
My Routine in FGO (Translated)

Author : 夏洛克 Synopsis : My name is Hyakki Ryuji, I am an ordinary Japanese high school student and Master Chaldea. After successfully recovering from the Human Order Incineration Incident, I returned to my daily life… What nonsense! There is a little girl in the family, and he has to face the poison tongue of his seniors every day. He has a childhood friend with a very low sense of presence, and he has to take care of a girl who doesn’t understand anything and a little sister who lost her mother! My God, is this a normal daily routine? I think it’s more reliable to recover the Human Order Incineration Incident! Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Your 1$ donation is worth it: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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901 Chs

Chapter 24

"I remember, Eriri, isn't your house here?" On the way home from school, Eriri walked with Ryuji, which made him feel a little strange.

  Eriri's father is a British diplomat, and she has a large house in Chiba, and Ryuji is lucky enough to be a visitor.

  "I want you to take care it!" Eriri was like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, showing her tiny canines, so ferocious!

  Ryuji spread his arms helplessly, and said: "It's true that I don't need to care, but I won't walk you home after dark." Ryuji stated that he deserved to be single for the rest of his life.

  "You bastards!" Eriri stepped forward to attack Ryuji in a twintail, and a beautiful golden twintail slapped Ryuji.

  Too naive!

  Ryuji sneered, did he think that he would fall into such a stupid move, he underestimated the Magus too much!

  Using both left and right hands, Ryuji firmly grasped Eriri's twintail!


  Ryuji didn't use any strength, but Eriri still screamed in pain, she was a girl after all.

  The twintail snagged, and Eriri instinctively leaned forward in pain, but an unexpected scene occurred.

  Of course, it wasn't possible to kiss directly like in the TV series, Eriri just bumped into Ryuji's arm.

  With their childhood friend relationship, such an intimate act was completely fine, this was Ryuji's idea.

  Relying on this collision, Ryuji and Eriri shortened the distance, on a physical level. Right now, the two of them face to face didn't exceed 10 centimeters, and they could even feel each other's breath.

  Eriri's cheeks were red, according to her previous personality, she should have lost her temper by now, but surprisingly, she was very quiet now.

  Ryuji's hand holding the girl's ponytail had loosened, and his hand naturally and skillfully wrapped around Eriri's waist, would be the best choice for a kiss in such an atmosphere.

  "I'm sorry just now!"

  However, Ryuji didn't make the best choice, what he wanted wasn't to attack his childhood friend in his everyday life!

  "You're an idiot!" Eriri turned around angrily. Just now, she had almost pretended to close her eyes and asked for a kiss. This person is a total idiot!

  There was a rustling sound around them, it turned out that Mashiro took out a pen and paper and started drawing.

  "Is that Mashiro's painting?" Ryuji asked.

  Mashiro stopped the brush in her hand and put the paper down. On it was a picture of Ryuji and Eriri who had just embraced each other. Under Mashiro's excellent painting skills, Ryuji could even see the embarrassment on Eriri's face.

  It's also drawn too fast! Ryuji complained inside his heart.

  Eriri also saw the painting, and her face that had been looking down became red again, and she took the drawing paper in Mashiro's hand and ran away.

  "Damn it Ryuji, remember this!" Eriri's embarrassed and angry screams came from a distance.

  "The painting is taken." Mashiro's hand was still there, with a serene expression on her face, which looked cute.

  "Just draw another picture." Ryuji said with a smile, "But why did Mashiro draw the scenery just now?"

  Mashiro replied: "Ayano said that she wanted to add some intense scenes to the manga."

  Iida Ayano, Mashiro's manga editor, met when Mashiro contributed to the manga newcomer award a year ago.

  The manga's newcomer award Mashiro no doubt loses out, but due to her excellent drawing skills, Ayano appreciates her, and the two have been in frequent contact over the past year.

  "I think I need to meet with your editor." The corners of Ryuji's mouth twitched, and he said this in a guard tone.

  When the two returned home, it was past 6 p.m.

  As soon as Ryuji entered the door, he heard the sound of Sagiri stamping her feet, it seemed she was starving.

  "Wait a minute, I'll be cooking soon." Ryuji said upstairs, and walked into the kitchen with the ingredients.

  However, after he entered the kitchen, Mashiro did not return to the room to draw as usual, but went up to the second floor.

  She came to the door of Sagiri's room, reached out and knocked on the door.

  No one answered.

  In the room, Sagiri saw that it was Mashiro through cat eyes, and instead of opening the door, she locked it firmly.

  Even Mashiro can't change her shy nature.




  "You suck!" Sagiri couldn't take it anymore, how could someone keep knocking on the door without saying a word?

  "Because the door won't open," Mashiro said without hesitation when she heard Sagiri's voice.


  "You've had enough!" Finally, Sagiri couldn't take it anymore, and opened the door, revealing her head of silver hair, looking at Mashiro warily.

  "What is it!" After all, it was Sagiri, and even though she tried her best to speak, her voice still wasn't loud.

  Even Mashiro, as long as she appears in the real world, she is her enemy!

  "I want to see my little sister." Mashiro often held Sagiri, raised her thumb, and said, "So cute."

  But what responded was a closed door.

  Obviously, a compliment that would suit most women didn't suit Sagiri.