
My Routine in FGO (Translated)

Author : 夏洛克 Synopsis : My name is Hyakki Ryuji, I am an ordinary Japanese high school student and Master Chaldea. After successfully recovering from the Human Order Incineration Incident, I returned to my daily life… What nonsense! There is a little girl in the family, and he has to face the poison tongue of his seniors every day. He has a childhood friend with a very low sense of presence, and he has to take care of a girl who doesn’t understand anything and a little sister who lost her mother! My God, is this a normal daily routine? I think it’s more reliable to recover the Human Order Incineration Incident! Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Your 1$ donation is worth it: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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901 Chs

Chapter 576

Back at home, Ryuji looked at the new contact information on his cell phone, a wry smile on his lips.

  Fucking a girl on his first day in a new world, is that his problem or the world's problem!


  The next day, Akihito helps Ryuji complete the transfer procedures. The new school is Minehara Private High School in the same area.

  "You don't need to go to school today, just rest at home." Akihito said, "It just so happens that my partner will be bringing her two daughters over to our house for dinner today."

  Ryuji was surprised and nodded, "Yes."

  There was no need to go to class in the afternoon, Akihito went to work, and Ryuji went around to familiarize himself with the environment.

  He doesn't like living with strangers, even Akihito is a stranger to him.

  So he's going to buy a house.

  In a different world, there is a slight change in currency, and the money detector will detect its authenticity after checking.

  Luckily, gold is a common commodity everywhere, and the Gate of Babylon comes in handy.

  Picking up too much gold at once raises suspicions, but Ryuji has some Magecraft, and is easily exchanged for large amounts of cash.

  It's about 50 million yen, not too much or too little.

  Ryuji finds a real estate agent and prepares to buy a house.

  "Sir, how big is the house you are going to buy?"

  Ryuji lived alone, and originally wanted to buy one bedroom and one living room, but a beautiful blue image came to mind.

  "Three rooms."

  The middleman quickly cleared the formalities, and Ryuji left some extra money for them to buy furniture.

  Thanks to having a reasonable identity in this world, it was much more convenient to do things.

  After the house matters were resolved, Ryuji planned to take a taxi home, but he couldn't even catch one.

  "Isn't it very expensive to take a taxi, and people's standard of living has improved now?" Ryuji complained.

  In the end, he chose the most common means of transportation used by Japanese society, the train.

  Although it has been a long time since he took the train, but basic common sense has not been forgotten. Ryuji bought a ticket to enter the station.

  Suddenly, a beautiful figure passed by, and Ryuji was instantly attracted.

  "No, are there problems in this world? It's too revealing!"

  Ryuji's eyes widened, if he looked at it properly, there was a beautiful girl dressed like a bunny girl in front of him.

  Thinking of Tachibana Rui yesterday, plus the station bunny girl in front of him... After all, the world has its own characteristics, and it can't be understood that the customs of the people are exposed.

  Sensing Ryuji's gaze, the bunny girl turned her head and glanced at him.

  Ryuji looked away slightly embarrassed, even if it was a bunny girl, it was too impolite to stare like this all the time.

  The bunny girl walked towards Ryuji and stood beside Ryuji.

  Ryuji's eyes couldn't help but fall down.

  Damn it, how evil!

  Peeking was low level behavior, Ryuji disdained doing it, so he watched it openly.

   Ryuji's gaze was so blatant, the bunny girl finally couldn't help but say, "Can you see me?"

  Ryuji didn't know why, but he still nodded, "Of course."

  The bunny girl was confused and said, "Why can you see it?"

  Ryuji was confused, "Maybe because..."

  The bunny girl was looking forward to his next words, perhaps she could find a clue to her lost sense of existence.

  "Because I have eyes."

  Ryuji's words almost made the bunny girl go berserk, who doesn't have eyes!

  "Even if your clothes look good, don't linger in a place like the station. This isn't just a game," Ryuji reminded kindly.

  As he was about to leave, the bunny girl stopped him.


  This scene was somehow familiar, after all, Ryuji experienced almost the same thing yesterday.

  "Why?" Ryuji had a strange expression.

  "Humph." The bunny girl took a deep breath and said, "You should know me, as you can see I am Sakurajima Mai."

  Ryuji looked confused "Sorry, are you famous?"

  Mai was taken aback for a moment, maybe because she didn't expect that there were still people in this city who didn't know her.

  Mai had a strong self-esteem, gritted her teeth and asked, "Don't you even watch TV?"

  "I really don't watch much TV." Ryuji smiled wryly.

  He probably understood that the Mai in front of him should be a public figure, but it was a pity that he didn't know much about this world.

  Mai was speechless, even if the man didn't watch TV, he must have heard of her name to some extent.

  "Forget it, this kind of thing is not important." Mai said: "You should see it, no one else can see me except you."

If Mai was a celebrity, just standing in a station with lots of traffic would cause a sensation, not to mention the status of a bunny girl.