
The winner

“Miss I already picked the girls I want you are not one of them," Pete said

All the girls start murmuring.         

“Girls let beat Pete after this competition after all those running he choose only a few of us to move to the next level," Mirabel said and all the girls nodded in agreement.

“Now for the second stage, miss Anna come and tell us Davis favourite colour and his best friend"

Anna walks to Pete wearing a new short track.

“His favourite colour is blue, his best friend is Cole," Anna said smiling Pete take the mic from her and ask the other 8 girls one after the other it’s Bianca’s turn

“His best colour is white, he doesn’t have a best friend" she stated bluntly

“What!!" Anna opens her mouth wide in surprise. 

“(clear throats) Bianca is correct she is the winner of the first two stages," Pete said

All the girls give Bianca a bad glare

In the final stage, I will blindfold Davis he will pick a girl out of you guys

Pete ties Davis's eye.

“I can see Bianca" Davis muttered

“How can you see her?" Pete ask leaving the clothe

“I ask your friend to bring a transparent white cloth, so I can see and choose Bianca," Davis said smirking

“You must really love this girl, that you are even willing to cheat for her I will make sure Bianca don’t win all the three stages next time," Pete said

“Girls go to Davis one after the other he will pick one of you," Pete said

Anna walk to Davis she touches his face and whispers in a low tone "it’s me, Anna Davis choose me," he smiles in a bad way.

Bianca come she stand in front of Davis and he holds her hand

“I choose this girl" Davis stated and Pete remove his blindfold 

" And Bianca also wins this round" he stated and Anna grunt and angrily walk out of the field.

“The competition is over," Pete said and everyone leaves he walks to Davis and Bianca, and help Davis to his room.

                                                              Bianca’s POV

Am I the only one seeing this Pete and Davis have become close friends, I wonder how Davis manage to identify me blindfolded our love is strong I said to myself and smile.

“Thanks, Pete you can go now," Davis said laying on the bed.

“Okay man are you going to pick one of those beautiful damsels for me," he said and we all laugh.

I bring out Davis medicine and put it in his mouth, I give him water to drink and he gulps up the medicine. and he walks out.

“Dave I use to wish me and my prince charming will watch a movie together hold hands and eat popcorn," I said looking at Davis

“Baby am tired right now we will do that when I recover okay don’t be sad," Davis said touching my face

“I was wondering how do you manage to identify me blindfolded I ask looking at him" and he chuckles

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