when Raphael arrived. My secretary and all the servants leave us. "Well, I came to have my kiss before going back home." he said while approaching me. "We can manage all of this, as long as we are together okay? Trust me." he uttered then hugged me tightly. I know he came to comfort me after reading the cover story of the newspaper which indirectly describes our relationship.

***(End of Flashback)***

Raphael sat in the prepared throne in the right side of the hall few steps away from me. "And now, we shall now start the ceremony!" The head of the ministry for ceremonial rights announced. I hand over the Royal Scroll to secretary Shen and handed it to the First Minister. "I, King James X of the House of Akazia hereby decreed that Prince Raphael, from the Kingdom of Ayatullah in the United Kingdom of Asean, to be the Official Prince Consort to the King! Let this be known in all the lands of the Kingdom!" he read. Raphael accepted the decree. My Aunt Ma. Catherine put his official crown. Everyone in the hall bowed their head, "Our congratulations to Prince Raphael, May you live longer and stronger!"

"I also assigned him as co-principality to the throne of Akazia!" I ordered. I can see among the faces of the ruling court that majority where shocked. This decision gives Prince Raphael the right to seat in the court and decide for the country with my Aunt. I have been talking and consulting my aunt on how can I bring Raphael closer to the people and this was the agreement we have. I have to do this before our official wedding.

During the dinner, "I am happy for this. Welcome to the family!" My aunt said to Raphael. "My congratulations to my brother and I am indebted to the House of Akazia and Baltimore for giving us this favor." Crown Prince Reuz said. "Our heartfelt gratitude!" King Raffy seconded. "I hope my son would be of great help to you and to the people of Akazia" Queen Roan uttered. "Let's celebrate for we are family, and we both embraces each other. Prince Consort Raphael will be treated with the most respect and trust from both houses of Akazia and Baltimore." my father, King Constante said. It was full of laughter throughout the dinner.

I just went out from taking shower when Marlon entered my chamber with a bunch of flowers. "Your majesty! These are gardenia flowers sent by Prince Consort Raphael." he said while smiling. "I have prepared the ginger tea for you your majesty." he added. "Thanks Marlon for always taking care of me." I uttered. "I am honored to serve you, Your majesty. And It will also be mg pleasure to serve our Prince Consort." he replied. I took the tea cup and walk towards the window, I can see the light along the seashores. Raphael entered the room silently and asked Marlon to leave. "How i wish I can freely rove around the seaside." I uttered when Raphael hugged me from my back. "Oh, honey." I said. "How can you just rest like this without at least calling for your husband? Tonight seemed to be our wedding night here." He said while smiling at me. "I look directly at him, held his soft cheeks, "Well, if that's your order, I will serve you tonight." I replied with a big smile. He hugged me tighter, "Can we just stay like this a little longer. I love you."

When I laid in bed right next to Raphael, he asked me if it is necessary for me to be coregent to the throne. "Yes it is necessary. We both must rule and look after our people. Can you promise me to be the best father for all the people of our country?" I asked. "Honey, you don't have to ask for that. I am the father of all the children in in our kingdom and I thank you for bringing them to me." He replied. "But can we have our own now?" he asked while teasing me.

The next day, "But the Royal court of Akazia must be governed by the people of Akazia." The Second Minister said to My Aunt. "Yes, you are right with that. And Prince Consort Raphael is the husband of the King, He is a people of Akazia." she replied. "But how can we..." the minister about to answer when I entered my aunts office, "But how can we know whether he deserve s to be called Akazian when you are not open enough to give him the chance? He has been assisting me in all my decisions in the past. He cared for the kids, the mothers, fathers and everyone in Akazia." I answered. The minister bowed his head. "I respect your concerns towards the throne and the royal family, but these are matters that should be discussed with proper offices by proper officials. Matters of the royal house doesn't concern the court." I added. "Minister, I advise you to go out and observed the reaction of our people towards the Prince Consort, ask the governors of the 7 provinces and if you see one of them against my decision, you're free to bring this matter to the court." I ordered.

I asked my aunt to have some private talk that's why the minister left. "Father has never made a wrong decision, you're like a Lion my dear and I am so proud of you." my aunt praised me. "ha ha ha. you make me laugh aunt." I replied. "But your point are sharp enough my dear. You have a reasoning that no one can argue with, always remember that your words are the law of the land and now you are sharing that with Prince Consort Raphael." she said. "I am grateful to you more than anyone for accepting us, Aunt you're the best person who came to our life." I said. "Don't make me cry now my dear, you're our only child and the most precious gift we have, we want all the best for you and happiness too. We are here, I know it is very difficult for you to manage the political affairs of Akazia and Baltimore but always remember that I am here, your husband is here, we are all here okay?. Let's look forward to the wedding." she added.

I am glad that all the newspapers in the land and neighboring countries are congratulating the Royal House of Akazia for this occasion. I also saw how happy our people when I and Prince Raphael greeted them in the Palace Terrace this morning.