
My Routine in FGO (Translated)

Author : 夏洛克 Synopsis : My name is Hyakki Ryuji, I am an ordinary Japanese high school student and Master Chaldea. After successfully recovering from the Human Order Incineration Incident, I returned to my daily life… What nonsense! There is a little girl in the family, and he has to face the poison tongue of his seniors every day. He has a childhood friend with a very low sense of presence, and he has to take care of a girl who doesn’t understand anything and a little sister who lost her mother! My God, is this a normal daily routine? I think it’s more reliable to recover the Human Order Incineration Incident! Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Your 1$ donation is worth it: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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901 Chs

Chapter 880

"Will there be a parent-child conference in the end?" Ryuji pinched his eyebrows.

  Tohru looked down like a child who had done something wrong.

  "Sorry, Ryuji-sama, I was worried you wouldn't come after I told you."

  Ryuji touched Tohru's head and said, "Is my image in Tohru's heart so bad?"

  "No!" Tohru explained worriedly.

  "Even if you told me beforehand, I would have come, whether it was for Kanna or for you!"

  "Ryuji-sama…" Tohru's face quickly turned red, and she couldn't stop the emotions in her heart.

  "Okay, let's go out too," Ryuji patted Tohru.

  He held Kanna and Tohru's hands, like a young family of three.

  Kanna blinked and didn't know what she was thinking.


  To put it simply, parent-child conferences are where parents and children participate in games together, and the winning family can get a lot of prizes... Little red flowers.

  "The content of the first half is – two people running three feet!" The presenter announces the content of the game.

  It is said that there are two people and three legs, but in fact there are three people participating.

  Mother, father and children.

  This is a great game for kids to get stuck between their parents.

  Ryuji reminded Kanna and Tohru.

  "Just have fun later, don't attract too much attention!"

  After all, both of them were dragons and could easily attract the attention of ordinary people.

  The last time Tohru went shopping, she used her speed and super strength to catch a thief. Fortunately, the group of people didn't feel anything wrong.

  "Hold me~!" Tohru patted her chest confidently.

  "I want a small red flower," Kanna looked full of fighting spirit.

  "You are a dragon, you sure like shiny things!"

  "I like them all!" Kanna blinked her innocent eyes.

  So, who says children only make choices?

  This three-legged game consists of two people and is played in groups, with five families at once.

  Soon it was Ryuji's turn, and Saikawa who was close to Kanna, was also together.

  "Kanna-chan, I won't admit defeat!" Saikawa said to Kanna.

  Maybe she wanted to prove herself because of her good relationship, similar to a strange friendship with a boy.


  In comparison, Kanna's response was rather bland.

  "Woooooo!" Saikawa thought he had been seen through.

  "It's okay, Kanna is always like this, she didn't mean that," Tohru knelt down and patted Saikawa's head.

  She learned this trick from Ryuji, and it is very effective against children.

  Saikawa is still a child, she laughs as quickly as she cries.

  "Parents, you can start preparing," Said the referee.

  Ryuji tied his and Kanna's legs together, then tied them to Tohru and Kanna.

  Seeing Ryuji squatting in front of her, Tohru shyly covered her cheeks and laughed "hehe".

  Maybe thinking about the proposal scene in their world.

  "Remember not to overdo it," Ryuji was worried and reminded her again.

  "Don't worry, Ryuji-sama!"

  Tohru took the starting position.

  "No, I was just worried because it was you," Ryuji held his forehead.

  When the referee gave the order, Tohru immediately shot like an arrow.

  The speed is very fast, five times the speed of ordinary people who are deliberately suppressed.

  Kanna's thick little legs followed Tohru's steps. Both of them had a good understanding of each other, and they were both three-legged veterans.

  However... They were the only ones running.

  Ryuji stood still, feeling uncomfortable looking at the two people who were almost at the end.

  (I told you to act normal!)

  The rope on his feet had been torn at first, if he wasn't strong enough, he might have been dragged down!

  The other parent-child groups were stunned and even forgot to leave.

  "Good, first place!"

  Tohru crosses the finish line first and cheers.

  "Yes!" Kanna raised her small hand like Tohru.

  "Um, this madam..." The staff member stopped Tohru.

  "Ah, that's so annoying. I've never done that before..." Tohru realized she had almost spilled her words mid-sentence, so she quickly corrected her, "Yes, I'm Kanna's mom!"

  The acting was so exaggerated that people didn't know how to complain.

  "Um, actually you're not number one."

  "Why, do you think we are easy to bully?" Tohru's eyes flashed sharply.


  The staff were so scared that they almost cried.

  "But, but this competition requires three people to participate, and now you only have two…" The staff said sadly.


  Tohru finally remembers what she had forgotten!

  "Where is Ryuji-sama?!"

"I'm here." Ryuji made a helpless voice, and he didn't know when he appeared behind the stick.

  "Is it okay now?" Ryuji asked.

  "No…" The staff member almost cried. Today they met a strange family!

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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