
My Rose on Fire

heyyy my name is Fire Matteo Andrei I've lusted after this one girl since i met her i would die for this girl, i feel empty without her I have one question to this girl would you die for me?

Lieutenant_Fire · Urban
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73 Chs


Ah math class best place to space out & day dream about girls one girl in particular Ruby, the first person to show any kindness to me in years shes perfect, shes funny, she will be mine..

"mr Mateo are you done daydreaming," the teacher puts his hand on my shoulder.

"sure,"i muttered

Those fucking idiots always judge me never more they shalt laugh and judge, once im with her I'll be complete.

"That's the bell time for lunch," the teacher said.

"Im never gonna be good for her," i say as i cut deep into my arm, "merde I'll never be," the blood trickled like tears on a victim my sleave now covered in blood "shite," the pain was overwhelmed by the please.

I roll my sleave into my hoodie and enter the cafeteria, i see her sitting there happy smiling relishing in perfection. Without realizing i bumped into a random girl "shit, im sorry let me help you up i'll pay for your spilt drink," i mutter.

"Hey it's allright you dont have to pay for it," the girl says.

"I insist it was my fault," I say in a slightly louder murmur

"if you insist my name is Yuri and yours?" the girl who supposedly called Yuri says

"Fire, im from Britain," i muttered

"nice to meet you where do you normally sit," Yuri says whilst fiddling with her hair.

"anywhere dont have any friends just sit there and draw with my headphones on," I say slightly more confident.

"you could sit with me if you want to i dont care if not," she says

"A you mean you do care and B Sure," i say.

We sit down on a table with no one on it but i still had my eyes on Ruby. I take out my can of bitter shandy from ole blighty and my sketch book. I start sketching Yuri her cinnamon coloured hair her bright blue eyes, I sip my shandy but i every time i do Yuri stares lustful into my eyes trying not to make this any awkward i evert my eyes back onto the book. "Hey is that a drawing of me?" she inquires

" Yes and you think its rubbish I've heard all of 'em," i say

"No i love it may i have a look?" she inquires again,

I reluctantly hand the sketch over, she studies it for a couple seconds in complete amazement.

"I love it can i keep it please?" she asks with excitement

"sure," i say, i began to carefully tear the drawing and hand it over.