
Sport drama



                                                               Authors' Point of View


In the basketball court.


Davis Davis Davis, students applaud


"This is Miss Information reporting to you life on the school's sports channel. I am Tomika Whites. Davis is twisting the ball like a twisting king. His handsomeness says it all. Let's ask his roommate about him." she beamed.


They walked to Bianca, who was glaring at them with her hand folded.


"Miss Bianca how can you say your roommate is a basketball king." she inquired putting the mouth in Bianca's mouth. 


"Common estas" ( how are you) Bianca says Spanish, walking away from the camera 


"Miss, what did you just say?" Miss information asks


"Forget it, take your camera off my face." Bianca stated coldly.


Bianca walks to the other side of the field. 


"Wow what an attitude. i think they got into a fight or something today. Bianca is not even cheering. Here comes Anna."


"Hello, peps." Anna waves to the camera.


"So what do you have to say about Davis's performance?" miss information asks


"He is dashing and strong," Anna replied.


"You guys will make a perfect couple."  miss information commented, taking away the camera.


"I wouldn't say that." Anna chuckles and sits in front of the field.


Anna waves Davis smiling endlessly at him, and he looks at her and then looks away.

Cole waves at Anna, but she ignores him.


In the field.


"Cole, I think she doesn't like you." Davis said, blocking his opponent.


"She does. She is just too shy that a handsome guy like myself would notice her." Cole said he was taking the ball from the opponent .


"Okay, man, enough of the chit chat." Davis said she put the ball in the nest.


..... The guys are done playing basketball, and the girls run into the field in their short sexy sport dresses.


"Girl's block" Bianca, this game is mine to win. " Anna said to her friends.


"OK boss ( they chorused)


The girls set off to run, and a rope caught Anna's leg and dragged her backwards while Bianca and the other girls tookoff.


"Bianca, this is cheating!!" Anna yells in anger, gnashing her teeth.


"It's not cheating; it's called winning." Bianca replied, and continued running, increasing her speed.


"Boss, that girl is smart. She is not meant to be messed with." Anna's friend Mary said


"Do you mean i am dull, get me out of here let me give her a piece of my mind." she scoffed. 



"Bro, why aren't you cheering for Bianca? Is there something wrong?" Cole asked, looking at Bianca running lustfully.


"Am i a girl? Girls do the cheering, not boys. " Davis shrugged with a cold face.


"Okay if you say so, but i think something is wrong with those two." Cole muttered to himself.


Bianca wins the race, and walks to Anna. , Anna rushes to her, and they both start fighting, dragging each other's hair and making silly noises. Cole enjoys the fight from afar, but Davis stands up and runs to them.


He carries Bianca on his shoulder ..


" Davis put me down; my panties will show." Bianca lamented, hitting his back continuously.


Anna's friends help her to arrange her messed up hair and ruined makeup. 


Davis pushed Bianca into their hostel and held the door knob.


"Let me out of here!!" she protested, banging the door continuously from the inside. Davis let go of the doorknob and walked to the field. 




                                                         Authors POV


In the field


Davis walks to Cole on the basketball court.


"Bro, what was that for? Why did you carry my Bianca like that? " Cole asked angrily 


"So she is your Bianca now. I thought you said you liked Anna." Davis said, sitting in a chair in the audience area.


"I don't know, but I like both of them. Arrrgh, I don't know yet." Cole lamented.


"You are a very complicated fellow," Davis remarks, tapping his shoulder.


"It's not like that anyway, Davis. Your expressions are hard to read. Do you like Bianca or ( Davis interrupts )


"She-she ( Davis stutters ) is just a roommate or a friend. He stated loudly 


Bianca heard their conversation from behind , she started sobbing, and ran back to the hostel.

Cole pretended not to see her.


"That's all i wanted to hear, Dave," Cole muttered.

"Where is Bianca, by the way?" he added.


"She is in the hostel." Davis said, looking around.


"I see, so Bianca is at the hostel, that Anna girl. I started liking her when i saw her wet, i mean soaked in slime. I nearly ran after her. She is just so sexy, Cole said, biting his lower lip seductively.


"That's a least of my problems. I need to go." Davis declared and stood up from the chair.


"Okay, man, see you around." Cole said while walking out of the field too.


                                                           Cole POV 


Why wouldn't it be the least of your problems when you are going to meet Bianca at home? You may be surprised at what's waiting for you. I don't like Davis. I only made friends with him to get to Bianca.


                                                                           Davis POV 


I walked into the hostel. As I opened our room, I slipped and fell on the floor. I got angry and realized I fell due to the wet tissues Bianca kept throwing on the floor.


Troublesome is crying. I had not seen this side of her before I sat beside her on the bed.


"Troublesome, stop crying. What's wrong." i inquired, looking keenly at her, i wonder what's making her cry.


"Leave me alone. i don't want to talk to you." she said, burying her face in the pillow.


"I will cry if you don't stop." i whined, making puppy dog eyes at her.


She raises her head from the pillow, she tries to speak, it's ( i hug her)


"Shhh, don't say anything. You don't need to tell me what is making you cry and just know that I am here for you." i muttered, stroking her hair.


I continued hugging her, i am having a butterfly feeling in my tummy right now. As I held her soft, delicate body, troublesome stopped crying and disengaged from the hug.


oh i think she is blushing. She is so cute when she is crying.


"Davis you are so thoughtful. Even though i told you not to talk to me again, you still cared about me." she muttered. forcing a smile.


"What are friends for if you thought I locked you in here forever? I am really sorry." I said, drawing my two ears and making a funny face.


She laughs with her beautiful teeth being exposed and hits me lightly on the chest.


"You are so kind." she muttered shyly, with her face red.


"Okay, enough of the crying. I need to go. Oh, I forgot to tell you something." 


"What?" she asked curiously in excitement. I moved closer to her and put my mouth in her ear and whispered


"Don't forget to pick up these dirty tissues. I said, and she burst into laughter and hit me with a pillow. I also laughed and went out of the room.


                                                                                        Bianca's pov 


Oh my cupcake is so nice and adorable, but i started crying because i couldn't help but hear cupcake calling me a friend.

I think Cole doesn't like me. He saw me standing there but he pretended not to see me. Cupcake just showed me his caring side. I am so happy. I can't wait to become his girlfriend and taste his tempting lips. I nearly kissed him just now. Why is he so handsome.


                                                                   Authors POV


At Anna hostel 


Anna and her friends are sitting on the bed, while Anna cuddles her teddy bear.


" Anna, I have a plan to get back to Bianca." Mirabel muttered.


"Tell me the plan." Anna squeals in excitement.


she whispers something in Anna's ear for some time 


"Yes, you are so smart. That's what we are going to do." Anna said with a evil smirk.


They all smiled and high-fived each other.


"Bianca Just wait, I am not weak, something is coming your way. This will teach you not to mess with me anymore. " Anna chuckles evilly and clenches her fists.